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League of Legends |OT6| My AP Mid Can't Be This Cute

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i am 300 ip away from fiora... or quinn....or jayce

in 300 ip, one of them will be mine (unless rito announce a new champ before then)


as if there was another option.

RIP Sylvannas?

all sisters in my book. :3
I thought Essence Reaver would be good on him, but it feels so wasted. :( I think they should just create a mid-game mana-on-hit item then have it be a component to other big items.
Jayce is poo poo though.

Your mom is poo!

I thought Essence Reaver would be good on him, but it feels so wasted. :( I think they should just create a mid-game mana-on-hit item then have it be a component to other big items.

It's gonna need a few more buffs before it's suitable for Jayce, IMO. 99% of the time, Jayce should have a Manamune, so his mana issues should be managable after the first back/tear purchase. E Reaver just doesn't fit in like I hoped it would. I'd rather have a BT/LW/Cleaver every time.


yes, i did watch that game.

you got your two kills early only because garen towerdived you twice. you weren't really winning lane on personal merit. even then you traded deaths and then went on to die roughly as much as the rest of your team.

That's definitely a revisionist telling. Until the end phase when we were just fighting in our base the whole time, the only time I died was when they sent 3 up top once and 4 another time. I was 2-0-0 against Garen, but our team was down 2 kills to 22. Yes, 2 to 22. I was way up in CS, and still finished the game ahead (though I was constantly forced back by their jungler).

I never traded a death, that's some straight bull. I was 2-2-1 when our ADC rage quit and then I died a few more times basically waiting for the game to end.

I don't know how you can say I wasn't winning lane, especially not on my own merit. I was up two kills, had Garen losing CS under his tower the whole time, and they failed to gank me multiple times until they finally just started sending most the team at once. After that, I saw Fizz two times, both times he came up and fed a kill to Garen...
I was getting 7 at one point. That was brutal. I had to win 4 times per loss to stay even. Going 3-1 would equal a net loss in LP.

Worst I had was 12LP while losing 20. Gold V for eternity! Then I finally climb into 4 (was getting 20LP per win). Didn't play for like 2-3 weeks come back... and only get like 15 per win but lost like 20.

THE FUCK RIOT. You guys say 1 month of not playing for penalties!
That's definitely a revisionist telling. Until the end phase when we were just fighting in our base the whole time, the only time I died was when they sent 3 up top once and 4 another time. I was 2-0-0 against Garen, but our team was down 2 kills to 22. Yes, 2 to 22. I was way up in CS, and still finished the game ahead (though I was constantly forced back by their jungler).

I never traded a death, that's some straight bull. I was 2-2-1 when our ADC rage quit and then I died a few more times basically waiting for the game to end.

I don't know how you can say I wasn't winning lane, especially not on my own merit. I was up two kills, had Garen losing CS under his tower the whole time, and they failed to gank me multiple times until they finally just started sending most the team at once. After that, I saw Fizz two times, both times he came up and fed a kill to Garen...
thats just making excuses dude. yeah sure you won lane but you never converted that won lane into any tangible advantages. when me and newt play bot, we almost always transition that into dragon control and mid-roaming. its the same problem i had when i played shyvana which was that i never roamed when i was winning lane so id just sit there being useless until teamfighting, where my team wouldnt win because the other guys werent strong enough. like you can have a team full of thumbless, fingerless turds and if you'd snowballed enough of an advantage, you'd still be able to win.
Yasuo can ult off of nautilus's hook. I did not know that. Neat.

But yeah, had a much better experience on naut than I did on zac.

Also, I have 1350 IP, and the two champs I wanted next were both 1350. Should I get amumu or malph?


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Yasuo can ult off of nautilus's hook. I did not know that. Neat.

But yeah, had a much better experience on naut than I did on zac.

Also, I have 1350 IP, and the two champs I wanted next were both 1350. Should I get amumu or malph?

