These games are at least not too stompy, so it's still a bit fun to stomp.
How about runes ?
How about runes ?
How about runes ?
what do you guys think ?
Why purchase champions when you can purchase ward skins?why purchase runes when you can purchase champs
Don't use Mobafire. and are better sites for getting mastery and rune information on champions.
How about runes ?
oh man that's sad as fuckI know Jeff is also in the bronze dumpsters. Don't normally play ranked, but had day off today so decided, at about 85 points, to finally have a crack and get into silver from bronze 1. How bad could it go?
Got, I don't even know where to start. There is at least 3 bad games from me in there, but sometimes you just cannot carry from bot lane. As in, your ADC does tremendous, you beast lane, and then a Trynd doesn't even build any crit chance.
I did worst thing I could do, said I would keep playing till I won. Hence the massive losing streak rather than calling it a day. NNRRGGHHHH. At least the won game means I am in promos for bronze 1 again. I'm sure it will be a joyous series of games...[cries]
Why purchase champions when you can purchase ward skins?
I need the new role summoner icons. I'll buy 'em all.
you can only earn ward skins thru blood
Just buy summoner icons 😎
I don't get why the fuck anyone would buy a summoner icon. For the life of me, I've never gotten it. I've been using the same pyramid since 2011 when I first made my account and I've seen no compelling reason to switch. You see them for all of what? about a minute while the match loads? idk.
It shows my love for dignitas.
I don't get why the fuck anyone would buy a summoner icon. For the life of me, I've never gotten it. I've been using the same pyramid since 2011 when I first made my account and I've seen no compelling reason to switch. You see them for all of what? about a minute while the match loads? idk.
Yer not buying very many wards.I did worst thing I could do, said I would keep playing till I won. Hence the massive losing streak rather than calling it a day. NNRRGGHHHH. At least the won game means I am in promos for bronze 1 again. I'm sure it will be a joyous series of games...[cries]
Only reason I mention Mobafire is that it's generally geared more to the lower elo meta...probably not by design, just by the type of audience that uses it most.
Yer not buying very many wards.
Why play this god forsaken gamewhy purchase ward skins when you can purchase champion skins?
You can ward out Eve with green wards. Just ward out her jungle camps. Every jungler eventually has to farm and you can use that information from greens to see where she's going and when she's going to be there.Almost certainly, absolutely right. Weird it does not count sightstones, and my vision wards just lasted all game in most cases. Hilariously I got a ward as Lulu, when Eve was the jungle. Rather than the pink I should have got >_<
Why play this god forsaken game
Moodmon said:Hilariously I got a ward as Lulu, when Eve was the jungle. Rather than the pink I should have got >_<
Anyone here with lots of Fizz experience? I want to add an Assassin to my mid pool at some point and was thinking of practicing him now, but I have zero experience with melee mids and the few times I've been on the bad end of the ranged-melee match-up I got beat up.
I main Fizz mid at mid gold level. He's super fun but you're gonna have a bad time during your first levels if you get matched against a safe burst mage like lebonk. That being said, once you get level 2/3 you can bedazzle almost any skillshot-based matchup with your mobility and trollpoling.
If you manage to get level 2 before the other guy half the time you can just get in their faces and force a melee battle they can't ever hope to win, sending him to base by recall or by death. At level 3 with a point on W you can screw their potion usage for maximum troll effect. Generally, if you get an early successful gank you can recall for double dolans and the lane's won. Try to get slapfights happening near minions because of your passive.
E drains your mana heavily at early levels (2-3 consecutive uses max), so you'll have to learn when to use it for the engage, for the slow or to disengage. Gotta know which walls you can jump over too. Mixing in immediate jumps with delayed drops will throw people off and make them miss. Also you're pretty much ungankable with enough mana and your cooldowns ready - Q into something (ie: the enemy jungler) to get you closer to tower and/or hop away.
Fizz has trouble farming minions so farm champions instead until you can simply E an entire wave. I generally build dolans, sheen then straight into a big rod item. Usually hourglass because with a little practice you can time the invincibility to end at the same time as your E cooldown for successful 1v3-dive-delete-and-run plays.
I don't know how he'll fare at higher levels but at silverino/golderino it's shark week all week. Super fun.
So as someone who primarily plays utility or long-ish ranged mids (Ori, Liss, Ziggs, Lulu, Zyra, Karma) do you feel that adding Fizz would be a benefit to my pool? After some thought I don't want to really try other mid assassins - they're either too complex for the amount of time I have to put in (Zed) or I just don't really like playing them (Kat, Akali). My entire experience with Fizz has been in Dominion where I think he's really fun to use but its obviously different than in SR...
...that and I have all Fizz skins except Void Fizz. May as well play a champ whose skins I own.
Did you guys play doto yet?
LoLGAF plays Dota 2 with Steve as coach
I can tell this will go well
yup, i'm surprised you can't minimize party invites and it just like overlaps your whole screenfor all we complain about adobe air, the Dota 2 client is fucking terrible
like it's a fun game but that client sucks. everything about Dota 2's UX is awful
for all we complain about adobe air, the Dota 2 client is fucking terrible
like it's a fun game but that client sucks. everything about Dota 2's UX is awful
The game literally doesn't render anything under the hud.One of the things that bugged me is that you can't scale the HUD in game.
Anything that uses steam invites like that gets really confused when you have more than one thing open through what ur saying
leeg client > doto client
league doesn't require me to reboot when gm bugs out