how.The pic of sona.
how.The pic of sona.
The picture of Sona showed ankles.huh what does "not tryna have" mean
like gimme a break
i've been behaving lately :/
A good ADC should be able to play a decent supp. For example :i feel like there should be like opposite weekends in which adcs play supports and supports play adc
A lot of misconceptions here.Of course he would think that. He plays ADC, the role that snowballs the hardest. Any good ADC player should be able to carry themselves.
Unless you're Jax/Trynd, top lane can't do shit. I've seen hella fed top laners lose and I've seen 2/11 people get carried. IMO, the best role to climb with is ADC. Unfortunately, I can't ADC for shit. Ever since Annie support I've tried to avoid bot lane.
Edit: also, can we keep this sfw?
Do I really need to explain it?
Picture yourself as someone who doesn't play video games/league seeing that pic for the first time. She's pretty much naked, her tits are polished water balloons, and she's sitting in a suggestive pose.
Pretty nsfw.
that's one (1)A good ADC should be able to play a decent supp. For example :
R>Q>W>Ethat's one (1)
gimme some real numbers
i wanna see your nami
btw gimme some basic draven pointers
like r>q>e>w or w>e? how much should i spam w? how the fuck does q bounce and ult work lol?
like i had a good bunch of stacks but i was always playing catchup wih the axes since i don't get if they bounce in the direction i'm walking or towards my cursor or what
not sitting cross-legged would be pretty nsfw in a short cut dress.Do I really need to explain it?
Picture yourself as someone who doesn't play video games/league seeing that pic for the first time. She's pretty much naked, her tits are polished water balloons, and she's sitting in a suggestive pose.
Pretty nsfw.
thanks friendR>Q>W>E
In lane I only use like w once per fight. In teamfights later on, I spam the shit outta w, keeping the buff on 100% of the time. Axes go in the direction you're facing, and you should always be able to know where they're going. The main combo you need to learn for killing someone is (having two axes up) is AA+E+AA+Q and then run up to them and spam AAs and Ws. Axes are really a muscle memory thing for laning and csing. In team fights you need a lot of concentration though, especially in higher elo.
yup, me and my friends been loving the graphs and whatnot but i dunno why they removed the old shit from the clientEvery time I want to see my friend's match history in the client I have to remember how dumb the new match history is. I don't think I'll get over having to open my browser to see anyone's match history. I won't always want to see the detailed new match history, sometimes I only want to see if someone won his last game, or if he feed, or something.
It's dumb.
did all the placement matches. averaged
7.6 / 2.2 / 6.8
Only good enough for a 6-4 record and Silver. Fairly disappointed. Hopefully the climb won't take terribly long.
yea like i always found the nsfw stuff to be super weird, like if my boss caught me browsing gaf looking at clothed people rather than naked people i'd probably get scolded anyways, but you know those are the rules and i abide by themalso like, not too hard to imagine a work environment where you don't want ppl to see you looking at sexy cartoons on a website about video games, but I mean the safest thing to do in that situation for the concerned is just to block all images
im stuck in gold i always get afk and dcs fuck this game im never getting out
did all the placement matches. averaged
7.6 / 2.2 / 6.8
Only good enough for a 6-4 record and Silver. Fairly disappointed. Hopefully the climb won't take terribly long.
It won't go away until you attack someone. When you attack someone, it will use the power chord from the last ability you used.EDIT: Regarding Sona's passive: Is the buff from using a 3rd ability stored until you attack someone? It won't go away if I use heal as my 4th ability?
i think i dug too far in the dignitas rabbit hole reading about how lisha and qt are broken up now
i dont think nsfw championingers is that weird, like I can also imagine work environments where it's aight to browse the internet, but u dont want to be the sexy cartoon guy
soon, neko. stuck in gold i always get afk and dcs fuck this game im never getting out
soon, neko. soon.
why arent you online
i've had 3 monsters and a red bull IM READY FOR THIS SHIT GO GOGO
I don't see you
It won't go away until you attack someone. When you attack someone, it will use the power chord from the last ability you used.
I've seen her a decent amount in high elo. Heck, I played her today. I like playing her against Yasuo.Been spamming Fiora lately in silver -> gold promos, seems pretty good. Why is it that she's not played in higher elo? Or do I just never happen to see her
She's incredibly weak to exhaust.I dislike that Fiora seems to be able to fairly easily hit 400+ AD if the game goes past 30 minutes. It's a lot of AD! She has high AD early game too. Her ult also makes it so she's like Master Yi and you can't hit her and that's always irritating.
I've seen her a decent amount in high elo. Heck, I played her today. I like playing her against Yasuo.
I've seen her a decent amount in high elo. Heck, I played her today. I like playing her against Yasuo.
Demolished the hell out of Lux in lane. Get very fed early on (RoA by 8 mins IIRC).
Zero wards from support Shaco, so I had to buy the Sightstone. Our team had a really HARD time pushing because Lux was starting to catchup. She could just snipe me with an ult which drops me to nearly half. I wanted to buy an MR item but there's no space. I wanted a Locket but no one wants to get it. I must've bought a million elixirs. I was sorely tempted to sell my boots for AP+MS item like Twin Shadows but nooooo I know I'll get kited hard.
He's pretty good. BT changes should've hurt him a bit but it's not like he can't take advantage of a IE rush.Thoughts on Graves? I've played him a lot this free week and he feels awesome, lots of damage and I really like his skills. I'm not bothered at all by the short range as my "main" adc is Miss Fortune they feel really similar I really love going all in. I think he'll be my next buy I need someone else than MF to play as adc lol.
IE is markedly less useful as an item on him because it makes him more auto-attack reliant, and honestly the champions being picked up that have tremendous late game scaling are ones he fares poorly against. I don't think it's a very good time to be Graves.He's pretty good. BT changes should've hurt him a bit but it's not like he can't take advantage of a IE rush.
Is there any way to avoid, or improve, Janna's anaemic early game?
Ended up getting Sona and Pantheon (the latter for the heck of it).
As much as I want to do good as an ADC, I find I do better as either Support or Top. I'm getting a little better with Warwick as Jungler too.
EDIT: Regarding Sona's passive: Is the buff from using a 3rd ability stored until you attack someone? It won't go away if I use heal as my 4th ability?
If it's Draven give it to NewtI might have a present for someone on NA GAF later tonight, so make sure you're not afk in chat when I log on