It's been funny watching TheOddOne have a higher winrate playing Ziggs mid than jungling because of how stupid he is. If it's a weak matchup, bully the hell out of the other guy and win lane. If it's even/bad, or you get camped, just clear all day and play farmville. You will be more useful later and (obviously) can easily stall out the game unless your team falls super far behind.
Nothing more unfun than being 5k or so up against a team with a decent Ziggs. Far enough that you should be pushing the issue but not so far that you can dive without minions. Feels like there's no play unless you pull off an amazing dive or coordinate a splitpush (in solo queue, yeah, good luck). Even pro teams get stalled out by him when far ahead.
I play Ziggs every time I'm stuck with mid though if he isn't banned so I'm part of the problem. Might try banning him out and taking Annie or Akali with the Athene's nerfs.
Looking forward to trying some Cait and Ashe with Double Dorans -> IE on this patch. Like the look of the AD carry adjustments. Do not like that tank junglers are even further from relevance.