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League of Legends |OT6| My AP Mid Can't Be This Cute

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what you're saying makes no sense

she's literally getting buffed right this patch

it's nothing like twitch
How am I not making sense? Players at large aren't playing Tristana right now - they haven't for ages to boot - and they still won't once the stealth buff to her ult is pushed through. A buff many are perceiving as a nerf no less due to inconsistent wording regarding how Riot calculates spell range. Twitch wasn't played either after the buffs he (indirectly) received via the rebalanced runes, and he was only rediscovered post-VU. The same thing will happen to Tristana if she'll still hold up after the ADC itemization changes, if Riot's Yordle hints indeed relate to her.

I don't understand why you're even confused in the first place.


I just saw a Viktor with 700+ AP on my team. We weren't very good, the other team wasn't very good, and everyone involved died alot...but it was HILARIOUS when the Viktor would get a laser or an ult down. People took a great deal of damage.


How am I not making sense? Players at large aren't playing Tristana right now - they haven't for ages to boot - and they still won't once the stealth buff to her ult is pushed through. A buff many are perceiving as a nerf no less due to inconsistent wording regarding how Riot calculates spell range. Twitch wasn't played either after the buffs he (indirectly) received via the rebalanced runes, and he was only rediscovered post-VU. The same thing will happen to Tristana if she'll still hold up after the ADC itemization changes, if Riot's Yordle hints indeed relate to her.

I don't understand why you're even confused in the first place.
tristana is getting buffed, she got buffed last patch, she gets buffed this patch. adc itemization gets changed by a fukton.

if she's gonna get picked it's because these reasons, it has nothing to do with a tentative vu (which could still be poppy) or "indirect buffs".

i'm not confused, it has nothing to do with twitch, these are specific tristana buffs and specific adc role changes (along with dominant lane bully adcs getting nerfed), it's not something that the west finally decided to copy from the koreans like twitch because now we like the skin

also it's most likely not going to be a stealth buff to her ult cos u know, patch notes will prolly say "don't be an idiot and remember you get your ult at level 6, not 1".
tristana is getting buffed, she got buffed last patch, she gets buffed this patch. adc itemization gets changed by a fukton.

if she's gonna get picked it's because these reasons, it has nothing to do with a tentative vu (which could still be poppy) or "indirect buffs".

i'm not confused, it has nothing to do with twitch, these are specific tristana buffs and specific adc role changes (along with dominant lane bully adcs getting nerfed), it's not something that the west finally decided to copy from the koreans like twitch because now we like the skin

also it's most likely not going to be a stealth buff to her ult cos u know, patch notes will prolly say "don't be an idiot and remember you get your ult at level 6, not 1".
And I'm saying it won't happen. Many a times neglected champions (such as Tristana) who received buffs have remained completely ignored after the fact, even when the effects were much more noticeable than "oh a mana cost reduction" and "a little more range to an ultimate." With the rune changes (which benefited all ADC's too), Twitch was still ignored right up until his visual update because of the "lol Lucian and Jinx still good why bother with anyone else" sheep mentality after the dust settled. Players will stick flock to the popular picks after the redone itemization instead of opting for an underdog champion, because that's nearly always been the case no matter how big the shake-up. Her being spreuced up will set things into motion, like it has happened before.

Furthermore, it won't be Poppy. She's supposedly getting a full-scale rework and Riot hasn't said a peep about her nor have they openly collected any kind of feedback like they usually do when re-iterating upon an older champion. Their artists (among other employees) have commented on this before; they won't abruptly announce a re-launch (a wholesale one specifically) of x champion anymore after the Trundle backlash.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
What the hell is going on with my teammates lately...

Kassadin that goes 0-5 in lane and complains that Kass is weak now.
Top Udyr that feeds Riven 10 kill before we can even teamfight to help
Lee sin that builds no MR vs a Morg/Heimer/Blitz/Ezreal/WW team

Why is ranked so hard?


Won match 2 of 3, but it's too late to finish the series. Tomorrow.

We lost an invade to start that match. They got Vayne a double kill and stole our blue buff. Then my support fed Vayne a 3rd kill right away. I honestly have no idea how I survived laning and how we came back and won that match.

Feels good, man.


Olaf, Rengar, Shen, Lulu supp, Nidalee top, Urgot, Zed, Leblanc, Cho'gath, Yasuo.
Lb, zed, yasuo, lulu supp and Rengar are quite the champs to dodge. You must dodge quite often, or is it a "they are not banned, must dodge" type of deal? (excluding lulu)


Lb, zed, yasuo, lulu supp and Rengar are quite the champs to dodge. You must dodge quite often, or is it a "they are not banned, must dodge" type of deal? (excluding lulu)
Nah, nothing to do with banning. It's not like if I see those champs, I instantly dodge. I do look at people's profiles and such. But I do dodge a lot, and I doubt I would've even made it to diamond if I didn't.


