But...how? How does he manage to win so consistently? I mean, just last night in 2 out of 3 of my games I had an AFK teammate. In one of those 2 I had a troll that just admitted in the pre-game chat that he was going to feed...and that's exactly what he did. How do you win at that rate when it's such a crap shoot what sort of team quality you're paired up with? Is he really good enough to consistently overcome that kind of mess?
Again, it irritates me because most of my friends are in Gold and when we all play together I'm right with them, generally a bit better than my two Gold V friends and about on par with my Gold II friend. This is why I think that the MMR system is totally borked, because despite going on a 10 game win streak not too long ago, it did nothing for me and I'm still praying to the LoL gods that I don't get paired with clowns every time I queue up.
Yes. He was light years beyond the people he was playing with. Most games he was just abusing the opposing team early to the point where it demoralized the opponents and lifted up his team. Other than that, he was much more efficient than everyone on the map. By the end of the game he regularly had 3-4 levels on every single person and upwards of 3-4k more gold. He made himself so strong that he would carry the game every time. It almost didn't matter what his team did. He didn't rely on them in the slightest. Especially in Bronze, people just waste time a lot. He didn't and showed why he was better than the people he was playing with. There were some crazy comebacks in that series too.
I'm PRETTY sure this is the video series I watched. It was on a different channel though. But the channel I watched it on cut off after game 50 or something. This goes all the way to Diamond like Panda was saying.
He's a jungler true, but it's a good watch. I learned a lot from this series.