First off, I've been playing League for 4-5 years or so. This is my 4th Ranked season and then I played a year or two before the ranked seasons started (2011 was season 1). Obviously thousands of games under my belt, a little over 3000 total.
I'm a low-elo scrub. Always have been and always will be most likely. I think the highest I got was 1150 elo one season. I'm in Bronze 2 at the moment so if you want to do a "stopped reading there" be my guest, I understand.
I've played 212 ranked games this season. I'm 60 wins and 46 losses with Twisted Fate. Every single one of those games has been AD Twisted Fate, 90% of them mid lane. I've never had more fun with a champ than AD TF mid. There's not a single other champ in the game that I can play continuously non-stop and not get bored. I own 88 champs, that's most of them.
Never have I had so much consistent success with a champ as I have with my AD TF mid. This isn't a case of "Oh I could go AD Soraka and get 20 kills in bronze, they're terrible". The scores I'm getting are so monstrous they're similar to the Diamonds that smurf in bronze with Akali mains and rack up 25 a game. I've mastered him. I'm one with TF.
Here is the current roll I'm on:
Look at that, just look at it. In one four game stretch he amassed 3 games of 27+ kills:
Then there's the 15-1, 11-1-7, 6-0-4, 8-0-10... these games were over quick otherwise they'd have been monstrous 25+ ones as well.
That's just unbelievable. Not a single ADC, AP mid, top, even with their whole team building armor, banshee's, nothing could stop me. The damage that AD TF dishes out with my build is unlike anything you can imagine. And best of all? It's the most fun I've had in 4-5 years playing this game.
It's all due to that glorious stun every 5-6 seconds and his incredible attack speed with E.
I'm going to lay out this build for you and my goal in making this post is that someone in Gold, Plat, Diamond, whatever, gives it a shot a few times and posts the results. There's only one real end-game counter to the build and that's quicksilver sash or cleanse, but the thing is... nobody expects it, ever. When someone on the other team locks in TF they don't know he's going to be an AD DPS monster that stuns you the entire game so they don't get cleanse.
By the time you're stunned, you're literally dead in 2 seconds. He just eviscerates you with his deeps.
Here is the build:
Skill priority:
Yes, I don't even get Q till it's the only option to get, this is like past level 10. It's a complete waste of a skill and that's fine. It doesn't matter. The only times I've used Q is to pop enemy Banshee's, that's it. Max E first, then W.
29% Attack Speed (reds and quints)
12 flat armor (yellows)
9 flat magic res (blues)
Starting items:
Dagger + pots
Build after that:
* The big core of the build is Statik Shiv. This is your first major item
* Berserker boots of course
* The next important item is Vamp scepter
* The next core item is Infinity Edge
* After that you make BotRK
* After that you make Last Whisper assuming they have some armor
* After that you make whatever defensive item you want, I usually go Banshee's of if you're feeling more aggressive get Phantom Dancers
* If the game is turning out to be a 50 minute epic and you picked Banshee's, sell your boots for Phantom Dancers so your really late game build will look like (items not in order):
I've done a lot of reading on the LoL forums after google searching "AD TF" and so forth. The majority of the complaints have been his attack range is too low. It really doesn't matter. I wouldn't be having the success that I am if that was a big issue. There's not a SINGLE ADC in the game that can beat AD TF 1v1 assuming you get the stun because they're melted in 2 seconds, before it even wears off most of the time. Same goes for all other roles... nobody can beat him
end-game except just a couple champs:
Jax because of his dodge
Trynd if he manages to ult
That's about it. Not a single ADC can beat him. This is the most fun I've ever had in LoL and I've had a ton of fun in the game. Obviously playing so many years and 3k+ games I'm having a lot of fun but these last 106 games I've played with my AD TF mid have taken that fun factor to another level.
It is just unbelievable. Give it a shot. You may flop in the first or second game as I probably did but give it a solid 3 to 5 games till you get the hang of when and where to ult, when to stun, getting used to his attack range, etc.