Wasn't there some talk a good while ago about fixing certain champion sizes, like Vladimir being too small and Brand being too big? Has that pretty much been abandoned by now?
Pretty much. Aatrox needs items in order to take advantage of what his kit offers. Until then he's vulnerable. Playing him in the jungle slows his itemization down. Best games I had with him where when I would get Bloodrazor, skip Wriggle's and immediately go for either BotRK or Hydra, then build SotAG.
Being around 50% health levels 3-7 the entire time because of how his kit works doesn't help his dueling. He's honestly a solid jungler with several build paths and can fit in lots of teamcomps. You aren't gimping your team with the pick, just recognize that you need early successful ganks to power through his mid-game.
OOooooo Nightmare bots for CS practicing.
Ghost is Bad said:he has decent ganks and decent clears but the problem is that he is so weak in the jungle. If Lee/Elise counter jungle him and meet him, he can't fight.
Pretty much. Aatrox needs items in order to take advantage of what his kit offers. Until then he's vulnerable. Playing him in the jungle slows his itemization down. Best games I had with him where when I would get Bloodrazor, skip Wriggle's and immediately go for either BotRK or Hydra, then build SotAG.
Being around 50% health levels 3-7 the entire time because of how his kit works doesn't help his dueling. He's honestly a solid jungler with several build paths and can fit in lots of teamcomps. You aren't gimping your team with the pick, just recognize that you need early successful ganks to power through his mid-game.
OOooooo Nightmare bots for CS practicing.