[quote="zkylon, post: 115593120"]
give zky the original pic
zky will make everything good[/QUOTE]
Thanks, both of you. :)
And there goes my winning streak (5) in ranked.
This is the only part I don't like about being the support, when people don't listen to you because you're the support or something.
I told them to don't go for lucian who is pushing top, and is about to destroy the inner tower, and instead defend the exposed inhibitor in mid that the rest of the team is going after. We would have a 4v5 fight, win, and push mid and maybe took their inhibitor, instead our top and jungler went after Lucian, died, and the enemy team destroyed us.
Then I told them to don't go baron. We only had 1 inhibitor, and I told them that the superminions WOULD destroy everything, when they were half done with baron, our nexus had half its health.
I was like I told you people, why don't you listen to me. And our Fizz was complaining with the other team that our jungler didn't listened to him. -_-
And yes, there was a vayne in my team. can you tell what rank players are?
Me and Newt want to level our smurfs (around level 10) in threes. Anyone else got one around that?
I get such garbage for LP on wins. I'll lose 20+ LP on a loss...
Then theoretically wouldn't you eventually get to your MMR, and then start gaining LP?
Leagangelion: 2.0 You Can (Not) Advanceif you dont win more than you lose why would you advance
if you dont win more than you lose why would you advance
That's not how it works. The system isn't going to forget your previous losses as soon as you start going wins over losses.Because of the ranking system.
For example let say you are bronze 5.
From Bronze 5 you go 120 wins, and 60 loss all the way up to Plat 5.
Then at plat 5 you lose 20 of your last 30 games. (66% lost rate). Because you are at plat 5 you can't drop to gold unless you are at gold 5 mmr (the rule is 5 level below your current rank).
So now by losing 66% since getting to plat 5, you drop down to gold 3, or gold 4 mmr (as long as you're not gold 5 mmr, you will never drop out of plat 5 to gold). Thus elo hell, and thus where you can win more than you lose but still gain less LP per win, until you are back at plat 5 mmr. Let say you're now plat 5, with gold 4 mmr, and you average a 51% win rate. Well 51% isn't that much and it's going to take hundreds of game for that 1% to equal enough wins for your mmr to get back into plat 5 mmr where you gain same amount of LP per win/loss.
When will euw be available again ?
all your previous wins/losses amount to your current mmr, they have no impact on future games.That's not how it works. The system isn't going to forget your previous losses as soon as you start going wins over losses.
You might be 51% over the last week but overall you might be at 40% win rate due to losing all the time to reach where you are.
If you can consistently win 51% though, eventually your total win rate will become positive then.
i have a lvl 22 account i've been wanting to level.Me and Newt want to level our smurfs (around level 10) in threes. Anyone else got one around that?
no it isn't. infact mmr rewards streaking against consistently stronger opponents because you're consisting proving the systems calculation of your skill as wrong. a 1mmr person winning against the 100mmr person would get a fairly large bonus mmr for the win compared to a loss to that person.Its statistically false if streaks were actually matter in mmr calculations
What do you guys think about Warwick ?
The worse your team is, the better he is.What do you guys think about Warwick ?
Its statistically false if streaks were actually matter in mmr calculations
As such, I doubt the lol mmr system has that implementation.
If you are 600 losses under wins and you go on a 70 game win streak you will still have a shitty mmr
The worse your team is, the better he is.
I mean in the sense that if the team fighting against Warwick knows what they're doing he will have a really hard time, if they don't he will just turn into an unstoppable does it work lol ? So he basically a supporter ?
he got to diamond 2 in the end.Best demonstration of this was watching Nightblue take a real bronze account (not an unranked, a real 500 game bronze II account) and play on it. The first 15 or so games were all wins and his LP/ranking didn't budge too much, then it started climbing at a rapid rate. By win 30 (in a row) he was playing at Plat MMR despite being Silver or low Gold. By that point he was skipping every other division and getting promo matches in like 3-4 games. He ended around Plat I after going something like 48-2.
I'm trying to learn Jungle Warwick, gonna start with 5 mana potions next time since Going Blue>Red>Regular path he can still stay on the map with enough health to not return to base, but I end up with 0 Mana aeventually :V
he got to diamond 2 in the end.
Me and Newt want to level our smurfs (around level 10) in threes. Anyone else got one around that?
Thanks for the info Garath, I've got like 4000 IP, gonna use them up to get the Atk speed runes and see how I fare.
Photo evidence of ghost minion found! While unfortunately you can not see the blue and yellow sword the cursor turned into, the ghost minion is as clear as day. Any thoughts, summoners?
what is the best way to use ashe ?
what is the best way to use ashe ?
Typical AD Carry item path:
- Doran Blade + Pot
- Vamp Scepter -> Bloodthirster OR Infinity Edge
- Phantom Dancer OR Statikk Shiv
- Last Whisper
- Bloodthirster or Infinity Edge (whichever you don't have yet)
- Defensive item (Banshee's / Guardian Angel / Randuin / Quicksilver), can be taken after Last Whisper
Skill priority is always RWQE for her.
he got to diamond 2 in the end.
![]() How does he manage to win so consistently? I mean, just last night in 2 out of 3 of my games I had an AFK teammate. In one of those 2 I had a troll that just admitted in the pre-game chat that he was going to feed...and that's exactly what he did. How do you win at that rate when it's such a crap shoot what sort of team quality you're paired up with? Is he really good enough to consistently overcome that kind of mess?
Again, it irritates me because most of my friends are in Gold and when we all play together I'm right with them, generally a bit better than my two Gold V friends and about on par with my Gold II friend. This is why I think that the MMR system is totally borked, because despite going on a 10 game win streak not too long ago, it did nothing for me and I'm still praying to the LoL gods that I don't get paired with clowns every time I queue up.