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League of Legends |OT6| My AP Mid Can't Be This Cute

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Whew I had a good night, I'm almost in my first D1 promo series! I'm too nervous to try my luck tonight. Their Gragas kept spamming "ez/10 game" whenever they got a kill, no idea what he was on about.
why dont you guys actually plan this stuff ahead of time so you arent over the limit every thread

for the last one, we weren't going to actually do it but nobody stepped up as it got close to the deadline so we decided to do it.

This time, dob had exams all month so it was going to be me doing it solo. I didn't have time to do the whole thing myself and was going to give it up to someone else, but then Dob's exams were finished so we decided to do it.

It just sort of works out awkwardly. Also big news like the SR VU and some big PBE deploys massively accelerated the thread close to the end. Next time we'll be quicker with it as we know we're going to do it and we should be free.


Holy shit watching PhantomL0rd play Doom Bots

Walks past a bush with like 100 hp, out comes a random fucking Garen spinning and kills him.

So good.
So when playing ADC, especially Trist, I'm running into a consistent issue. I often win lane phase by quite a bit, both in terms of kills and CS, and end up in a good spot to hyper carry. After one or two team fights, though, the enemy bruisers start aggressively focusing me. I try to jump and flash out, but if they're pushing hard, I end up dying before I can do much.

My last game was a great example -- ended the first teamfight something like 3-1-7, then ended the game 13-9-17 after Singed and Malphite both targeted me every fight and we lost four teamfights in a row. We managed to pull it out because Singed thought he could base race me, but it was harrowing.

I built GA and Scimitar (maybe should've built more armor), and I suspect part of the problem was that we had TF top and Eve jungle, so we didn't have any sort of tank. Is there anything else I can do to try and mitigate this?
Don't build both GA and Scimitar - Scimitar won't do anything versus Singed and Malphite. Ult them away from you get a BoTRK.



My wired connection died at 50 minutes and my ping was still 100+. I thought this was supposed to be a magical experience :p

A decent game. I had to 2 v 1 vs Garen and Riven. I would've beaten either of them 1v1, but at least I felt I did a good job farming and defending turret. Our Jax failed to take advantage though, and went on tilt pretty hard after his 2nd death. He got pretty demoralized to the point where 3 of us were taking down baron and it was at 10%, and he rushed right to it, himself 10%. He comes in, and gets killed by the very last baron sweep, 2 seconds before we kill it, also killing any chance we had of making a big push to do some damage mid lane. I knew we were done when Jax was getting trashed by Garen of all people.

That Yasuo though, he was something else.


Don't build both GA and Scimitar - Scimitar won't do anything versus Singed and Malphite. Ult them away from you get a BoTRK.

Use your ult duder.

If you see something like Singed/Malphite buy BV earlier.

Thanks. I forgot to mention that I did save my ult to clear them, but it's good to mention it. Bork and BV are totally build paths I should have gone for -- I could've easily rushed Bork instead of IE when I saw the comp. Thanks for the advice.
It's disingenuous to just describe the upsides of an ability and say it's broken, without mentioning qualifiers or why it resets etc.

For what it's worth I don't think Nidalee needed buffs, but at the same time I'd rather this Nidalee existed (I think this version is perfectly balance-able and well designed) than her previous iteration.

The current version is far more interactive and a much more fun champion to play as and against.
I think you're really overreacting. It's only 50 damage at that level. She's not getting any resets while escaping.

And I agree. Singling out an ability, describing it and calling it broken is eh. You can do that to many abilities.
- Free ranged low CD spell that damages an enemy AND heals you? Broken.
- 2sec reposition that also roids your next attack? How is that balanced?
- Free 50 armor/MR plus stealth on basic ability OMG
The only buff Nid needed was the hitbox increase on the Spear. At 30 it was too unreliable and easy to dodge by mistake just because it was really really thin.

Most of AD Nid's damage is magic. Get MR, not armor.


Nidalee is just unfair, she has virtually no weakness top lane. She's mobile, does mixed damage, EZ manaless waveclear and is RANGED. She's worse than Lee Sin IMO.


dumb question, how do you screenshot your postgame screen?

I love using Snag.gy personally.

It's disingenuous to just describe the upsides of an ability and say it's broken, without mentioning qualifiers or why it resets etc.

