i haven't seen a single feral flare warwick since the nerf. they all seem to go golem and pure tank, being a CC machine
Fucking Tryndamere splitpush. BS that he can kill structures while ulting IMO - we would have saved several towers and inhibs if he would just die already. Well played though. Checked the guy's match history, and it's entirely Trynd (jungle) and Fiora (top) with low assist scores. Hate that style of play in solo queue.
You miss a number of opportunities for double kills because you're focusing really hard on one target. Like, there are times that you'll grab and pull back and it separates you from following up if that makes sense even though the kill should be easy.newt helped me break my skarner cherry in a real game after 2 bot games with him over the past week.
holy shit he's so fun.
here's the highlights of our game, most interesting parts is at 3 minutes (the flash skeels) and at 4:40 (epic midlane laugh off) and 5:50 for just absolute deletion. the last 15 or so minutes of the game was a 4v5 in the enemy team's favor, but we wrecked early so hard that it didn't even matter.
need a lot of work on my skillshots, though admittedly it is a pretty hard one to hit. managed to save my ult in teamfights to peel for newt most of the time, otherwise it was first come first serve
Skarner is doin shit right nowSolo play in solo queue. What will they think of next?!?
It's that time again GAF:
Skarner is doin shit right now
4.11 will buff ancient golem. Invest in skarner stock today!
Can't seem to find update 4.11 info on Surrender @ 20, mind linking to them please? EDIT: or at least mention the jungle item changes?
Katarina is soooo good. My one death came from screwing around at the very end when they were surrending. She's so fun to snowball with. I gave Diana the business, and she's supposed to be a counter pick.
lol karma vs singed so stupid, singed can barely throw me and even if he did i can ult snare him to get the life back.
yeah karma top is really really obnoxious. I think this patch will be ranged top laners like Ryze, Karma, Kayle, and Lulu.
Maybe they're all just really good at video games.It's like pirate country here. Do whatever you want with no consequences!
To me, there is no point playing kha zix right now
Oceanic servers are so screwed up. 80% of the games i've seen in low-gold elo have people using 3rd party programs for buff timers.
First game I was surprised one of my laners was timing blue and red. Second game, I got suspicious.
Third game, it was just stupid.
It's like pirate country here. Do whatever you want with no consequences!
Glad I never switched servers
they've got no tribunal sort of system there yet right? everything is just manual ban waves at the moment.
From my experience I don't think there is one anywhere else either.
SZGF said:4.11 will buff ancient golem.
We think tank junglers are in need of a jungle item that better supports their play style across the board.
Terbinator said:From my experience I don't think there is one anywhere else either.
Not sure if it's just because I'm bad, but Kha'Zix jungle post-nerf seems a bit flaccid. Maybe it's because I'm bad, but I don't seem to do anywhere near as much damage as before, and I get blown up with no defense stats on ult.
I'm probably just doing it all wrong, but any tips on playing new Kha'Zix?
If you want to be able to 1v3 people, pubstomping, etc, you might want to look up high damage assassins with resets or low cooldowns. Yi can certainly be played top lane, but you will need to leave your lane and go gank other lanes. Yi, Rengar, Katarina and fizz should all be capable of this in some extent. Kassadin should be able to do it as well.Is there a list of champs that are capable (design of their kit) of carrying really awful players (that is, decent players who pick champs they don't play often and get wrecked)? I get the strong impression already that I need to transition from Jayce to one of those.
My Jayce atm is around a 70% win rate after 20 ranked matches. But I was only able to go 2 - 2 yesterday on him while posting what I would consider a respectable KDA in those 4 games of 25/7/14. Certainly nothing special, but I usually dominated my lane. Still, it's nothing spectacular and certainly not putting me in position to be a difference-maker in the mid game. By the time I'd look to rotate (maybe around 11 or 12 minutes via teleport ganking), team in-fighting had already started or people were losing lanes pretty hard. I consistently felt like I was firefighter looking at multiple houses burning down, trying to assess which could be put out and which needed to be put out. Whether to leave some top that I'd shut down to free farm and take 2 towers, or go and make plays. Sometimes I'd leave and it would have been the right call. Sometimes I'd stay and it would have felt like the right decision.
I feel like while I can wreck with Jayce, I feel limited. That is, I can't go in 3v1 and mop a team. I can't 100% people from level 3 like a Riven can (at least, not very often) and go up 4 kills on a lane opponent in 10 minutes (though I did that a few games ago to a Yi who ended up rage quitting). I can't go out and get an easy quadrakill like you can with Yi once all the enemy CC is on cooldown. On the flip side, it's fair to say that most popular tops aren't capable of doing that either. Most are tanks that just want to sit and farm, with very few exceptions. But idunno...I just feel like in order to win some of the games Iv'e been in, I would have had to have multiple kills inside of 10 minutes to go with my game-leading CS and then be able to rotate and take multiple towers. I feel like I shouldn't have to work so hard so often, putting out so many fires. And I don't think Jayce is a great fireman. I can make him work, but I don't know yet how to carry with him with an bot lane that starts 0/14 or when an ADC manages to forget to take flash. As such, maybe I'll have to put Jayce down and work with more pub stomp champs. IDK.
If you want to be able to 1v3 people, pubstomping, etc, you might want to look up high damage assassins with resets or low cooldowns. Yi can certainly be played top lane, but you will need to leave your lane and go gank other lanes. Yi, Rengar, Katarina and fizz should all be capable of this in some extent. Kassadin should be able to do it as well.
Edit: you can try to watch Ryan choi's stream, he does this with Yi and Rengar on diamond /challenger level.
Going 2-2 one evening doesn't mean you have to reevaluate your champion pool, particularly when you played well enough to win. A 70% win rate with a champ is fantastic. The vast majority of players who main a particular champion don't even get that. There's 4 other players on your team and some will lose, some will win, but if you're constantly winning your own lane than odds are you will rack up wins.
Solo play in solo queue. What will they think of next?!?
It's that time again GAF:
If you want to be able to 1v3 people, pubstomping, etc, you might want to look up high damage assassins with resets or low cooldowns. Yi can certainly be played top lane, but you will need to leave your lane and go gank other lanes. Yi, Rengar, Katarina and fizz should all be capable of this in some extent. Kassadin should be able to do it as well.
Edit: you can try to watch Ryan choi's stream, he does this with Yi and Rengar on diamond /challenger level. link: http://www.twitch.tv/ryanchoilol
A fed Swain can pretty much 1v5in bronze where peel/positioning don't exist
I don't like playing Nasus at all. I think it almost feels like a chore to use him. He's insanely strong, sure, but it's almost like pulling weeds for a while.
Nasus does not take that long to ramp up.Only suggestion I'm not 100% sure about is Nasus because he takes *so long* to come online. But hell, I'll give him an audition or two as well. I'm very comfortable playing him. I just...
...the window that most of these losses are being decided in is minutes 10-20. So I guess I'm looking for champs that can win their lane more often than not (if not outright dominate), but then rotate around after taking top tower and make up for a failed ADC and Mid.
Nasus does not take that long to ramp up.
Get a couple resistances, a sheen and around 100 stacks and there will be few top bruisers that will beat you in trades. By around 15 minutes you should already be pretty dangerous if left unchecked.
Is Trinity Force or Sheen good on Talon?
-_-The legion grows.
Love the choice of the group profile picture