yes thats what was needed
towers that hit harder
excuse me are you trying to sell me a weather skin
But that third (Third because I typically build Shiv -> BotRK -> IE) item is an IE which is 3800 gold. With 5% runes and a Shiv, that's only (I know, only) 50% so either Yasuo farmed all game to get it or got a lot of kills. And any champion farmed out of their mind or with a lot of kills is going to be strong.
well yasuo farmed all game is really not saying much. i've seen tons of yasuos do wraiths/wolves from like level 4 or something with like no mana, windwall for wraiths and shield they're pretty alright. much better than an ap mid that's for sure and like with em jumping all over the place and being able to chunk you good from lvl 1 you can't really abuse range like you would against other champions
the crazy power spike yasuo gets at 6300g (or even statik only) is just too much, i'm just saying smooth that shit out a bit
I kinda understand the nerf but I think reducing the amount of damage it does regardless of stacks kinda sucks. Since a regular wave has 6 creeps, why not increase the amount of damage by 15% instead maxing at 100?
...tbh from the start i always thought the shield on ult buff was yasuo's biggest problem and the thing that makes him impossible to balance. it's like right there, make it an actual decision to ult or not to ult which involves risk and reward. cos right now you're like 1v1ing the dude straight and nami pressed a key half away from the map and not only you're dead but he survived your combo+ignite. really for me if anything should be nerfed is that
it's just annoying and really destroyed the champion for me, who i actually thought was fun before the buff
he can keep his crazy scaling if he's fun to play against
You know who is really good against Morgana? Lulu, who can work around the spellshield really easily.
why is that? q breaks it easily with like some ap runes?
i really hate morgana no matter the lane, such a boring champion to play against