And if you think Twitch does no damage before 4 items you should really, really start being more aggressive with him.
I will always murder a passive Twitch, but an aggressive Twitch is quite a challenge.
I won one of those matches last night where the entire team was way behind early. We were down like 11 deaths to 3, mostly because I mid took Jinx, claiming that it was viable and awesome, and they just fed real hard. The team was starting to whine hard, but me and our jungler just kept trying to keep things positive. We couldn't stop mid from dying, so we just had the jungler camp top and get that lane really fed. On bot, our Thresh died a lot, but their Lucian was bad at farming, so I stayed ahead until I hit my big power spike.
With a super fed top, me being ahead of their ADC, and our jungler ahead, our team fights decided the game and we were able to grab a turret or two after every engagement. Felt really good to walk in after an ace and win that game.
Their ADC raged hard in post-game chat. He was 8-1-0 at one point, so I get that he was irked, but nobody on their team never adjusted well to our strategy change, himself included.