Stone Ocean
I need to write a song about LW third or somethingI rush BoRK>Youmuu>Statik
Should I forgo the attack speed due to Twitch's Ulti and Youmuu and make Last Whisper 3rd? Based on the above and since I need the Attack power is this a good build on twitch?
BoRK+Youmuu+LW+Inf Edge+Armor
EDIT: I don't start with Doran, I go Sword first so I can make cutlass faster.
Don't go Shiv after Ghostblade. You pick GB as an alternative to PD and Shiv. So yeah go with the build you posted
Also start Dorans if you don't want to die to aggressive lanes. If you need Cutlass faster, practice your farming. Sword start sucks even more now that lifesteal is harder to get