Failed my promos to get out of bronze last night, but I'll get back into them before the weekend again. I was a bit irritated at how terrible my teams were though. Like, they weren't just bad, they were some of the worst I've ever had. I swear that in promo series you get the absolute worst of the bunch available. I only played four games, but in two of them the team was fighting the whole time during champ select, I had a rage quitter in another, a troll in one more, and just insane feeding in two of them.
The promo series is kind of dumb, when you really think about it. If you're good enough to advance, just advance us. It's a roll of the dice in those series, but just by getting to them haven't you already proven that you're ready to move out of that division/tier? I dunno man, the whole promo series seems arbitrary and I think that some dickheads are checking lolking and trolling when people are at 100 LP or whatever.
I don't know what else can explain the Fizz jungler last night. At times he was just standing completely still, doing nothing and letting the golems pound on him while not even auto attacking. The only time he came to lane was to die. I don't think that was accidental.
Getting rid of promos would be so nice. That's one area where I really miss the StarCraft 2 ladder system.
I could ward more (unless I'm support, where I actually buy a Sighstone unlike the unwashed masses in Bronze that just build AP):