well maybe she dyed it for a certain steam sale craze :3I think so although the hair color throws me off though I think I saw Ahri art like this before o.o
And I know about her E and yeah I would never engage without it unless I have to. Though for some reason I can't properly explain, ever since the Season 4 adjustments her burst doesn't feel as satisfying as in Season 3 :/ And hmm okay it might just be me then, before it felt like Jump --> Jump --> Jump and now Jump ----------> Jump ----------> Jump but it might be the difference for getting stuck in CC too often...
that, my child, is up to you and you aloneCan I still be saved?
Was he your duo?
Was he your duo?
then stop picking quinn into those champs -.-So far as quinn i went up against
at top.
Why can't i go against someone i can harass with her E?
well maybe she dyed it for a certain steam sale craze :3
So you're saying you will.No, I've not added him(her?) yet.
I would buy it.
then stop picking quinn into those champs -.-
Yeah, it's baffling. They actually did make a statement about it, and you know how it is, soon TM.Why Riot doesn't make merchandise is perhaps the most baffling thing about the company.
then play draft pickI'm playing blind pick.
Why Riot doesn't make merchandise is perhaps the most baffling thing about the company.
A monthly feeWhat do you think the skins are?
Cool idea.maybe riot is making it so u can order online w/ rp
then play draft pick
Make it three.Make it two.
Also the Sona figure is expensive as hell
After playing a handful of games with attack speed kayle, I prefer going stinger/rabadons (or void, depends), then hurricane.I still don't like Hurricane on Kayle. Not a fan of having less burst damage and less AP for my heal.
kayle wasn't a factor in the teamfights because I kept assassinating her before she could ult.
kayle wasn't a factor in the teamfights because I kept assassinating her before she could ult.
burn ult when you're being focused and then clean up because you're kayle and your damage is stupid. your ult isn't actually to save people, it's to mitigate burst damage so that they (i.e. you) can still fight in the continuing fight.My kayle is usually focused first so I cant do shit in teamfights forcing me to waste the R pretty early
despite rengar giving double buffs to Kayle at level 2 and thus ensuring I would lose lane and having rengar and vayne in general, I just TP roamed everywhere to kill everyone.
Now this is something I can go along with.
Yep. Ult whoever got focused immediatly so all those ults go to waste.burn ult when you're being focused and then clean up because you're kayle and your damage is stupid. your ult isn't actually to save people, it's to mitigate burst damage so that they (i.e. you) can still fight in the continuing fight.
saying i carried on post match is lame dude
i was so mad during that entire game, you didn't even know. like, the double buff kayle was just the beginning of my team's attempts to give me another aneurysm. beyond vayne trying to 1v1 caitlyn without wards, rengar's constant failed ganks into bot and mid and of course, the terrible objective calling from braum, i probably lost around 5 years of my life from screaming at them.saying i carried on post match is lame dude
saying i carried on post match is lame dude
i was so mad during that entire game, you didn't even know. like, the double buff kayle was just the beginning of my team's attempts to give me another aneurysm. beyond vayne trying to 1v1 caitlyn without wards, rengar's constant failed ganks into bot and mid and of course, the terrible objective calling from braum, i probably lost around 5 years of my life from screaming at them.
i was so mad during that entire game, you didn't even know. like, the double buff kayle was just the beginning of my team's attempts to give me another aneurysm. beyond vayne trying to 1v1 caitlyn without wards, rengar's constant failed ganks into bot and mid and of course, the terrible objective calling from braum, i probably lost around 5 years of my life from screaming at them.
no im not. im a former halo player.you're better than that
Bro...I'm both halo and cod but I know that my cockiness and rage during league comes from the good old halo 2 days.no im not. im a former halo player.
im sorry
maybe i should write each and every one of them a letter of apology. maybe ill also write an apology on their special gaming helmets too.
that's because you never played austrailian cheaters in arena and armor locking retards on blue team sword base.I played tons and tons and tons of Halo and CoD but you don't see me raging
that's because you never played austrailian cheaters in arena and armor locking retards on blue team sword base.
that's because you never played austrailian cheaters in arena and armor locking retards on blue team sword base.
it may be a shit game but its also a shit game that i had a 95% win rate in.that's because i didn't play reach because it was bad