Need some jungle input. I'm close to being done my jungle marathon to sort out my jungle picks and this is what I've done and planned so far:
Xin Zhao - Put in my main jungler pool
Volibear - Put in my main jungler pool
Vi - Put in my main jungler pool
Trundle - Put on my bench, on the bubble to make it into the main pool.
Nautilus - Put on my bench. I don't have the heart to just ditch him entirely.
Sejuani - Ditto.
Skarner - Put on my bench. He's a E slow buff away from being quite good.
Elise - Need to reevaluate. I'd like to keep her somewhere though.
Amumu - Feels strong, but for some reason I didn't have much fun. Removed from consideration.
Nocturne - Put on my bench until Riot takes a look at him.
Zac - Played like complete crap, felt awful. Removed from consideration.
Lee Sin - I feel like I'd have to invest an inordinate amount of time to learn him. Removed from consideration.
Are there any gapping holes among my picks? Outside of maybe Elise I don't have a magic damage jungler, not sure if it's necessary though.
dave is ok said:
They're nerfing Lee Sin? Why?
Because Lee Sin dominates the jungle meta. If you can't do what Lee Sin does (excellent early game ganks, excellent early game damage, excellent early objective control) then you won't be played in the jungle. If you can, then you will (Vi, Elise, Panth, Kha'Zix, Wukong). That type of jungler has pushed everything else out of contention, and now they all have to be addressed to bring back other types of junglers into competitive viability.