This will be the first League thread in awhile that I don't think I'll be high on the wall of shame.
Ooooo look at me, Mr. I have a life over here.
Big shot.
Stone Ocean said:
Sounds like Ghostblade second might become the norm after all, at least on BoTRK carries.
Had a Trist game with a BotRK start last night. Thought of building GB second, but I'm not sure whether or not its recommended on Trist since only her AAs benefit from the ArPen. I'll have to try it next time I guess.
I'm going to ask this question again because I wasn't able to get mid on SR last night for practice - if I play my potential mage picks on TT (Ori, Liss, Ziggs, throw in some Lulu, Zyra and maybe Karma, Fizz, Talon for good measure) will skills like last hitting, trading, champ mechanics, and intangible stuff like comfort playing a champion translate to SR? I know they're different, but right now I get to play mid only so often and I'm unable to build any sort of "learning flow" like I did with jungle, support, and to less extent ADC. I'm so preoccupied with just learning champ mechanics I'm not really learning how to play mid as a position/role anyways.
heytred said:
You didn't even itemize as a support... sure it sucks to be in the position you were in, but you didn't even posture yourself to actually HELP the ADC... then, reading the post game chat... seems like you may have been as much of the problem here as anyone else.
Quit blaming your team and find out what YOU can do better. Can't control unknown variables bub.
The other team doesn't have a support either. He's not even level 30 yet. He's probably better off playing champions he's comfortable with and learning their ins-and-outs at his level/experience than he is forcing himself to play a true support which his ADC and the rest of his team wouldn't know how to benefit from anyways. But yeah, attitude could be better.