Mister Negative
Closer is your boy loco gonna get his bowl cut or what?
Attack speed runes are basically the norm so I believe that's what he means.genja interview on 4.10
also says same runez, iunno if he runs atspd blus tho
Oh my god, played Vi for the first time ever in ranked (I know, i'm bad, but ive seen enough of her being played with my friend that I somewhat knew what i was doing). She's so fun. 4 minutes in had a great q gank on a nid with LB just nuking her after i touched nid. Had a failed flash q on bot lane that missed by an inch, but it gave my bot lane room to breath, so all good.
Come lv6, shit just gets real. It's so fun zooming around with q. Built Lizard/TF/Tabis/Sunfire/Randuins/Black Cleaver and then just melted people even when we got engaged by a thresh/amumu. Soloing a Lucian is so great. I love Vi
which tank junglers specifically are you talking about. because the only jungler i can think of who straight up has to guzzle pots is sejuani.
This is kinda why I hate Riven and Riven players
What is poor Irelia going to do with Riven hopping, dashing, CCing, and shielding everywhere? It's the same thing with Yasuo and Zed. They all have stupid mobility so every time you kill someone, the user always says "lol get outplayed".
like, no. I'm sorry I only have one 16 sec CD gapcloser as opposed to a potentially infinite amount.
Riven CC is very short (0.75 seconds) though, which can be reduced further by tenacity or Irelia's built-in CC reduction.This is kinda why I hate Riven and Riven players
What is poor Irelia going to do with Riven hopping, dashing, CCing, and shielding everywhere? It's the same thing with Yasuo and Zed. They all have stupid mobility so every time you kill someone, the user always says "lol get outplayed".
like, no. I'm sorry I only have one 16 sec CD gapcloser as opposed to a potentially infinite amount.
better than lucian pick/ban 100% of the time.Also do you REALLY want Irelia to be awesome again?It's like wishing for Ezreal to be good again, but forgetting when he was literally picked 50% or more of the time.
This is kinda why I hate Riven and Riven players
What is poor Irelia going to do with Riven hopping, dashing, CCing, and shielding everywhere? It's the same thing with Yasuo and Zed. They all have stupid mobility so every time you kill someone, the user always says "lol get outplayed".
like, no. I'm sorry I only have one 16 sec CD gapcloser as opposed to a potentially infinite amount.
do you mean like in competitive or solo q?I have a question that hopefully people can help me with.
Does the early game of Elise outweigh the uselessness of an utility/support Elise late game? I understand going Ancient Golem and CDR boots, but going Aegis/Locket doesn't seem like it's enough and should instead get something like a Haunting Guise? All Elise is late game is a walking champion with smite and a cocoon.
And since there are practically never any standard lanes anymore, the value of Elise's early game diminishes a bit for me.
Enlighten me please.
I don't exactly get what you mean, but a 2 second stun on a 6 second CD isn't anything to scoff at late game. Plus you're a big meat shield and virtually impossible to out-smite if you know what you're doing unless the enemy is Lee.I have a question that hopefully people can help me with.
Does the early game of Elise outweigh the uselessness of an utility/support Elise late game? I understand going Ancient Golem and CDR boots, but going Aegis/Locket doesn't seem like it's enough and should instead get something like a Haunting Guise? All Elise is late game is a walking champion with smite and a cocoon.
And since there are practically never any standard lanes anymore, the value of Elise's early game diminishes a bit for me.
Enlighten me please.
"Blind pick" sounds so funny in spanish for some reason
skins for july: http://na.leagueoflegends.com/en/news/store/sales/july-champion-and-skin-sales
pentakiru sona you'll be mine
and then only muse will remain
The whole portuguese translation is ehhhhbecause it's translated like crap lol
btw in portuguese it's VITORIA
Kind of hard to take things seriously when Eve is using "Agony's Hug" on youso basically br is much better at naming things
well like shitty splash arts were making me reconsiderPssh, you should already have all the Sona skins mang.
argie translation isn't terrible, but it's very fucking weird at times. i wish they had gotten creative with some things rather than try some very rough hard translationsThe whole portuguese translation is ehhhh
Warden's mail somehow translates to Watcher's carapace
Deathfire grasp means something like Burning suffocation
And then there's the champion skill names that are on a whole other level
Irelia is stronger than Riven right now.
i like riven, i feel they could give her some of her health regen back and she wouldn't be broken
For some reason I'm still able to duo with Pancakes, lol. The dream lives on.
With the life steal, dorans, and BT nerfs....they really should.
I guess dorans doesn't hurt her too bad since her start has been longsword, potx3-4 since her regen nerfs.
For some reason I'm still able to duo with Pancakes, lol. The dream lives on.
#THEDREAMSTILLLIVESFor some reason I'm still able to duo with Pancakes, lol. The dream lives on.
Oh thanks. Didn't know.yeah the restriction didn't go live with the patch but will be turned on at a later date afaik
do you mean like in competitive or solo q?
I guess the spiderlings are pretty huge since they draw the Baron debuff away from you and help you sustain in the jungle.elise does % dmg, has a long cc on a relatively short cooldown, aggro drawing with her e, scouting with her w, she's pretty useful late game
dont get liandrys tho, if you want damage early get sorc shoez or guise, if you need it late for some reason get a void staff
being tunky is better
ppl have been building sightstone on her
Red MF > Blue Ez![]()
fuck blue ezreal <3
(someone teach me how to compress gifs)
You're missing out, Riot Costy.you're still using miss fortune in 2014