Ghost is Bad
halo rage finally broke through to league ranked. nearly smashed another keyboard.
halo rage finally broke through to league ranked. nearly smashed another keyboard.
shut up neko.I think you have anger issues you need to work out.
I think the aim is to give them more levers to buff/nerf nidalee. Before all you could do was keep nerfing her spear until she was useless. She could be OP post rework, but now they have the opportunity to meaningfully nerf without making her terrible since she can fulfill multiple objectives (n so they can nerf her and maybe compensate in different areas)someone explain to me how this nid change is supposed to stop the ppl that complained about her
i only see buffs
Is that the green shell from Mario Kart?![]()
this is great
so that's one of the "many" easter eggs eh? wonder what else there is
that's illegalSomeone lend me their PBE account so I can play on the new map������������������������������������
that's illegal
don't let riot costy catch you
Weren't you always? What'd you do?
Oh shit, I'm a junior now? Fuck.
Weren't you always? What'd you do?
I played badly today against Shyvana. I am not sure of a good strategy to take against her since she can get 450+ armor with ult, and she has a lot of HP.
I like the patch change about Twitch. I think 6 seconds to stealth might make fighting him better, though I always seem to miss noticing when he's actually triggering the ability so I can mentally time it.
Nothing.what's the difference between a junior member and bjergsen is the best midlaner in the world
Caitlyn seems a lot better with IE rush and with zerker greaves and some AS runes. A whole better feel to her now. Although I was doing well and my electricity just cut off![]()
Deep cuts.Nothing.
Is she made of rocks?
wow the guy that made this made it work in-game
i'm not the biggest fan of anything evelynn but still impressive
def skin quality, makes me wish rito did that volvo community skins thing
Maybe a quint but that was about it. LS runes will become the norm again after 4.10. For my ADC page, I'll probably run 2 life steal and 1 attack speed quints or all three LS quints and attack speed reds. For items, get double D. Blades and rush IE. From there go your attack speed item of choice and ppl run lifesteal runes or was i barking up the wrong tree with dat
She looks like an MMO character in odd dungeon gear.
Too busy, esp from behind.
Decent quality tho. Theres def money to be made in the community skins market arena, but idk if we want half of these things running about the game
BoTRK is probably the best out of the 4 items, I feel like for ADCs the item got buffed, but for AD top laners the item got nerfed.
I guess we're back to S2 2x Doran -> IE now.
Time to roll out Nunu top aga-AD Nid top looks as retarded as I remember it.
Consider it another entry to the ever-growing "ADC's ruining it for the rest of us" pile."Here's a starting item that's now worse early game and better late game!"
....but..that's not what I want in a starting item.
After liking Aatrox so much, I'm not surprised.I think the skin is awesome. I don't understand the flak around it.
No more bathing suit skins sounds like good news to me.
not pleased
not pleased at all
i'm not the biggest fan of anything evelynn but still impressive
def skin quality, makes me wish rito did that volvo community skins thing
Talking about skins fitting characters, I don't think this skin really fits the character. Isn't Eve supposed to be some sort of succubus that literally seduces and murders people? This skin like doesn't look seductive, it looks like a complicated mix of random armor combined with very odd skin effects. Is she like Malphite with rock skin or something? Are those...sleeve armor? Why are there bands around them if they are skin? Why the vampire collar? What's with the one-piece bathing suit? It's neither seductive NOR protective!
and this is a bad thing because...?Time to roll out Nunu top aga-
Oh wait, Riot made him useless.
i don't understand what you meanAfter liking Aatrox so much, I'm not surprised.
There is nothing that isn't stupid about Caitlyn's new skin. Space / futuristic armor shorts? Another example of a goofy, impractical headpiece? Even more cleavage, as if the stripper cop outfit wasn't bad enough already? Compare that to the concept they originally showed us:
Keep the particles and redo the whole skin... but Riot won't, since they let Steel Legion Lux slip through too.
whyNo more bathing suit skins sounds like good news to me.
yea i don't think it's the best design ever, just impressed at the quality of texture+modelTalking about skins fitting characters, I don't think this skin really fits the character. Isn't Eve supposed to be some sort of succubus that literally seduces and murders people? This skin like doesn't look seductive, it looks like a complicated mix of random armor combined with very odd skin effects. Is she like Malphite with rock skin or something? Are those...sleeve armor? Why are there bands around them if they are skin? Why the vampire collar? What's with the one-piece bathing suit? It's neither seductive NOR protective!
The boots are cool though.
also not being able to read match history within the client is dumb
Problem is that this patch just pooped on a lot of melees. They even removed the melee/ranged stat discrepancy on some items .
If ranged gains parity on items like Ghostblade it removes the advantage it used to hold for melee champs.You say that like the melee/ranged split would hurt melee?
I agree. No need to remove the old match history, just have the same old match history in-client and add a button for "Extended details" (the one that is currently in the post-game lobby) in the bottom right corner.
Something like this, it even has the replay button: (pretty old screenshot)
In theory yes, but nobody still is going to build GB on ranged (bar twitch) and melee rarely, if ever, build mercurial. The real concern here is that ranged will get even stronger with new mercurial and the buffs in general, reinvigorating years of melee hatred.If ranged gains parity on items like Ghostblade it removes the advantage it used to hold for melee champs.