The slow is weaker now though.his slow is like crazy. I couldn't move for like an hour after being slow by his e once.
The slow is weaker now though.his slow is like crazy. I couldn't move for like an hour after being slow by his e once.
those friends are to be treasured! they are the best people to spectate, watch them struggle in the pit and remember that you will never have to suffer like that again.
I should add Jeff-DSA
Witness the struggle. Witness the bad.
My name is jar155, by the way.
I was reading this as a rhyme.
71% kill participation. our duo tells me i need to roam more.
Ever want a team that could handle their lanes without your help?
Witness the struggle, witness the bad.
You'll surely laugh, there's comedy to be had.
Watch Jeff as he tries to climb a tier.
Get the popcorn ready, promos are near.
I'm back at 90 LP. Given that it's my 10th anniversary tonight I doubt that I'm playing unless I'm on super late after the wifey is asleep. We're pushing celebrations to the weekend. But still, you don't stay married 10 years by playing League on your anniversary in most marriages.
We were stomping in a game with the new nidalee. It was so great to be able to push and her spears couldn't do anything about it.I saw a few Skarners yesterday. He seems a hair better but I don't really know.
New Nidalee looks quite strong. Gonna play her some more today.
I suck at roaming as mid lane, because i never know where to go and how best to do it. As support, i do it just fine. I honestly feel its the fact that as a support i feel like im zooming through the map as Nami or any support with mobos.
Ever want a team that could handle their lanes without your help?
Jeff-DSA said:I'm back at 90 LP. Given that it's my 10th anniversary tonight I doubt that I'm playing unless I'm on super late after the wifey is asleep. We're pushing celebrations to the weekend. But still, you don't stay married 10 years by playing League on your anniversary in most marriages.
SZGF said:Many mid laners get pretty greedy and you can catch them without a ward. Good times to roam are when you went back before your ADC and then your ADC goes back after clearing a wave. Instead of waiting idle in bot lane waiting for your adc, you can just immediately go mid and be annoying and return to bot in time.
I keep hearing the she's "OP" now in the jungle but I haven't seen it yet. I'd also be interested to see if anyone has tried her.So how's jungle Nidalee? I was playing with a friend who was playing her in the jungle. My electricity cut off so I never got to finish the game.
Man Karma is so strong. I pretty much 1v2d the enemy bot lane at one point.
That being said, morganas binding is obnoxious.
Man Karma is so strong. I pretty much 1v2d the enemy bot lane at one point.
That being said, morganas binding is obnoxious.
I did the most damage as support karma yesterday. Was definitely fun.
I want to watch you play ranked.ranked for me has pretty much always been generally nice, everyone is cordial, knows how to play the game, owns up to mistakes and doesnt make them twice in the same game, not a dik, etc.
i played like ~80 ranked last season and they were pretty much all good and every game I lost had me contributing to the loss in some meaningful way
Maybe -you- are the secret Rioter.ranked for me has pretty much always been generally nice, everyone is cordial, knows how to play the game, owns up to mistakes and doesnt make them twice in the same game, not a dik, etc.
i played like ~80 ranked last season and they were pretty much all good and every game I lost had me contributing to the loss in some meaningful way
NA LCS Summer Split - Week 5 - Day 1
Pre-Show starts 30 mins prior
Curse vs Cloud 9
Team SoloMid vs Team Dignitas
LMQ vs Counter Logic Gaming
Evil Geniuses vs compLexity
Please use the LCS thread for further discussion. Let's keep this thread spoiler free.
What? NA LCS today? Isn't it usually EU on weekdays? Not to mention it's starting at 3... weird?
maybe it's just EUW low elo. People are awful. I try to be the guy that tries to relax everyone, but... :/
IE instead of BTRelearning my ADC builds isn't going so well.
That Bloodthirster shield is absolutely worthless.
Placement matches are different. And aren't you gold or platinum where everyone is presumably nice?the people who get upset in my games are usually:
1. ppl upset at something dum they did, in a "sry guys...ugh" kinda way
2. ppl upset at something someone else did, in a "man don't do that, it's ok tho"/"i'm prtty upset" "i feel u dood my bad" "aight"
3. the other team in post-chat
if we collectively throw at baron everyone feelz sheepish
in one of my placement matches 4 ppl bought sweepers by ~18 min because we were thinking about their lee w/ sightstone
What? NA LCS today? Isn't it usually EU on weekdays? Not to mention it's starting at 3... weird?
And aren't you gold or platinum where everyone is presumably nice?
I am the nicest.And aren't you gold or platinum where everyone is presumably nice?
And aren't you gold or platinum where everyone is presumably nice?
no, gold and plat players suck as much as bronzePlacement matches are different. And aren't you gold or platinum where everyone is presumably nice?