Olaf, Rengar, Shen, Lulu supp, Nidalee top, Urgot, Zed, Leblanc, Cho'gath, Yasuo.Dodge: Alistar, Jayce, Fizz, Vayne(<=gold), Ezreal(<=gold), Aatrox, Sion, Nunu.
I'm sure there are more.
Olaf, Rengar, Shen, Lulu supp, Nidalee top, Urgot, Zed, Leblanc, Cho'gath, Yasuo.Dodge: Alistar, Jayce, Fizz, Vayne(<=gold), Ezreal(<=gold), Aatrox, Sion, Nunu.
I'm sure there are more.
Cold as ice.
Does Tristana really need buffs? Her kit looks really strong and obnoxious to me.
Edit: longest regular aa range, escape AND self peel ):?
She's clunky and somewhat buggy.Does Tristana really need buffs? Her kit looks really strong and obnoxious to me.
Edit: longest regular aa range, escape AND self peel ):?
That was me ( - 3-)btw forgot who was giving me a hard time about trist's ult change but here's from rito's themselves: "Hey guys, just a note on Tristana's Buster Shot: the way the spell's range is calculated is now end-to-end instead of center-to-center, so this is a range buff even starting at level 6 (i.e. it's buffed at all levels)."
Not maxing, no. Get AS marks, a Nashor's Tooth and a Runaans and you're good.Heh, this week will be Kayle week, do I have to max up her speed attack right?
i think he means skill order
i'm guessing it's r>e>q>w but not 100% sure
Not maxing, no. Get AS marks, a Nashor's Tooth and a Runaans and you're good.
It's still QEWi think he means skill order
i'm guessing it's r>e>q>w but not 100% sure
Because she scales super hard with AP. More AP means bigger burst on Q, more damage on autos, bigger heals and speed buffs on W.Ok ok, I still dont get why Kayle need more magic attack after those items
ah okIt's still QEW
Maxing E doesn't actually give you much in return. You get a bit more AD ratio on the splash but that's it, CD and mana cost is static and the base damage is negligible. The slow and damage on Q is far too valuable.
That makes sense, maxing W second should be better now since it takes a while for her to start stacking AP anyways.Uh, skill order for Kayle is RQWE. Much better to level W than to level E.
hmm red lizzy is on sale
i hate the splash and design but red ice is kinda cool
You asked for it.
Green = brosef
Gray = Neutral/rarely play with
Red = Mortal enemy (Scy not listed)
Why am I a random mix of colors, lol.
Got the trying to reconect bug....guess no LoL for me tonight
wat.God damn it. We gotta bring out the relationship charts now.
Yea happened to me earlier. I ended up getting back in and bot lane was lvl 6 already. I was Lucian. Right when I got back our leona disconnects. I was slowly catching up to Cait and eventually did. The other lanes were so far ahead though. On a last stand I ended up getting a penta, but once they spawned and grouped, half of our team tries to engage outside the base. We get aced and they end. Nobody wanted to listen to me. -_____________-
You asked for it.
Green = brosef
Gray = Neutral/rarely play with
Red = Mortal enemy (Scy not listed)
I actually finished the match, the server went down and now cant let me play cuz its trying to reconet to a non existant match
is that you locodocofor kayle
max re
q/w is up to you
buy stinger before ap cdr thing
buy greaves
buy hurricane/dcap
as always if u r hungry for a build or skill order
i dont work for tsm
she's probably just next in line for rito's trademark overbuffing then kneejerk sensible nerf then no one picks her cos no one likes balanced champions
dat graves build.
She's going to be a repeat of Twitch. Visual update comes out -> everyone taken aback and "omg she so strong!" remarks will ensue.she's probably just next in line for rito's trademark overbuffing then kneejerk sensible nerf then no one picks her cos no one likes balanced champions
is there a habit in lower ELOs to not buy gold generating items as support? I see sightstones but not a single coin/edge/targons.
Yeah, feel bad for Brokenshard. Dude was so hyped up for getting into the lcs, and this happens. Is he the one from Israel? Or was that prolly?
what you're saying makes no senseShe's going to be a repeat of Twitch. Visual update comes out -> everyone taken aback and "omg she so strong!" remarks will ensue.
is there a habit in lower ELOs to not buy gold generating items as support? I see sightstones but not a single coin/edge/targons.