played a bit with pbe soni with some bots and at least in theory i really like it. playing with 200 ping means i can't really say how good she will be against humans but so far it looks positive
snuggle zones are kinda cool, the effect remains even if they leave the zones so like you can give em a quick hug and then go about your business while they waste whatever effects you just gave em.
they feel a bit tiny, specially e since it doesn't have a real effect anymore. e is gotta be my least favorite spell cos even if it gives you a ton of ms you're not really helping your teammates unless they're right next to you. i wish they made the snuggle area a bit bigger or something cos it feels kind of useless
cd nerfs you can really feel like i was too used to old cooldowns and found myself kind of out of options which is pretty weird and i'm not sure i like it so much. it feels like you get to use your passive a lot less now, which i don't like. this i'm the less sure about, it feels like cds are a bit higher than they should, i can't easily chain two slows or anything, it's not so good
now what i really like is that holy shit you can actually fight people. like shield, heal and q thingie are strong. q basically now has a 1 ap ratio in lane (0.5 from your q then 2x0.25 for your on-thingie for you and your friend). if jungler comes that's 1.25 and so on.
shield is very similar, you heal less (it's about the same at 50% hp) but again you get 0.2 ap scaling which is awesome.
she's also kind of insane with like her q power chord, on-hit q thingie and spellthief passive. i think she might be kind of awesome with like iceborn gauntlet or something.
basically she got real scalings which make me really happy cos now i can actually buy items and not feel like half the stats are going to waste.
i think she should have shorter cooldowns tho, maybe 9 instead of 10
i'm so fucking excited about sona rework i could cry
edit: oh also new particle effects look amazing. so damn good