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League of Legends |OT6| My AP Mid Can't Be This Cute

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Well the trick is just to bait out Yasuo's wall. It has a longer cooldown than both your snare and slow and you outrange him heavily. He shouldn't be able to cheese you early on because your shield can mitigate a lot of his damage, and you can harass him with autos+E. He either has to wall it, in which case you can start harassing him even more and fighting him, or try to juke it all with his own E, but if you place it correctly you can hit him as he dashes. Lux definitely has the potential to kill Yasuo in this lane if he gets snared post 6, and if he gets to melee range he's much easier to snare as he has much less time to wall.

Anyways, just keep harassing him with autos or E, save your snare. This'll force him to try to fight you back or get harassed out of lane, if tries to fight, snare him mid dash or once he's super close so he can't wall unless he has good reaction time. As for mana problems, what items are you getting? Unless you spam Lux's spells off cd I find that I never run out of mana on Lux, and once I get chalice/blue I can pretty much throw out my spells as I see fit.


I usually do, but dying to Mordekaiser's ult is terrifying. I'd rather have a bailout heal against him instead of giving a ghost over to the other team.



that's a good reason, and good luck

or or or

play fiora.


waiting for rework

Well the trick is just to bait out Yasuo's wall. It has a longer cooldown than both your snare and slow and you outrange him heavily. He shouldn't be able to cheese you early on because your shield can mitigate a lot of his damage, and you can harass him with autos+E. He either has to wall it, in which case you can start harassing him even more and fighting him, or try to juke it all with his own E, but if you place it correctly you can hit him as he dashes. Lux definitely has the potential to kill Yasuo in this lane if he gets snared post 6, and if he gets to melee range he's much easier to snare as he has much less time to wall.

Anyways, just keep harassing him with autos or E, save your snare. This'll force him to try to fight you back or get harassed out of lane, if tries to fight, snare him mid dash or once he's super close so he can't wall unless he has good reaction time. As for mana problems, what items are you getting? Unless you spam Lux's spells off cd I find that I never run out of mana on Lux, and once I get chalice/blue I can pretty much throw out my spells as I see fit.
against yasuu you prolly shouldn't get athenes at all, maybe not even tear if you're confident you're gonna get blue.

i'd probably go double dorans into seekers and keep a fat amount of ap to have him pushed all the time


against yasuu you prolly shouldn't get athenes at all, maybe not even tear if you're confident you're gonna get blue.

i'd probably go double dorans into seekers and keep a fat amount of ap to have him pushed all the time

I did that first against AD mids, I just now buy chalice as I wanted to spam spells heavily once the mana costs started going up as I leveled. It's really just too good of an item. If their entire team was AD I would probably replace it with Morello's. I just love CDR on Lux too much. Actually, on any mage.


First time playing Nami...win. I got stuck with support, and I've been so bad at support I figured that I might as well. She's freakin' awesome. So much fun.

1-4-13. Not spectacular, but it got the job done and I fed my ADC up some easy kills. My deaths came from situations where I was allowing the ADC to get away except for one time getting instaburst by Rengar.


I did that first against AD mids, I just now buy chalice as I wanted to spam spells heavily once the mana costs started going up as I leveled. It's really just too good of an item. If their entire team was AD I would probably replace it with Morello's. I just love CDR on Lux too much. Actually, on any mage.

against yasuu i just don't really spam, i waveclear and go do something else, which is why i don't care for regen or cdr

i don't want anything to do with that shitty ass champion


The saddest moment in League of Legends is when you pop your ult as Miss Fortune right as Yasuo throws down the wind wall in front of his entire team.


My CS needs work... -_-

Heh I tend to make Last Whisper instead of IE since its faster to make, but if you were wasting them as Twitch and had enough gold for it, going for IE was fine.
Did you sell your Doran's blade though?
That Draven though...when will these people learn?


it's <30, don't judge them too much :p

I see similar stuff in various matches I play still. An ADC player would make Hurricane or a combo of Statik+Phantom.

What's Eve jungle camp path? Red>camps>Blue>camps, repeat?
As Warwick I go Blue>Red>camps.


it's <30, don't judge them too much :p
ofc this is the correct build for Draven


Since getting to Silver 1 68 LP on Sunday morning, I have had 4 4v5's (I was on the 4 team every time), a game where my ADC didn't understand that after laning it is not my job to babysit them anymore, I also need to ward and help teammates in other areas of the map. She consistantly got caught out, a game where I fed to the max (100% my fault on the loss. I can't mid), and a game where I was winning vs a Nasus top, but two Amumu ganks later before 8 minutes (I had it warded, but my map awareness when not playing support is something awful, so my fault) and Nasus gets to free farm.

Goodbye MMR and LP :-(. Down to 40 LP Silver 2.


Since getting to Silver 1 68 LP on Sunday morning, I have had 4 4v5's (I was on the 4 team every time), a game where my ADC didn't understand that after laning it is not my job to babysit them anymore, I also need to ward and help teammates in other areas of the map. She consistantly got caught out, a game where I fed to the max (100% my fault on the loss. I can't mid), and a game where I was winning vs a Nasus top, but two Amumu ganks later before 8 minutes (I had it warded, but my map awareness when not playing support is something awful, so my fault) and Nasus gets to free farm.

Goodbye MMR and LP :-(. Down to 40 LP Silver 2.

I know that feel...


My lady and I are looking for some chill people to join a 5s team on NA (grind out that ward skin). I was previously P1 and she was G5 but we really don't care about skill level, just looking to have some fun.

