Ladies and gentlemen, some advice.
So I've been on a crazy winning streak (18-2 until yesterday) as top Nasus. I can usually carry games as him top (currently in B1, all the way from B4 a few weeks ago). The ascension is real, but so is the realization that if either Nasus gets banned top, or I don't get top, I'm left with a few options if I want to carry myself out of the struggle.
Kassadin is no longer an instaban but I still see games where he absolutely dominates everyone. The very definition of a hard carry. I have played a bit of Akali who can also melt fools when she gets going.
Question 1: What is the best way to learn Kass mid? What is a good build order?
Question 2: What is another OP top champ? I very rarely if ever lose top right now, but the issue is I'm not carrying hard enough unless I'm left alone to free farm all game. I've tried a few Renekton games but he wasn't clicking with me for some reason. Who can get me to Silver? I've got 50 LP in B1 and I'd like to be out of he basement in a few weeks. I honestly feel as if I've learned enough about what not to do that I can win my lane more often than not- But unless I just get obscenely fed, Nasus just doesn't have the burst potential that someone like Kass or Akali do. Plz hlp.