For what it's worth I don't think Nidalee needed buffs, but at the same time I'd rather this Nidalee existed (I think this version is perfectly balance-able and well designed) than her previous iteration.

The current version is far more interactive and a much more fun champion to play as and against.

I'd rather Nidalee just not exist


Nidalee is just unfair, she has virtually no weakness top lane. She's mobile, does mixed damage, EZ manaless waveclear and is RANGED. She's worse than Lee Sin IMO.
Can you please post some scoreboards or how often you are seeing Nidalee top? Also, at what level?

  • In silver I feel it is very rare to see a ranged top of any sort.
  • With the limited data I have available (lolking), Nidalee has been under 50% win rate, in some cases FAR under 50% win rate, for half a month or more.
  • This is true at all low levels of ranked. Bronze, silver, gold, platinum, no exceptions. Diamond had one day with 51% win rate, and challenger fluctuates a lot because it has so few players.
  • It may be true that AD Nidalee is secretly overpowered and bad win rates are just a result of people playing AP Nidalee, or Nidalee as support/mid instead. However, if this is the case then eventually it will show up in LCS/streams, and then trickle into ranked games, and we will see a statistical change. I'm curious if this will happen.
  • It may instead be true that AD Nidalee (or Nidalee in general) usually "wins" the lane by getting more CS, or killing the tower first, but does not translate this into wins. This would be another explanation for a low win rate. However, in this case, that's no problem at all. If you see a Nidalee against you, you play safe and farm, give the tower up if you need to, and smile because you know the odds are ever in your favor -- you'll probably win.

Without concrete data, examples, and/or videos, I think it is hard to argue otherwise. Is this happening a lot for you? You've posted 3 times on this 1 page about it, so if it happens often, take some screenshots next time.
or ctrl+printscreen on the highlighted window

Alt-printscreen in Windows 7, not sure if it changed in later versions.

Snipping tool.

Thanks guys, I will try later.

Nidalee is just unfair, she has virtually no weakness top lane. She's mobile, does mixed damage, EZ manaless waveclear and is RANGED. She's worse than Lee Sin IMO.

I saw one in top lane, her mobility was insane, she was always in the grass farming as she pleases just runinng away in sight of danger in cat mode
DN, play 5 Nidalee games top today and then report back to us with your opinions, including score boards etc.

After you play her for those 5 games, I can guarantee you will quickly realise she has very real weaknesses.

If you can legitimately convince me that she has virtually no weaknesses whatsoever and that she's practically a free win and unfair, I'll figure out a way to mystery gift you a skin next week when I get paid.



lol ad nid is absolute shit. i cant imagine any champion with less teamfight or split pushing presence except for maybe shaco.
AD Nidalee has a 7-second major attack speed buff, pluf AOE waveclear. If she can get near towers she can damage them.

AD Shaco with Shiv can waveclear, and can actually wipe out towers pretty quickly with his clone if I recall correctly.
I've only played one game versus AD bruiser Nid top so far, but I was able to turn it into a farm lane as Ryze very easily. Just dodged traps and spears using minions and 'S' top stand still, ran MR blues, built a Null-Mantle after Tear/Catalyst (probably unnecessary to be honest) and farmed up. Very hard for bruiser Nid to be as useful as a RoA/Seraph's/FH/Mercs Ryze after 30 mins. Probably helps that I was a bruiser Nid main back in season 2 and knew what she was trying to do. Of course, it's possible that player was a bad bruiser Nid, but I didn't get that sense from their play.

She's a bit like (old) Darius I think - if she doesn't start the snowball early, she's going to fall off hard, so you can pick safe champions, respect her all-in threat, and win the lane. Teleport makes her life much harder - she has to bully you out twice to generate much of an advantage. Outscaled by almost every top laner. Her solo queue winrate doesn't look too great either - 55% winrate with Triforce completed, same as with Deathcap completed, 45% overall.
ok then lets compare them to the other big split pushers in the game.

jax: leave him near your tower and you lose it. hard to catch because of q. impossible to duel when he has triforce + bork because of ult and e and passive.

shyvana: massive aoe waveclear and massive dueling potential with e %health damage. big ad steroid in q. massive armor/mr steroid in ult.

trundle: impossible to duel because of ult + w + q. massive as steroid in w.

i mean nid and shaco have about two of those things and neither of them have nearly the same tf presence those picks have.


