The AP scaling on her E is being cut by half next patch.
I can live with that. Does not cripple her laning, but takes away the threat in PVP.
The AP scaling on her E is being cut by half next patch.
Spice and wolf does sound like a shit anime.
Go watch the far superior and plot-heavy - you know, plot - Maou Yuusha
and Horo is better than Demon Queen despite her... plot.
For a moment I thought I was watching a EU LCS game. Nothing happens for 90 minutes and then suddenly they score
Where?lol Morello pretty much said that they can't nerf Lee because of the reaction from reddit.
pretty muchFor a moment I thought I was watching a EU LCS game. Nothing happens for 90 minutes and then suddenly they score
18 wards per game when playing mid is dumb, you should learn to rely on your trinketMy warding is excessive hmm I waste too much gold in wards..I don't ward enough when I play top
It's a scary 90%, I don't feel I ward that much... it makes me wonder how many if any wards most of the players buy in a game.
Patch 4.11 tomorrow.
Time to dust off those Maokai shoes and to finally see Kayle get hit by a real nerf bat.
18 wards per game when playing mid is dumb, you should learn to rely on your trinket[IMG]
compared to me it's a lot tho i don't get what this is based of. like i have ranked games as adc or support, so i dunno...[/QUOTE]
I'm pretty sure it counts wards placed, instead of wards bought. This is Trinket+Wards+sightstone+zed's shadow.
This is my [URL=""]match history[/URL]. I did buy a lot of wards in my last game because we were losing, and the danger of anyone being caught in the jungle was too dangerous to don't have vision, and it did won us the game in the end when we moved top and caught Vi and Fizz off guard.
I would say my average is 4 wards. Unless I feel the need to buy more wards.
Do you even know how stupid Lucian would be with one of those late game?Crap didn't realize they reverted the 10% ad passive on Bt...![]()
I'm pretty sure it counts wards placed, instead of wards bought. This is Trinket+Wards+sightstone+zed's shadow.
This is my match history. I did buy a lot of wards in my last game because we were losing, and the danger of anyone being caught in the jungle was too dangerous to don't have vision, and it did won us the game in the end when we moved top and caught Vi and Fizz off guard.
I would say my average is 4 wards. Unless I feel the need to buy more wards.
This is pure gold. haha.
My warding is excessive hmm I waste too much gold in wards..I don't ward enough when I play top
It's a scary 90%, I don't feel I ward that much... it makes me wonder how many if any wards most of the players buy in a game.
prtty sure this website is da bullshit
[ IMG][/IMG]
yeah i remember those great mage games (I don't play assassins) where i put down 58 wards, what good times
lol this made me laugh real hardyeah i remember those great mage games (I don't play assassins) where i put down 58 wards, what good times
I'm pretty sure it counts wards placed, instead of wards bought. This is Trinket+Wards+sightstone+zed's shadow.
quicksilver sash/mercurial scimitar doesn't give tenacityThanks.
So hold on does that make Zephyr, Mercury Boots and Quicksilver/Merc. Scimitar the only items with Tenacity?
quicksilver sash/mercurial scimitar doesn't give tenacity
if new ancient golem doesn't give tenacity anymore then it's only zephyr and merc treads
I forgot to bring business cards.its ok no one uses it anyway
just join neogaf chat if ur looking to network
well, it's still less than it was before the rework (was 60, now is 40).Nidalee spear buffed, wider again. :'(
Patch Notes said:Adding a ward to Quill Coat and Ancient Golem also gives tanky junglers a way to fight back against high-pressure junglers through superior vision control, rather than giving more stats to out-duel the duelists.
Ferrio said:Oh wow... those turret and exp range buffs. Being aggressive top laner getting harder and harder.
This is to stop heavy dives very early game that prevent people from playing aggressive top laners. Also, the changes to early kills and bounties are like the exact opposite of what you're talking about.Oh wow... those turret and exp range buffs. Being aggressive top laner getting harder and harder.
patchnotes are up:
mostly what we already knew, lots of nerfs to annoying champions like kayle, new skarner, yasuo, ziggs, also mao rework, new tank jungle item and random buffs
no bt buffs
also some other weird shit like stronger turrets for some reason? i guess for 3v1 dives or something? i'm not sure i like that
i do appreciate the first blood buff
This is to stop heavy dives very early game that prevent people from playing aggressive top laners. Also, the changes to early kills and bounties are like the exact opposite of what you're talking about.