Fuck is going on in NA
After 6 months of playing I finally hit 30 yesterday ^___^ Now my friends will stop making fun of me for being sub-30 and just concentrate on the other things!
Atma's Impaler, I can't REMEMBER the last time I saw someone build one of those, even as a joke.Don't know how we pulled it off, but we did. Pretty sure Sion was approaching 5k HP, Veigar was doing close to 2k damage with his ultimate alone, and Doge was doing the regular.
Also MFs healing reduction on her W was waaaaaaay too useful for this game, as long as Yi/Riven were in the front line, and I was hitting Sion/Nasus with my W proc, allowed us to actually kill them instead of them healing insanely hard.
Uhh, Panda isn't online...panda is your chat broken or are you ignoring me D:
Gragas support is where it's at.so just randomly played a game with new grago on arams and man i don't like new grago at all
i just don't like the barrel roll mechanic, i guess it's necessary for him to remain balanced but i find it to be really dull and unfun
yea that's what i immediately thought when i saw the vision change on his q (that and hey his new q is now almost exactly as strong as lux e now without a seconds charge!) but you know i played him tons mid and i liked how he workedGragas support is where it's at.
Lol...You too(?)you're adorable
I think it can be useful....lol. Maybe on Sion, that's really it, pretty sure he had over 5k health.Atma's Impaler, I can't REMEMBER the last time I saw someone build one of those, even as a joke.
*Looks at avatar*
Good one mate, good one.
In a few months for when they hold the Super Bowl.Where are these dang world cup skins.
In a few months for when they hold the Super Bowl.
In a few months for when they hold the Super Bowl.
I like that he even pulls off the smite on baron.I just saw this posted somewhere and it was pretty amusing:
Hey, at least it's not NidaleeHad to dodge diamond 4 promos because some idiot wanted to play Alistar -_-.
Honestly, I wouldn't have dodged if it was a Nidalee. There's too many people in diamond who got here playing champs like Wukong jungle, Ziggs mid, and Leona support exclusively -_-. Then when they're put in any other role, they just fail massively.Hey, at least it's not Nidalee
It's diamond, they could have been a pro alistar diamond! You gotta trust.Had to dodge diamond 4 promos because some idiot wanted to play Alistar -_-.
MF doesn't even use that much mana. You're doing it wrong.I'd just like to say that with enough points in Infuse, a Soraka + MF lane is a fucking nightmare from the depths of Hell. Perma double-up casting is wtf-levels.
Ah, you mean he was one of those one trick ponies.Honestly, I wouldn't have dodged if it was a Nidalee. There's too many people in diamond who got here playing champs like Wukong jungle, Ziggs mid, and Leona support exclusively -_-. Then when they're put in any other role, they just fail massively.
Welp, tried to play some LoL, we lose because everyone "disconnected" except the enemies.
MF doesn't even use that much mana. You're doing it wrong.
I'm saying that MF can spam double up without the need for a spell like infuse. A support that offers cc will always be better with MF than someone like Soraka.I don't follow? Or maybe you didn't follow. I'm saying MF being given enough mana to spam it without stopping for the duration of laning phase is quite the nightmare if she keeps getting lucky with double up. I had to deal with that a couple of games ago and it was extremely obnoxious.
What were you saying, exactly?