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League of Legends |OT6| My AP Mid Can't Be This Cute

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you're changing the subject to lane safety now but nidalee literally has zero kill pressure on all of the champs i just listed which turns top into a farm lane which in turn is bad for nidalee because she needs to snowball to do well as opposed to shyvana becoming a gigantic unkillable deathball, jax kayle and irelia becoming uncontrollable monstersnd lulu becoming impossible to chase or kill.

I mean I guess snowball champs are strong at the level youre playing at but you arent even playing against people that use flash yet lol.
Nid can easily kill any of those champs during laning phase. After, Nid has great split pushing pressure. It will take at least one carry to deal with her and that's one less carry for the teamfight where Nid doesn't do as well. And she's just like Lulu where it will become difficult to catch up her either. She gets at least a 10% MS buff from applying Hunt on an enemy champ, 30% ms while in bushes, has her pounce, gets her pounce to a one sec CD if she pounces on a Hunted target, has the active from BotRK, and possibly the Triforce 5% ms as well.

And the champion defending from the split pushing lane has to have some decent defensive (mainly MR) items to stand a chance against Nid and all of those champions listed would typically be building two expensive offensive items first before they get anywhere near the Spirit Visages and Banshee Veils they need to survive.

Is she "broken", no but is she really strong and difficult to play against, yes.

I'm on my phone but could someone post the last tp nerfs?
The last ones I remember is them increasing the CD to 240 sec when TPs on a turret and keeping the 300 sec CD when TPd onto anything else.


Meh, I will wreck a top Nidalee with Renekton. E in, W, Q, E out. Rinse and repeat. You're always trading well, she can't hit with spears because you're behind minions, and she's under tower. You might not get kills, but she can't stop your CS and can't get her damage to outscale your tankiness.


Meh, I will wreck a top Nidalee with Renekton. E in, W, Q, E out. Rinse and repeat. You're always trading well, she can't hit with spears because you're behind minions, and she's under tower. You might not get kills, but she can't stop your CS and can't get her damage to outscale your tankiness.
She's not all about hitting spears anymore, she can set a trap under herself to get the Hunt on you when you go in.
idk where you got the idea of nid having strong lane kill pressure from because its actually zero without a gank or if you get speared or hit by a trap. It's especially strange to me how nidalee (whose damage is almost all in cougar form) has kill pressure on lulu (who absolutely murders melee tops).
Game no longer exists and you get a firewall error when you try to reconnect. If you cancel connection the game no longer shows up in match history.

This happened to me last week. I thought it was just Riot's servers sucking. Why would someone do this to a Bronze 5 player, :(


idk where you got the idea of nid having strong lane kill pressure from because its actually zero without a gank or if you get speared or hit by a trap. It's especially strange to me how nidalee (whose damage is almost all in cougar form) has kill pressure on lulu (who absolutely murders melee tops).
From playing against one and playing along with one. You're not always going to dodge the traps and spears, you're not always going to have the option of playing as Lulu or another specific champion.


Well, that game was ruined by a couple of dickheads. During champ select the duo team in there were last and second to last pick. They claim that one of them is smurfing and asks to let him mid. I give up my mid pick and support. After I lock in they say, "lol, not smurfing, but thanks for giving up the spot."

They end up being totally toxic and just feed the whole time. One is Riven, and he keeps dying to Fiora. I tell him that I main Fiora and that it's a bad idea to fight her 1v1. His response? "**** you, I 1v1 who I want" and then he goes and dies to her 1v1. His "smurfing" buddy just died a lot.

We were winning bot for a while, at least. That's SOMETHING to take out of it...

I hate the people that play this game.


Well, that game was ruined by a couple of dickheads. During champ select the duo team in there were last and second to last pick. They claim that one of them is smurfing and asks to let him mid. I give up my mid pick and support. After I lock in they say, "lol, not smurfing, but thanks for giving up the spot."

lol holy shit


Neo Member
Well, that game was ruined by a couple of dickheads. During champ select the duo team in there were last and second to last pick. They claim that one of them is smurfing and asks to let him mid. I give up my mid pick and support. After I lock in they say, "lol, not smurfing, but thanks for giving up the spot."

They end up being totally toxic and just feed the whole time. One is Riven, and he keeps dying to Fiora. I tell him that I main Fiora and that it's a bad idea to fight her 1v1. His response? "**** you, I 1v1 who I want" and then he goes and dies to her 1v1. His "smurfing" buddy just died a lot.

We were winning bot for a while, at least. That's SOMETHING to take out of it...

I hate the people that play this game.

Totally just had a game like this I died once and the vayne is like /all report this troll. total toxic player the whole time.
Well, that game was ruined by a couple of dickheads. During champ select the duo team in there were last and second to last pick. They claim that one of them is smurfing and asks to let him mid. I give up my mid pick and support. After I lock in they say, "lol, not smurfing, but thanks for giving up the spot."

They end up being totally toxic and just feed the whole time. One is Riven, and he keeps dying to Fiora. I tell him that I main Fiora and that it's a bad idea to fight her 1v1. His response? "**** you, I 1v1 who I want" and then he goes and dies to her 1v1. His "smurfing" buddy just died a lot.

We were winning bot for a while, at least. That's SOMETHING to take out of it...

I hate the people that play this game.
What the fuck? Shit like that would make me want to punch my screen. I wish you could report people for being dicks...


