Because inevitably you have teammates that don't know how to stay out of range when Annie's stun is up.
huhBecause inevitably you have teammates that don't know how to stay out of range when Annie's stun is up.
why is that a problem of the spell then
Problem is, I can only control me.
That should be plenty.
well what can you do. it's actually not a half a brain thing as a lot of people i know in platinum never bother to look at enemies' items and then get just as surprised as your teammates when they're permastunned by thresh or whateverNo, I'm saying that the situation is dumb. It's not a problem for players who have half a brain, obviously. Problem is, I can only control me. One other dude on the team was trying to help me in telling them that you needed to get away from Annie any time Tibbers was down, because he'd be coming back. It never helped.
I don't find an issue with the spell. It would be nice if he wasn't constantly on the map, but aside from when he first spawns in, he's not that big of a deal.
You should be able to control 90% of games in bronze.Didn't you watch the Fizz as jungler game I played? That was a match that was 100% impossible to do anything about. He only came to lane to die and spent a lot of time just standing in place. Bot lane and mid were feeding hard too. There are certainly times when you have zero impact on a match no matter what level you're playing at. The Annie/Tibbers match was one of those times.
You should be able to control 90% of games in bronze.
Dat Cait going frozen mallet....
holy crap, is this new?
I don't know what the fuck to do with this, so I'll offer this for everyone else
I don't know what the fuck to do with this, so I'll offer this for everyone else
I don't see what your point is supposed to be. The fact that Tibbers can stay forever is meant to be OP or something?
This week's adc roulette is telling me to keep playing Ashe. Ult too strong.
Last week was Draven. The week before was Lucian. Who could be next!
Don't make me do this.I'm winning more games than I'm losing. I generally win at about a 70% rate.
This week's adc roulette is telling me to keep playing Ashe. Ult too strong.
Last week was Draven. The week before was Lucian. Who could be next!
Don't make me do this.
This was one hell of an epic match.
Graves was our weakest link, but he performed as best as he can. In the end game they kept messing up and activating Hourglass which helped me score kills through my ulti.
if you were winning 70% or more of your games, you'd be in silver by now ba-zing.That's because I started out WAY in the negative when I started ranked. I played a lot of support, and it was the worst thing I could have done. Over the last month my win rate has been a lot higher. I also lost every single match that I've duo queued with my friend, and we've agreed never to duo again (we lost about 15 matches together).
Edit: I just realized that I've never even won a duo queue match with anybody. Ever. Trippy.
sorry but if you literally lost 15 games with your friend then it's not a bronze thing or people not having half a brain and being able to tell when ani stun is up, you and your friend are the reason your teams lostThat's because I started out WAY in the negative when I started ranked. I played a lot of support, and it was the worst thing I could have done. Over the last month my win rate has been a lot higher. I also lost every single match that I've duo queued with my friend, and we've agreed never to duo again (we lost about 15 matches together).
Edit: I just realized that I've never even won a duo queue match with anybody. Ever. Trippy.
wow you can't even tell what urgot's face's supposed to be in that thumbnailThis was one hell of an epic match.
Graves was our weakest link, but he performed as best as he can. In the end game they kept messing up and activating Hourglass which helped me score kills through my ulti.
if you were winning 70% or more of your games, you'd be in silver by now ba-zing.
sorry but if you literally lost 15 games with your friend then it's not a bronze thing or people not having half a brain and being able to tell when ani stun is up, you and your friend are the reason your teams lost
like seriously sit down and review how that shit even happens
This was one hell of an epic match.
Graves was our weakest link, but he performed as best as he can. In the end game they kept messing up and activating Hourglass which helped me score kills through my ulti.
Get Youmuu's on Fiora. It's essential.
there are two hurricanes on your team
ARAM, anything goes.
If you're the god of bronze, just go mid with a champ you like, get first blood 3 minutes in then roam and get the other lanes fed. Doesn't matter if they're the dumbest people on earth if they're 3 items ahead of the enemy laners.
I'm winning more games than I'm losing. I generally win at about a 70% rate. I obviously go through runs of bad and good luck. The real curse of being in Bronze is that some people are immune to natural improvement, and you often get paired with one or two of them.