Help with my Twitch build please

Doran's Blade + Pot --> Vamp Scepter + Ward + Pot ---> Greaves ---> BotRK ---> Last Whisper ---> Guardian Angel ---> IE ---> PDancer


ok then lets compare them to the other big split pushers in the game.

jax: leave him near your tower and you lose it. hard to catch because of q. impossible to duel when he has triforce + bork because of ult and e and passive.

shyvana: massive aoe waveclear and massive dueling potential with e %health damage. big ad steroid in q. massive armor/mr steroid in ult.

trundle: impossible to duel because of ult + w + q. massive as steroid in w.

i mean nid and shaco have about two of those things and neither of them have nearly the same tf presence those picks have.
I was talking specifically about the lack of "split pushing presence" you referenced in your earlier post, not teamfight or dueling presence.


Help with my Twitch build please

Doran's Blade + Pot --> Vamp Scepter + Ward + Pot ---> Greaves ---> BotRK ---> Last Whisper ---> Guardian Angel ---> IE ---> PDancer

Try to finish cutlass before Greaves if you can. Ideally you want your first b to be >1400 G. After Botrk go Youmuu's Ghostblade, LW, IE and GA
I was talking specifically about the lack of "split pushing presence" you referenced in your earlier post, not teamfight or dueling presence.
ok then please enlighten me how you duel a jax/shyvana/trundle as nidalee or shaco because you're almost certainly going to meet their top laner if you're the designated split pusher.


ok then please enlighten me how you duel a jax/shyvana/trundle as nidalee or shaco because you're almost certainly going to meet their top laner if you're the designated split pusher.
First off it depends what level you're talking about. If you're at my level it's not like anyone is going to defend against a split push half the time, and Jax is virtually always banned. Trundle is also super rare in my games.

Second off, I think the Nidalee or Shaco style would be escaping through bushes or with invisible jumps through walls (peeling with boxes) if someone tries to defend or chase them. It's not the same style as instakilling whoever shows up top lane, I just meant that they can probably split push in some cases, better than some champions (like the Alistar/Sona/Braum/whatever lane farmers and split pushers I see sometimes :p).

At any rate I'm afraid I've gotten far afield from the original points I was making in response to DeadNames, sorry about that.


Help with my Twitch build please

Doran's Blade + Pot --> Vamp Scepter + Ward + Pot ---> Greaves ---> BotRK ---> Last Whisper ---> Guardian Angel ---> IE ---> PDancer
You wanna rush your first item, so going for greaves is setting you back a little. Once you get Botrk, you get a good spike and most champions are either rushing that or IE. You should be able to kill once you get Botrk unless they have an IE once you got a Botrk. Also you go yomuus after Botrk, then LW. IE will be after that then if you want full damage, you go build PD or defensive item(banshees if lots of ap damage or if assassin go GA).
youre delaying your power spike by building blade last. its also really dumb to categorize ghostblade as an assassin item when it gives pretty much every stat that twitch wants. theres absolutely no point in rushing lw when twitch isnt a caster.


Mostly for early game tank shredding, and Youmuu's is for assassin twitch.

How about this:

Dorans + Pot ---> Dorans + Ward + Pot --> BF Sword + Pot --> IE --> Zeal + Greaves ---> PD ---> LW ---> BotRK --> GAngel

That's even worse since know you're going in the exact opposite direction you want with Twitch.


Nidalee is just unfair, she has virtually no weakness top lane. She's mobile, does mixed damage, EZ manaless waveclear and is RANGED. She's worse than Lee Sin IMO.

Her weakness is getting killed. AD Nid is an assassin like Kat or LeBlanc -- if she lands a poke, she can drop a ton of burst on you and probably kill you, and she has good disengage tools for when she doesn't land that poke. But she has zero defenses apart from a heal that's also her steroid, and her escape is also her engage. Tank up against magic damage, stay behind minions, retreat when you catch a spear, and wait for her to overextend. Same thing you'd do against any assassin.

It might be that Nid's reset on Pounce is a little too safe, but she's a long way from being fundamentally poorly conceived, which the old Nid basically was by virtue of that one ability dominating everything else she did.

Most Nids will build Bork.

If they build Bork then they've given up scaling on 75% of their abilities in exchange for life shred and they still have zero defenses. Just focus them.


