so who's the next champ? or what role/type of champ will it be?
sitting on almost 13k IP
i think the only thing we know is that it's a male champion and i think it's NOT gonna be a yordle
i think they said there were gonna be two supports in 2014? so if braum was just released i'm guessing they're not gonna do both supports back to back. same with adc, i guess, we got two in a row late last year
i'm guessing it's gonna be a jungler, been a while since a jungler got released, specially since a lot of the popular junglers have been initially meant to be like top laners (elise, aatrox, vi, khazix), so it could be one that's like wouldn't work in a lane, like braum not being any good outside of support
so basically a lot of things that don't interest me in the slightest aka men and junglers