ughhhhhThe legion grows.
Love the choice of the group profile picture
I'm approximately 3 big losing streaks, and 4 big winning streaks away from Plat whoo!
pick herSolo play in solo queue. What will they think of next?!?
It's that time again GAF:
JOIN USThe legion grows.
Love the choice of the group profile picture
What do you get for these groups?pick her
Humiliation.What do you get for these groups?
Is there a list of champs that are capable (design of their kit) of carrying really awful players (that is, decent players who pick champs they don't play often and get wrecked)? I get the strong impression already that I need to transition from Jayce to one of those.
My Jayce atm is around a 70% win rate after 20 ranked matches. But I was only able to go 2 - 2 yesterday on him while posting what I would consider a respectable KDA in those 4 games of 25/7/14. Certainly nothing special, but I usually dominated my lane. Still, it's nothing spectacular and certainly not putting me in position to be a difference-maker in the mid game. By the time I'd look to rotate (maybe around 11 or 12 minutes via teleport ganking), team in-fighting had already started or people were losing lanes pretty hard. I consistently felt like I was firefighter looking at multiple houses burning down, trying to assess which could be put out and which needed to be put out. Whether to leave some top that I'd shut down to free farm and take 2 towers, or go and make plays. Sometimes I'd leave and it would have been the right call. Sometimes I'd stay and it would have felt like the right decision.
I feel like while I can wreck with Jayce, I feel limited. That is, I can't go in 3v1 and mop a team. I can't 100% people from level 3 like a Riven can (at least, not very often) and go up 4 kills on a lane opponent in 10 minutes (though I did that a few games ago to a Yi who ended up rage quitting). I can't go out and get an easy quadrakill like you can with Yi once all the enemy CC is on cooldown. On the flip side, it's fair to say that most popular tops aren't capable of doing that either. Most are tanks that just want to sit and farm, with very few exceptions. But idunno...I just feel like in order to win some of the games Iv'e been in, I would have had to have multiple kills inside of 10 minutes to go with my game-leading CS and then be able to rotate and take multiple towers. I feel like I shouldn't have to work so hard so often, putting out so many fires. And I don't think Jayce is a great fireman. I can make him work, but I don't know yet how to carry with him with an bot lane that starts 0/14 or when an ADC manages to forget to take flash. People are dying from a basic failure to understand positioning and what the enemy team's comp wants to accomplish in team fights. As such, maybe I'll have to put Jayce down and work with more pub stomp champs. IDK.
ovarian cancerWhat do you get for these groups?
Is there a way to tell if it was a drophack as opposed to server problems, connection problems, or ISP problems?Drophacks in Gold, ain't that some shit.
No game on match history.Is there a way to tell if it was a drophack as opposed to server problems, connection problems, or ISP problems?
Is there a way to tell if it was a drophack as opposed to server problems, connection problems, or ISP problems?
Does it disconnect all players at once or just some? I've seen a lot of connection problems but very rarely an entire team. I wonder if drophacks are widely used or only occasionally.We just killed their jungler and ADC and were on our way to Baron for a's kinda obvious.
Does it disconnect all players at once or just some? I've seen a lot of connection problems but very rarely an entire team. I wonder if drophacks are widely used or only occasionally.
Drophacks in Gold, ain't that some shit.
Whole game vanishes, everyone gets disconnected.
Drophacks happen every now and again in Diamond supposedly. But Gold? C'mon son.
try playing adc, jungle, or mid
They can't handle that Diana.I got drophacks in teambuilder of all things.
They can't handle that Diana.
Drophacks in Gold, ain't that some shit.
this is basically every ranked game i play
people need to learn to base after inhibitors
and people need to learn never to do baron
I was testing some builds in customs. Seems like the best builds for Draven/Quinn are IE--->Ghostblade.i don't know that much about adc but i feel like youmuu's might actually be a pretty decent item now
About goddamn timeIntervention (R) cooldown increased to 110/95/80 from 90/75/60
Tabzz was saying Ghostblade as your second item on BoTRK carries is very strong.i don't know that much about adc but i feel like youmuu's might actually be a pretty decent item now
About goddamn time
Tabzz was saying Ghostblade as your second item on BoTRK carries is very strong.
I wonder which carries can take advantage of this. Perhaps MF as well?
About goddamn time
try playing adc, jungle, or mid
pick her
I'll def take this under advisement as well. I spent most of last seasons juggling, so it wouldn't be an issue. I just...I switched from jungle precisely because I didn't want to feel responsible for putting out fires in multiple lanes. And yet, that's precisely how I feel when playing top. Instead of adding to the decent play of teammates, I'm spending my time balling out bad play of teammates. People putting themselves in holes that they aren't necessarily capable of digging themselves out of.
yea my draven build was ie+zeal+ghostbladeI was testing some builds in customs. Seems like the best builds for Draven/Quinn are IE--->Ghostblade.
prolly not, mf would like bt better even if not rushing itAbout goddamn time
Tabzz was saying Ghostblade as your second item on BoTRK carries is very strong.
I wonder which carries can take advantage of this. Perhaps MF as well?
i try to be diverse with my postsI wish she have some rework, her model is just rare.
You should post more sona stuff...
well like you have to find the style that suits youI'll def take this under advisement as well. I spent most of last seasons juggling, so it wouldn't be an issue. I just...I switched from jungle precisely because I didn't want to feel responsible for putting out fires in multiple lanes. And yet, that's precisely how I feel when playing top. Instead of adding to the decent play of teammates, I'm spending my time balling out bad play of teammates. People putting themselves in holes that they aren't necessarily capable of digging themselves out of.
i just focus on my own shit, so mid/adc works pretty ok
if you want to be more like that make the switch
support, jungle and top are a lot more team oriented which is gonna make you frustrated if you don't like covering for your teammates' weaknesses
Wut? That's top job. The island. Play 1v1 for 30 minutes then realize there's 8 other people in the game.
I want to learn top lane but it's just so boring to me. All the low elo junglers I've seen completely ignore it so it's just a 1v1 farm-off for 20 minutes.
well yea i thought it may be interpreted that way so my bad for not explainingWut? That's top job. The island. Play 1v1 for 30 minutes then realize there's 8 other people in the game.
I meant MF with Ghostblade as second item.prolly not, mf would like bt better even if not rushing it
i don't like new bjork so much, 10% lifesteal feels awful imo
also yea about fucking time with the kayle nerfs
this is basically every ranked game i play
people need to learn to base after inhibitors
and people need to learn never to do baron
(also if anyone can help me upgrade the quality of obs recordings -not streams- i'd much appreciate)
you moo is great, it helps out in terms of quickening your power spike and is in general a c00l item after the buff
i dunno about after ie tho, like I feel like if I invest in ie I'll want to back it up with pd/shiv for crit, but it really isnt a bad pick up at all
the twitch build atm is probably botrk->youmuu
some lucians last patch would go dbl lifesteal and some would get youmuus, i think w/ botrk being the pickup if you want lifesteal it wouldnt be too weird to see botrk youmuu lucian, tho tabz says you should do cutlass -> tri -> botrk
oh, riteI meant MF with Ghostblade as second item.
BT is poop as a first item on anyone.
Or a pre-nerf Feral Flare jungler...
makes sense
tho like i said its not what id build on an ie dood
like i wouldnt build trinity or just a zeal for crits or expect it to give me too many
the armor pen is supa hot tho