Amumu is in a much stronger position right now. Malphite is also kinda boring to play.
It's not so much "oh our feelings will be hurt if people dont like what we do"

it's "the internet will literally go insane if we nerf lee"

they've tried. They had proposed changes. People went apeshit.


So the general consensus is that Lee is overpowered? I thought he's ok, high skill cap. People that definitely know to play him will use his advantages and can control the flow of the game through him.
theyll get over it

people are dumb

sometimes others who know better need to choose what is better for the dumb people

its like parents not letting kids eat candy right before dinner
It's not the high skill cap that people hate, it's the low skill floor.

Easy to play, hard to master.

It just sucks that Scarra said, once, like two years ago, that lee is "the most balanced champion in the game."


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
It was the backlash from the pros that caused riot to backoff.


thats just making excuses dude. yeah sure you won lane but you never converted that won lane into any tangible advantages. when me and newt play bot, we almost always transition that into dragon control and mid-roaming. its the same problem i had when i played shyvana which was that i never roamed when i was winning lane so id just sit there being useless until teamfighting, where my team wouldnt win because the other guys werent strong enough. like you can have a team full of thumbless, fingerless turds and if you'd snowballed enough of an advantage, you'd still be able to win.

Not in this game. Seriously, our jungler was just trolling, which he freely admitted to. There was no advantage to snowball. It wasn't there. The ADC rage quit, and so did the support a little later. Nobody can snowball into a win in a 2v5.
I want to learn Jayce. He seems incredibly fun to play.

I feel like I should dedicate a week or so to really learning Jayce.

He seems like exactly my kind of champion, but that skill cap...

Do it. One of the only heroes I never get bored with. You can lane him quite literally anywhere and be effective. Does take some time to get used to the kit and when to use what. But once you've got it, you miss him when you're playing someone else.

"Damn it, if I was playing Jayce, that would be a kill." "Damn it, if I was on Jayce, I'da been able to stop that Kat ult and we win that team fight."

BRB going to play Jayce.


I don't think he's necessarily broken but he's definitely one of the more annoying champs to play against. I cringe every time I see him during drafts


Lee's relatively stronger now that a lot of his tougher competition has been nerfed. His win rates aren't exactly out of control though (based on what I'm seeing on lolking). The only anomaly I see is for diamond 5x5 ranked teams.

Other than the fact that he can be annoying and in too many games, is there a really good reason I'm missing that he needs to be nerfed?


the reason is because he is incredibly versatile at all levels while having pretty decent numbers and no real discernible weaknesses
like think jungle lucian if that makes it easier for you
he is held in check because there are other "problematic" junglers as well
which I think morello kind of notes, like he wants to grab all these doods together and nerf them at the same time, hes into that shit

like it's basically his status as a desirable pick over others, it's not like he's some post-release anomaly


He's also really hard to catch and you feel bad punching a blind guy. And he has what, a 400 HP execute attack on baron so that can make it tough to play against.

Nunu can probably do a lot of damage to dragon or baron with Q, but Nunu doesn't go flying through walls and kung fu knock everyone's face away.


also by the way
like i said he's versatile but I don't mean he's like some jack of all trades master of none style dood, he's prtty much at the top for a lot of the things he does

this doesnt mean he's going around punching people's face in all the time, or that people don't plan for him and play accordingly or whatever

also morellos has replaced athenes in a lot of instances, in the lcs for example, so dood felt happy enough to let ppl know that he wish ppl wouldnt yell at him about lee sin, but no morello you are not safe you are never safe


I'm not afraid of Lee Sin because at my ELO nobody can do the high skill crap that makes him so scary, but I can see how he'd be a beat at higher ELOs.


Also, thank you dudes for giving a hard time when I vent. It's the only way I actually learn to focus on different aspects of my game. I'll push back because I'm human, but I do take the advice to heart. I love that we can bust each others' balls here and it actually ends up being positive in regards to performance.

And for the record, I love Annie. Great champ, she is.


League of Legends |OT7|: I love that we can bust each others' balls here and it actually ends up being positive

ok we r done here, i hope im the #1 poster dis time
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