Played my mandatory ranked match of the month. Actually thought I'd win it. Warwick is still a decent jungler. I crushed the early game feeding kills to our Katarina and Quinn. Garen held his own top.
But our less than ideal teamcomp came back to bite us. WW, Katarina, Quinn, Braum and Garen vs Morg, twitch, Twisted fate, Shyvana and Nocturne. Maybe we never stood a chance.
Plus I rarely got a chance to ult Twitch, his positioning was really good (I got bitched at a lot for that) and the Nocturne dove our Katarina pretty much every time.
It was too close of a game near the end for our comp to win it.
Thought I'd play another ranked cause I had the time. First pick bans Kayle right as 4th pick says "Kayle mid or feed" (literally). Then starts RAGING. Going on about how he's going to feed, etc etc. First pick does nothing to diffuse it, calling him all sorts of shit. Turns out the 4th pick Kayle mid or feed guy was a duo queue with second pick. So he picked Urgot with revive and smite and claims he's also going to feed.
Raging continues all the way until I dodge. Sigh. Was that bronze I stumbled into? Sounds like one of Jeff-DSA's games
Oh well. Back to Marvel heroes. Lol