So Alistar is a hard counter to Yasuo. Just played against him mid and found out that for some reason he is able to cancel Yasuo's ult half way through. While I was holding Alistar mid air with my ult, he cancelled it. Not just once but the two times I ulted him. Is this intentional or a bug?
Is it possible that Alistar used his ult? Alistar's ult is intended to remove all CC from him.
Chat is still messed up?
God damn
Yup. Even ranked is back up, but friends list and chat is still broken, like 24 hours later. I don't think I've ever seen chat down so long before. Does this mean lobby chat is broken too? I'm not sure if this would make ranked better or worse.
It's alright. At least Ferrio wasn't playing Diana jungle

Also, I have to wait 30 minutes because I dodged a first pick Vayne

. They need to refine the dodging system.
Dodging ranked seems almost like cheating out of getting matched with bad players.

They should just get rid of dodging and take care of griefers with the tribunal, since over hundreds of games the good and bad players will average out, and you'll have only 4 unknowns on your team versus 5 on the other team so the odds should be ever (eventually) in your favor.
*edit* Also, have you tried the Twisted Fate mid runes and build yet? I'm eagerly looking forward to seeing what results you get with it in diamond. I tried it in a team builder and it was funny, but team builder of course doesn't really count since people are totally crazy there.
*edit* I see from your record you did try it (and won), but only in normal mode so it doesn't count! You gotta do a streak of like 5 games for statistical purposes. =D