250% crit damage is HUGE, its such a massive power spike its absolutely stupid to play against.
you're being simple, crit is multiplicative damage, buying an ie is not as huge as a power spike as you make it seem.
it's not nearly as shit as doublelift says but rushed ie is way worse than 4.9 stacked bt, specially since it costs A LOT more
it takes about 1k more gold to even get rushed ie and even then more crit damage when you only have 25% crit chance and base attack speed is not all that crazy of a power spike. if you get a vamp scepter instead of two dorans you trade even more early game strength
believe me crits are the least of your problems :/
edit: don't take the last sentence the wrong way btw, i didn't mean it like that :> i'm just saying, your issues with adcs might be just hyperscalers being played more often as a result of bt nerfs, bjork nerfs making catching adcs harder and lebonk+nidalee nerfs really hurting those champions with the damage to shut down adcs in mid-to-lategame. but imo it's definitely not crits
Also lol@ renekton. He's not really top tier anymore IMO you could pick a ranged top laner and shut him down or take tp and outscale.
i don't play top lane but from my second hand experience this just hasn't been the case
i've neither seen many ranged top laners or seen renekton consistently do bad (or jax or shyvanna or trundle for that matter)
edit: i do almost every time i play lizzy top shit on all the melee champions but i feel that's more inexperience with her than anything meta related. i generally win most games i play as her mid too, so u know. also i got shit on hard as new nidalee versus shyvanna top the other day so u know, it's not that easy
I feel like I'm being targeted here.
it's always me me me me with you isn't it :3
typical adc player