  • We'll probably play a few games during the hours of 5:30PST - 10:30PST on weekdays and any time during the weekends (depending on people's availability)
  • No set time commitment but make sure you want to play so the spot doesn't go to waste.
  • No Nukeducks allowed
Feel free to send me a PM with your summoner name if you want an invite and then add me on LoL (ign:Bear)

I'd join up, but I probably wouldn't be playing that late. I get off around 10:30 EST because I get up early for work. I'm usually around all weekend though.


xerath is a really good counter to yasuo. his windwall only blocks his xerath's stun, and you'll only be firing off your stun when he's right up in your grill anyway.


Heh I tend to make Last Whisper instead of IE since its faster to make, but if you were wasting them as Twitch and had enough gold for it, going for IE was fine.
Did you sell your Doran's blade though?
That Draven though...when will these people learn?

Yeah I only got IE first because they had no tanks and didn't need the shred

That draven was bad though

It's not hard to look up build paths on lolking


Every time Malz goes vs Yas, has gets absolutely destroyed. Also I hear Velcro does decent vs him.

Malzahar does do really well against Yasuo. Yasuo can't block any of his spells and can silence Yasuo which pretty much renders him useless for a while. Vel'koz is easy to deal with as Yasuo, it's incredibly easy to dodge/block his spells and if he ults you can either dash through minions or dash through Vel'koz to avoid it.


spacebear, I sent you a PM if you still have room on your ranked ward-gathering team.

Regarding Yasuo, I like to pick Katarina against him because I like to be dangeresque. This is because I'm assuming the Yasuo will waste his Qnado, not build damage, and sit there while I ult him for the full duration. It's not a foolproof strategy.
So apparently Phantom Dancer instead of Last Whisper is best as an item after Infinity Edge on Kog because of the amount of magic damage he does.

http://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/2a4end/last_whispers_last_whisper/ (Warning, TONS of maths.)

Edit: Might help if I specified the "he" I was referring to.
This makes way too many asumptions to be a viable best build, specially since it ignores Barrage's downtime and hitting Qs.

If you do the math Trinity Force Vayne is her best possible damage but it requires mechanical and positional perfection to get every single sheen proc possible which is something you will not get in bigger teamfights even if everything goes your way.


Yeah I only got IE first because they had no tanks and didn't need the shred

That draven was bad though

It's not hard to look up build paths on lolking

You guys should get IE before LW. If you're worried about how long it takes to build, pick up a second Doran's Blade as you build out the components to IE.
You guys should get IE before LW. If you're worried about how long it takes to build, pick up a second Doran's Blade as you build out the components to IE.
As a third item you should never get IE before LW unless you're fed as fuck.

EDIT - Fixed the order. I meant never getting IE as third item.


spacebear, I sent you a PM if you still have room on your ranked ward-gathering team.

Regarding Yasuo, I like to pick Katarina against him because I like to be dangeresque. This is because I'm assuming the Yasuo will waste his Qnado, not build damage, and sit there while I ult him for the full duration. It's not a foolproof strategy.

Pretty sure Kat's ult counts as projectiles so if he ever walls, you're kinda screwed LOL.


spacebear, I sent you a PM if you still have room on your ranked ward-gathering team.

Regarding Yasuo, I like to pick Katarina against him because I like to be dangeresque. This is because I'm assuming the Yasuo will waste his Qnado, not build damage, and sit there while I ult him for the full duration. It's not a foolproof strategy.

I generally can win any match up with Katarina, but I think Yasuo is by far the hardest of them. He just punishes her in so many ways and, in my opinion, is her hardest counter play in the game.


I generally can win any match up with Katarina, but I think Yasuo is by far the hardest of them. He just punishes her in so many ways and, in my opinion, is her hardest counter play in the game.

Really? Have you played against many Dianas? I find that Yasuo would need to be pretty skilled to do well most of the time but for Diana to beat Kat she just has to Moonfall or whatever it's called.


Two Zhonyas LOL. I don't actually know if the active cooldown is shared by the two items, it would be quite hilarious if it didn't, but I'm assuming it does.


Really? Have you played against many Dianas? I find that Yasuo would need to be pretty skilled to do well most of the time but for Diana to beat Kat she just has to Moonfall or whatever it's called.

Diana? No sweat.


You do have to play really careful against her and hit her at the right times. She can be a handful. I guess I'm good in that match up because when I pick Katarina early in the pick order, someone often picks Diana as a counter. That game had both Yasuo and Diana on the other team. Yasuo topped, thank goodness.


Wow, I start to feel really down on LoL whenever I play on my plat smurf. Which sucks because I'd really like to learn some new champs.
I'm pretty sure I've come to the opinion that playing in any game that's Plat 5/under is more luck than skill based, you're rolling the dice to see who gets the fewest # of incompetent team mates that will screw up your personal/teams advantage.

A lot of people at this elo are literally uncarryable, it's stupid that there's no way to ensure a victory or make use of a huge lead if your team refuses to group and take objectives.
The maps just not big enough, it's fun sized compared to Dota 2. I wish the revamp would change the map scaling too so that split pushing wouldn't be completely worthless.

It's 1000x harder to carry in tiers where people don't have a basic understanding of how to siege and group past the 20 minute mark.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
There is a certain percentage of games that you simply have no control over win or lose. The percentage seems to spike in Plat for some reason.


Idiots can throw, and often do, in lower tiers. We were down 4-22 with an 0-3 tower disadvantage last night and won because we just split into two strike squads and camped them as they trickled into their jungle to farm.
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