Most unsatisfying wins: playing ADC and getting a surrender out of the enemy team before getting a single kill.
Fuck man.
Yeah good tips. My problem is that I need like, a coach or something to teach me fundamentals of the game. I've literally played 1000-2000 League games overall I suspect, of various types, and maybe a few HUNDRED games each ranked season, so I very solidly deserve bronze or low silver. I learn little bits, and one season I played like 100 Riven games and 100 Katarina games and took notes on each game to try to improve. I am very forgetful unless I focus very specifically on a champion like that.I knew that my Ahri is at least Gold. And that I was a better support than the average in Silver. Then I just played mid/support/adc, or Shyvana if I had to go top. Some many ranked games latter, 20-40 and done.
And don't keep playing if you lose a game, take a break first.
Yeah good tips. My problem is that I need like, a coach or something to teach me fundamentals of the game. I've literally played 1000-2000 League games overall I suspect, of various types, and maybe a few HUNDRED games each ranked season, so I very solidly deserve bronze or low silver. I learn little bits, and one season I played like 100 Riven games and 100 Katarina games and took notes on each game to try to improve. I am very forgetful unless I focus very specifically on a champion like that.
can we trade one of them for boken
Question 1: What is the best way to learn Kass mid? What is a good build order?
Part of it is I virtually never watch good players or read overall gameplay guides for champions so I sort of draw my own solo queue lessons rather than seeing what good players do.
Like, there are presumably rules where if you're champion X vs. champion Y, you rush an early level 2 and then you do cheese Z, or you wait until level 3, or you know that you do 750 burst damage and you wait until the numbers match up just right and then execute properly.
I'm at the stage where I try to push towers and get high CS compared to everyone else. I also buy wards and pinging map things.![]()
Here: good tips. My problem is that I need like, a coach or something to teach me fundamentals of the game. I've literally played 1000-2000 League games overall I suspect, of various types, and maybe a few HUNDRED games each ranked season, so I very solidly deserve bronze or low silver. I learn little bits, and one season I played like 100 Riven games and 100 Katarina games and took notes on each game to try to improve. I am very forgetful unless I focus very specifically on a champion like that.
Part of it is I virtually never watch good players or read overall gameplay guides for champions so I sort of draw my own solo queue lessons rather than seeing what good players do.
Like, there are presumably rules where if you're champion X vs. champion Y, you rush an early level 2 and then you do cheese Z, or you wait until level 3, or you know that you do 750 burst damage and you wait until the numbers match up just right and then execute properly.
I'm at the stage where I try to push towers and get high CS compared to everyone else. I also buy wards and pinging map things.![]()
watching jeff's promo.
where else can you see 5cs vs 5cs at the 4 minute mark.
edit: awwwww shite, garen with the unwise towerdive and our hero gets a kill!
wait. wut.
you know how hard it is for garen and renek to cs.
beginning to have doubts about this fizz jungle tho.
I fucking hate ap tristana. It suck massive cock getting an undodgeable 700 damage dot immediately followed by a stupid ass nuke.
Fuck her and fuck anyone with the lack of humanity to play a ranged top laner.
i was following until the last part
ranged top laners is all i can play T_T
yea, basicallyIt's the most frustrating experience. "Lol have fun eating these autos while you cant do shit because ranged champs also get to have anti melee mechanics".
What are some concrete suggestions you would offer to improve?No offense but I think the problems may stretch way beyond being mechanically apt at the game.
I played a poor game, but we won. I'll take it. There's a glimmer of hope alive.
You might want to look through the ingame options screens. I -think- there is one that disables minimap clicks so that you won't accidentally walk or skillshot in a weird direction because of the minimap.I struggled early against Leblanc with Talon, but came alive at level 6. I gave her a really dumb kill though when I went to run away and accidentally clicked the mini map and walked right back to her. That one was for free. After that I kept her in check, but as expected, I kinda got blown up in the team fights after throwing down my burst.
You might want to look through the ingame options screens. I -think- there is one that disables minimap clicks so that you won't accidentally walk or skillshot in a weird direction because of the minimap.
Been practicing a lot more top laning recently. I notice that while I often beat or zone out the other laner, I'm having trouble dealing with ganks. I often die to ganks.
anyone has like any basic irelia tips
i've been thinking about trying her again
Played with an ap trist earlier. All i did was black shield her and she did the rest. Just totally no sold vayne's and nami's CCI fucking hate ap tristana. It suck massive cock getting an undodgeable 700 damage dot immediately followed by a stupid ass nuke.
Fuck her and fuck anyone with the lack of humanity to play a ranged top laner.
thanks for the tipsNot a very good irelia player, and most these probably "no shit" but:
-Play semi passive till around 9 when you'll have full hiten style.
-When you wanna engage on your oppenent from range, Q to a low health minion next to them to close the gap. Some people are idiots and it'll catch them off guard when they go up to cs, since you still have your Q you can still chase them down.
-Try to fight in/near minions when you have your ult, so you can hit both your opponent and their wave with it.
-When trading, activate W smack them a few times then get out.
-Conserve mana when you can, it's her biggest weakness early game.
-Her main combo is suppose to be W-AA-Q-AA-E
This is an excellent Irelia guide that also explains different matchups and how to play them:anyone has like any basic irelia tips
i've been thinking about trying her again
That's a great problem to have, really. Buy some wards, win the game.
When the hell is that map redesign coming out, my friend told me like another year.
When the hell is that map redesign coming out, my friend told me like another year.
Who is a good support with Corki? This person I duo with keeps picking him and he's a good ADC overall, but Nami just doesn't mesh well with him IMO. Bear in mind I really CBA playing Thresh or Leo.
*Rito time