Nidalee is annoying during the lane phase, especially if you're a melee champ since she can zone you out and will make you suffer CS wise. She's more manageable if you choose a range champion as well like Lulu or Kayle top, then it's a but more even. But yeah after laning phase, it's a bit easier to kill her but will require at least two people unless you out scale her like Jax or Ryze.

If you're a melee champ, they only way you can play is extremely safe because of the high burst she has with her cougar form. She can destroy you at level 2 since there's no amount of MR at that level that can protect you from her 250% AD + whatever AP Q when you're Hunted.

In my Shyv game I posted earlier, because I underestimated her burst damage, I gave up two early kills. After that, I just turtled at my second tower (she melted the first), froze the lane, tried to recuperate from my 40 CS disadvantage, and would TP whenever they needed my help. And from two successful TPs, we were able to win a couple team fights, a dragon, and some towers.

Bruiser Nids usually build BotRK, Frozen fist, Spirit Visage, and whatever other tank times she needs. She's a bit different from an assassin since she can last a while in fights but still hurt.


That's even worse since know you're going in the exact opposite direction you want with Twitch.

Just read the stats on Youmouu's

Let's try this again

Doran's + Pot --> Brutalizer + Pot + Pink --> Ghostblade + Pot + GWard --> Greaves ---> BotRK --> PD --> GAngel ---> lE

Alternate last 2 depending on IQ of teammates


Mostly for early game tank shredding, and Youmuu's is for assassin twitch.

How about this:

Dorans + Pot ---> Dorans + Ward + Pot --> BF Sword + Pot --> IE --> Zeal + Greaves ---> PD ---> LW ---> BotRK --> GAngel
Doran/pot---->cutlass(if not try to get a vamp scepter on your first back at least)-->Botrk--->yomuus--->LW or IE(IE if they are all squishy, if tank, get LW)---->Get the other of the two you didn't get--->either finish with PD or if you want some survivability get a banshees or GA.


Doran/pot---->cutlass(if not try to get a vamp scepter on your first back at least)-->Botrk--->yomuus--->LW or IE(IE if they are all squishy, if tank, get LW)---->Get the other of the two you didn't get--->either finish with PD or if you want some survivability get a banshees or GA.

The lack of boots on that build is driving me nuts

One more spin

Doran's + Pot --> Cutlass/Vamp + Pot + Pink --> BotRK ---> Youmuu's ---> Greaves ---> LW/IE --> PD ---> Banshee/GA/Randuins


The lack of boots on that build is driving me nuts

One more spin

Doran's + Pot --> Cutlass/Vamp + Pot + Pink --> BotRK ---> Youmuu's ---> Greaves ---> LW/IE --> PD ---> Banshee/GA/Randuins
Lol, just go boots whenever you are building Botrk but don't build it into greaves until after Botrk.


why arent you just rushing botrk into ghostblade into last whisper

I rush BoRK>Youmuu>Statik

Should I forgo the attack speed due to Twitch's Ulti and Youmuu and make Last Whisper 3rd? Based on the above and since I need the Attack power is this a good build on twitch?
BoRK+Youmuu+LW+Inf Edge+Armor

EDIT: I don't start with Doran, I go Sword first so I can make cutlass faster.


i find ad nidalee positively boring, yuck

The lack of boots on that build is driving me nuts

One more spin

Doran's + Pot --> Cutlass/Vamp + Pot + Pink --> BotRK ---> Youmuu's ---> Greaves ---> LW/IE --> PD ---> Banshee/GA/Randuins

yea, get boots after bjork if you want, but wth why buy a pink in lane?

don't make pink wards part of your build path dude, just get em if you feel like you can use them and have the gold for them.

but yea that build's ok, buy two or three pots in lane rather than wards and you're set

you can also get stattik shiv if you want more burst/waveclear


Seriously though, Twitch is so fun to play as with a morg support. If she nails a binding at lv2, that person is dead unless they use summoners
Nidalee is just unfair, she has virtually no weakness top lane. She's mobile, does mixed damage, EZ manaless waveclear and is RANGED. She's worse than Lee Sin IMO.

she's really strong right now.

Seriously though, Twitch is so fun to play as with a morg support. If she nails a binding at lv2, that person is dead unless they use summoners

every adc is fun to play with a morg that can hit a skill shot. every single one, without exception. part of the reason why she's almost always banned.
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