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Dodge at the first sign of stupidity


Waiting 5/10 minutes is better than suffering through retarded picks and trolling idiots. 3lp and no mmr loss is nothing.


What the fuck? Shit like that would make me want to punch my screen. I wish you could report people for being dicks...
you can

just slap whatever name to your report, doesn't need to be the correct reason (speaking of which i still don't get why there's a million different shitty reasons), people like that are bound to get reported often


What the fuck? Shit like that would make me want to punch my screen. I wish you could report people for being dicks...
You can report them for verbal abuse (harassment), or negative attitude (which is probably a placebo report). The thing is, presumably nothing happens to these people, besides potentially a warning popup or chat restriction. If there were a lot MORE warning popups or chat restrictions, maybe it would help, but I'm not sure.

Dodge at the first sign of stupidity
The problem with this (other than "it shouldn't be a requirement for the game") is then people end up with this fun situation:

omfg I've been trying to play a normal draft game for an hour now but I had like 10 dodged queues already.

And that's not much good either, especially when you may only have an hour or two a day to play a game.
You can report them for verbal abuse (harassment), or negative attitude (which is probably a placebo report). The thing is, presumably nothing happens to these people, besides potentially a warning popup or chat restriction. If there were a lot MORE warning popups or chat restrictions, maybe it would help, but I'm not sure.
you can

just slap whatever name to your report, doesn't need to be the correct reason (speaking of which i still don't get why there's a million different shitty reasons), people like that are bound to get reported often
Huh. Guess I learned something new today.

I'd be curious to hear if people have any stories of their worst experiences with assholes in this game? I'm lucky I don't have any, except pros yelling at me for being god awful.
man i don't know if it's luck or what but i never seem to run into the kinds of jerks that you guys do.

i actually lose my cool in team builder games more than i do in ranked, but i feel like thats because my MMR is much lower there so the players don't do what i expect and i get really annoyed with it

in ranked i just be nice and people are generally nice back

usually the first thing i say in chat is "hey top could you ward my blue for me pal"

i feel like that goes a long way? but maybe i'm just imagining it


Kat has a mean scratch.


They got a loss prevented, but I don't know why. Got crap for LP because of it. Chat went on to say that none of them were even lagging. Thanks, Riot.

Edit: That Karthus jungle did NOT work out well.


Did I mention that I'm climbing out of Bronze with this little guy making me lose feeling in my hands most the time? Kid keeps waking up unless I hold him.

first time i hear loss prevented affecting lp gains

I don't know if it's true. A friend just said that it happens. Otherwise, I'm not sure why I only got 12 LP for that game when I've been getting 24 LP on average for a while.


Loss prevented does affect LP gain. You will get fewer points winning when it is turned on. Had to learn this the hard way back when Riot's servers crashed every other day or something.


was gonna post this on doto thread but people there scare me

i just read that international is having a separate newbie stream or whatever so people that don't know about the game get to understand what the hell is going on

that sounds pretty clever, i really like that idea and will prolly make the effort in watching doto worlds

league should prolly copy that


I would love streams that focus on specific lanes. I don't even need commentary, just the camera on the lane's respective champs at all times.


I would love streams that focus on specific lanes. I don't even need commentary, just the camera on the lane's respective champs at all times.
Vaguely related to this, I think one of the worst things about pure solo queue at low levels is that since I don't watch LCS or high-level streams, virtually the only observations I have are of bronze/silver players or the occasional smurf.

This means that even if I do figure out some formulas to beat this sort of player, every game is ingraining even more bad habits because I am used to a certain playstyle, and those bad habits are then counterproductive for ranking any higher.


I would love streams that focus on specific lanes. I don't even need commentary, just the camera on the lane's respective champs at all times.
i dunno, i don't think that'd be too entertaining. i mean i won't argue against it but i imagine people in lcs don't play in a way that you can translate into yolo queue

you might as well just watch streams for that

Vaguely related to this, I think one of the worst things about pure solo queue at low levels is that since I don't watch LCS or high-level streams, virtually the only observations I have are of bronze/silver players or the occasional smurf.

This means that even if I do figure out some formulas to beat this sort of player, every game is ingraining even more bad habits because I am used to a certain playstyle, and those bad habits are then counterproductive for ranking any higher.
why don't you watch streams?

i found them really useful when i was at silver


My lady and I are looking for some chill people to join a 5s team on NA (grind out that ward skin). I was previously P1 and she was G5 but we really don't care about skill level, just looking to have some fun.

  • We'll probably play a few games during the hours of 5:30PST - 10:30PST on weekdays and any time during the weekends (depending on people's availability)
  • No set time commitment but make sure you want to play so the spot doesn't go to waste.
  • No Nukeducks allowed
Feel free to send me a PM with your summoner name if you want an invite and then add me on LoL (ign:Bear)


i wish golem still gave tenacity

was gonna post this on doto thread but people there scare me

i just read that international is having a separate newbie stream or whatever so people that don't know about the game get to understand what the hell is going on

that sounds pretty clever, i really like that idea and will prolly make the effort in watching doto worlds

league should prolly copy that

that sounds cool, tho I hope they go over the top with it


yea lux as many others will have trouble with wind wall but as lux you don't really care about yasuo all that much, you're not gonna kill him on your own unless he severely misplays (tho you can cheese him at level 2 or something).

just rely on her strength as a weird ass long range assassin and target the backline

there should be korean commentators at every tourney.

i thought koreans don't like doto
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