Nah, nothing to do with banning. It's not like if I see those champs, I instantly dodge. I do look at people's profiles and such. But I do dodge a lot, and I doubt I would've even made it to diamond if I didn't.

I see. I seldom dodge, but when I do it's probably due to a Vayne or a shitty duo that say they can only play bot, but they never are able to play a proper bot. I've met some good Vaynes, but even in diamond 1 most of them are really bad.


I see. I seldom dodge, but when I do it's probably due to a Vayne or a shitty duo that say they can only play bot, but they never are able to play a proper bot. I've met some good Vaynes, but even in diamond 1 most of them are really bad.
Vayne? Duo?
I agree though, dodge them Vaynes.


I played as riven the other day and the only thing i was able to do is dealing the final blow against enemies.
Maybe it's because I'm new but i can kill an enemy by myself only when i fully build. Do you guys have any tips on how to deal her?


I think I'll quit Ranked, lots of dumb shit going on in 90% of the games I've played to date.
Today our fucking Xin Zhao keeps telling us to surrender after a few deaths all around, and then our Ammumu disconnects. Following that our stupid ass Xin stays in-game but doesn't do shit. I dunno if it did much but I reported his lame ass.

ARAM and non-ranked for me, and that's it.

Decided to buy Leona and try using her as a support.
I played as riven the other day and the only thing i was able to do is dealing the final blow against enemies.
Maybe it's because I'm new but i can kill an enemy by myself only when i fully build. Do you guys have any tips on how to deal her?
Playing Riven to her full potential is a bit more mechanically taxing than most champions.
Best I got is this video that shows her combos so you can burst people down.


I played as riven the other day and the only thing i was able to do is dealing the final blow against enemies.
Maybe it's because I'm new but i can kill an enemy by myself only when i fully build. Do you guys have any tips on how to deal her?

The way you play her is by abusing her passive along with the reset on her Q in order to deal a crap ton of damage. Her passive says that her auto attacks deal more damage after ability use, and each activation of Q counts as an ability use, so basically in lane you want to Q, auto attack, Q, auto attack etc. There's then the matter of the resets which I mentioned earlier. Riven's auto attack animation is kinda strange, by which I mean the damage is applied half way through the animation, allowing you to abuse this if you time it right. Practice it in a custom game; when she half swings her sword, so as it touches the enemy, activate q, effectively increasing your DPS. Another tip for riven is not only using your ult for the active - It gives you a huge amount of additional AD, allowing you to potentially 2v1 enemies with half decent mechanics and a few items. Always remember that riven is not a front line bruiser in the teamfight, you want to play more like an assassin and catch someone e.g ADC out.


So does anyone cancel their autos late, see the projectile go out, but it still does no damage? They said they were going to fix it, but never did :(


Buy sightstone then... rush ruby sightstone..

Ruby health stack!

One of the worst things done on inexperienced supports. So much gold going to waste
It happens to me more on Quinn than anyone. The bolt will have traveled and almost landed and for some reason still goddamn cancels sometimes.
Weird, it should happen less often on champs with small wind-up animations like Quinn. Are you using attack speed runes? It helps.


They did fix it, but not completely. It still happens but not nearly as often.

Ah ya that's right. It's probably not rly a huge deal. I just find it annoying when I miss a cannon minion because of it.

Speaking of annoying.. I cant stand when i'm the adc and our support won't use targons stacks on cannon and melee minions, but will rush to ranged ones to execute. Oh and when i'm support and the adc will go out of their way to use spells to grab cs when I could just execute the minions. I feel like it's just really basic and shouldn't be something that you forget or overlook. But what can ya do
It happens to me more on Quinn than anyone.

Not a massive Quinn player but I've been dicked so many times by the cancellation whilst playing Draven it isn't funny. It seems more likely to happen whilst using his Q too and given his kit, you pretty much always have one (._. )


Which reminds me what're the best places to put wards at if I'm using Sightstone/Support?

It really depends on what you want to do. During laning, you probably want to ward drake + tri, but later on you want to place offensive or defensive wards depending on the next objective you want to take. Don't be content just because you have 3 wards on the map, a good ward might be nearly useless 30 seconds later when you want to do something else, so you need to replace your wards in new places where you need wards just about anytime you want a new objective.
So, couple questions from me:

  • Best default item build for support Morgana? I'm still working out one that fits for me, and I've got her mechanics down alright now, so I think that's the last little bit I need to come up with. Funny enough, the positioning tactics I've learned with my ADC play have become quite useful as a support, too.
  • I'm also planning to finally learn MF to expand my ADC pool, which shouldn't be too difficult, but any advanced tips some of you guys can give on her?
  • Finally, with top lane Jax (I'm playing him in unranked blind pick games because LOL, always banned in draft), should the priority for skill building be WRQE or QRWE?
I love AD caster build on ARAM Ashe so much.

