Finally played a Skarner game wherein I didn't have absurd packet loss.
Went 5/0/11
Too bad he's on the chopping block for nerfs. :^)
Finally played a Skarner game wherein I didn't have absurd packet loss.
Went 5/0/11
Too bad he's on the chopping block for nerfs. :^)
but there aren't enough good waifu junglers
but there aren't enough good waifu junglers
What about Eve
Hey, Phillip, has the thing you hinted a couple of months ago been revealed yet? I think you said it would probably be in the end of June.
The champion who has the posture and dress of a meth addict?
All right, thanks.please.
skarner was one of my original jungle champions. I love Skarner.
Not as much as my waifus, but there aren't enough good waifu junglers
getting closer hopefully, I should chase it up actually...
I could never believe that something like that would be so close.replays
no, it's nothing to do with game/game features
it's a personal exciting thing. And I'm not nor am I going to be a Rioter.
Too late. I just bought RE4 instead.If we both buy it we can level up together.
Exhibit 1 of why Renekton is a shit champion.
Useless cunt.
Awful, awful game. Lee was complete dogshit and constantly ballooning. Ziggs can't Ziggs and is getting pushed by Lux.
I'm not nor am I going to be a Rioter.
Vi, Elise, Lee Sin, Kha'Zix went month+ without getting nerfs. Skarner? Two weeks.
Between this and Quill Coat/SotAG, I'm starting to think Riot hates tanky junglers.
top/mid:ghostblade/Bork/Shiv/whisper/gaWhat's the prefered build on Quinn lately?
Lost it at Teemo hat flip.
Also how about something Wembley related for next OT. Maybe "Should have played Anivia" or my personal favourite "FIGHT YOU ******* PUSSIES!"
maybeWell Bloodmoon it is then I guessTo be honest that wouldn't be a problem with my LoL playing friends as the male side of them is all over Sheriff Caitlyn and Kitkat Katarina and the female side is all over Lee Sin's abs and Rugged Garens manliness while one of them has a crush on Poolparty Leona
Though I can see how it might be a bit iffy
But yeah now that I think of it, I do think the nurse skin looks nice but feels out of place on the rift... then again I shouldn't say anything as I play Popstar Ahri...
But yeah for Ahri, Popstar and Firefox forever!![]()
And is that Ahri on your avatar?![]()
watch itYou said she was boring.
they actually hate lee too but community cries over finally nerfing that broken ass champion was too muchRiot hates all junglers equally
Except Lee
does. not. compute.Exhibit 1 of why Renekton is a shit champion.
Useless cunt.
Awful, awful game. Lee was complete dogshit and constantly ballooning. Ziggs can't Ziggs and is getting pushed by Lux.
Went back to ranked and somehow made it to platinum after being stuck in silver for months. Took me about 10 days to go from gold v to platinum , duo q helped a lot.
Mid-tower still standing at 25 minutes. That's when I knew it was lost.does. not. compute.
how can people be that bad
Is there any need to buy Athene's now? Morello just seems like an out-and-out better item.maybe i should write a guide
I saw it first, shoo, shoowatch it
this is my new main you're talking about
adc: ie/ghostblade/shiv/whisper/ga
I thought new golem was considered a buff?
watch it
this is my new main you're talking about
there's just no way this can happenMid-tower still standing at 25 minutes. That's when I knew it was lost.
i dunnoIs there any need to buy Athene's now? Morello just seems like an out-and-out better item.
if they don't update the model you can keep herI saw it first, shoo, shoo
all ahris are good
all ahris are good
Mid-tower still standing at 25 minutes. That's when I knew it was lost.
well that's easy cos you don't have kpop ahriI have dynasty, foxfire, and midnight. I def like foxfire the most.
yea flaming tails are cool but kpop ahri dances when she backsNeed this as a wallpaper
Loving the firefox effects but still Pop Star ahri is the best
well that's easy cos you don't have kpop ahri
Well, technically it only loses 100HP due to its passive.
Once you get more than 400HP from other items/masteries/runes (Visage/Banshee/Randuin/Locket/Sunfire/Mogs), you already gain more HP. Loss of tenacity blows, although vision matters more than tenacity early to mid game.
vs. Physical. Losing 150hp at the point in a match when APC's starting hitting their stride hurts.
Ya it's another one of those situations where I have almost all the skins for a champion I never play.
and there b no shame in kpop ahri
kpop ahri is the best skin in the game
well that's another thing for you to correct
Was your outer bot tower down first?
well yea, she's boring as all fuckUntil another waifu gets a new splash art then you ditch your current one like a tissue you sneezed in.
well like if you just hit charm your single-target damage is increased from before. i guess it makes her a bit more easy to read but then again you usually didn't go for the kill without getting charm off before anyways.I was just curiousAnd yeah I would like to agree, its my favorite skin aswell next to Firefox!
If only Ahri wouldn't be so dependent on DFG I would have more fun playing her
Before the whole DFG craze I regularly pulled off Triple-kills and now I feel like I shouldn't even bother if I don't hit E and DFG unless it's a team-fight which makes playing her a bit stiff and less fun to me :/
And did they increase the CD between her Sprit Rushes? o.o I feel like it has a really high CD now till I can jump again compared to the time I started playing with her.
EDIT: And that Ahri wallpaper*saved* Whenever I see art like this I wish they would make a MOBA with a full anime aesthetic but I guess that wouldn't be good for a universal userbase. And no, that Chinese LoL knock-off doesn't count
oh man what imma gonna do with youYa I just don't play mid that often, and when I do its usually Yasuo. Ahri is awesome though. She was always one of my favorite champs to play in season 3.
well like if you just hit charm your single-target damage is increased from before. i guess it makes her a bit more easy to read but then again you usually didn't go for the kill without getting charm off before anyways.
they didn't change her ult cd thingie
also yea, that's ahri. or is she?
oh man what imma gonna do with you
Can I still be saved?
Lol, this is so true.