So, couple questions from me:
1. The usual stuff (Mobi/Ionian, Sightstone, Crucible, FQC). The rest is situational. Zhonya is nice to have but is not as mandatory compared to mid Morg.
2. AA-Q-AA. Get a feel on Q bounce. Rush BT.
3. RWQE.


Ok, I finally made it to Gold after 1000+ ranked games. Went 3-0 in my promo matches, all pretty solid wins. I will probably stop playing ranked until next season, will only play not to decay. Lucian is op right now, spam him before he gets nerfed. I also did well with Amumu, usually build spectral wraith then go full tank. My csing is pretty bad, Bronze level, so I'll probably practice csing in normals. Good thing is Lucian really doesn't require you to cs that much, he's that op right now xd.


I'll fight you.

I got your back, bro.

Tizoc said:
Which reminds me what're the best places to put wards at if I'm using Sightstone/Support?

Depends on lots of stuff. The two critical ones are tribush and the river, preferably in front of dragon with vision on the red jungle entrance across from it.

There's also some other wards that can be valuable depending on the bot lane and jungle match-ups and the match circumstances. For examples (from blue side perspective) if you get a kill (or double kill) against their bot around the 5:00-6:30 min mark and the lane is shoved to their tower, consider placing a stealth ward at their blue. A champ specific ward spot would be placing a ward near the red side tribush if you have your lane pushed to their tower vs. a jungle Fiddlesticks, Zac, or Vi (basically any jungler with wall hops) around the ~6 minute mark.

If you're looking for ward spots outside of bot lane and during the mid-game when you're more likely to be milling about the map, good ward spots include the open area to the left of the wraith camp (with vision on the camp on the jungle entrance), pink wards in the small river bushes, in the bushes to the left and right of the middle lane entrances to the left/right side jungles, and of course on any jungle objectives.


Braum's passive is so strong. I ran out of bans so I thought I had to play Braum for the first time in ranked.
Ouch, only 4 LP for a win? Are they clamping near challenger or have you just been at the top of diamond for a long time?

Also with all this talk of duos and dodging, Riot should change ranked to Hard Mode Ranked, where you can't dodge and you can't duo. If everyone were forced to properly suffer at the whims of the internet, it would be cool. I don't know if anything would change though.

In other news, last night a jungle Shaco on my team raged an obscenity in allchat and left the game at level 5, he was counterjungled so hard (dying twice to Udyr). I am not sure I have EVER seen a Shaco ragequit before even getting their ultimate.


Braum's passive is so strong. I ran out of bans so I thought I had to play Braum for the first time in ranked.

It needs a nerf. I hate when he gets through bans and the other team takes him. He's a nightmare to deal with, especially if their ADC is Lucian.


Not a massive Quinn player but I've been dicked so many times by the cancellation whilst playing Draven it isn't funny. It seems more likely to happen whilst using his Q too and given his kit, you pretty much always have one (._. )
Yeah, I've had this happen. It sucks.


Ouch, only 4 LP for a win? Are they clamping near challenger or have you just been at the top of diamond for a long time?
There is heavy clamping in Diamond 1. 4-5 LP is the norm for a win. I would guess that someone with challenger mmr would get more than that.
It needs a nerf. I hate when he gets through bans and the other team takes him. He's a nightmare to deal with, especially if their ADC is Lucian.
It is indeed insane. Forcing a lvl 1 first blood is too easy.


Patch 4.10 eh?

Yasuo is ready for them IE buffs.
Draven is ready for BT buffs.

And nidalee!
And skarner, seems like they shat on his dmg for the cc passive


Braum's passive is so strong. I ran out of bans so I thought I had to play Braum for the first time in ranked.

I dislike playing Braum in ranked because most of the times, ADCs will not follow me up on getting the stacks for the passive.


I dislike playing Braum in ranked because most of the times, ADCs will not follow me up on getting the stacks for the passive.
Yeah, that can be rough if you try to all in. That's one of the reasons I mostly duo queue in ranked; I have great synergy with my adc partner but it's more of a dice roll with a random adc. You never know how they like to play the lane.


I dislike playing Braum in ranked because most of the times, ADCs will not follow me up on getting the stacks for the passive.

Definitely an issue. Lucky he can jump back out with the stand behind me crap and tank damage.

The best counter to Braum that I've found is Lulu. If I'm in champ select and they have taken Braum, Lulu is an automatic pick now. Morgana is pretty good too, but I've had better luck with Lulu in that match up.


I played as riven the other day and the only thing i was able to do is dealing the final blow against enemies.
Maybe it's because I'm new but i can kill an enemy by myself only when i fully build. Do you guys have any tips on how to deal her?

What's your build? I assume you're still in a duo lane due to your summoner level?

Item buffs are tonight also huh.

Wait the new BT? Fuck.... riven on permanent hydra status now!

Also fuck Essence Reaver.. this item shouldn't exist. Going to see some bullshit this patch with this + nid.
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