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League of Legends |OT6| My AP Mid Can't Be This Cute

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Yeah no. As non-interactive as Renekton/Shyvana/Trundle can be, at least there's something going on there. Ryze really does just run at people spamming buttons, it's an embarrassment to the game to have him showing up anywhere outside of Babbeh's First Lane Champion.
Yeah...melee bruisers would never do that.

The thing is, there's some play going on there. It's garbage, granted, but it's there:

Shyvana and Trundle can't stun you, period. Renekton has to at least get into melee range to do it, and to use his dash effectively he needs targets to pass through, so you can actually position effectively and do footsies with him. Again, it's lame - it's really garbage-level "counterplay" - but at least it's something.

The Ryze "counterplay" is "don't ever be within range of Flash + Rune Prison". It's beyond idiotic, it's a reduction of the game to a level that's not worth playing. He's fine as a "tutorial mode" champion for new players to cut their teeth on, but he really just should not be showing up at any higher level of play.

And besides, it's not like his azure ass is going to stay in top lane. He's going to be right back to fucking up mid soon, too.
I don't remember Ryze ever being a problem mid lane. He counter mobile assasins, but gets outranged by pretty much any mage.

Also, yeah I'd rather Ryze shook up the top lane meta a little bit. Either ban him or just stop picking 3 champions, that shit needs to stop.
He was a huge problem mid lane. He completely dominated (and ruined) the meta for quite a while before he was nerfed, especially with the absolutely eye-rolling cheese of Homeguard Teleport Ryze. He was basically a crutch that let incompetent mids square off against the best players in the world because he not only requires no skill to play, but he effectively nullifies the value of almost all of the skill of the opposing player as well.


Who is more faceroll?

Gragas - Press R and win teamfights
Orianna - Shield tank, press R and win teamfights

Or Renekton?



i swear you dont even remember what top ryze is like anymore

The Ryze "counterplay" is "don't ever be within range of Flash + Rune Prison".

right, cos renekton isnt "dont ever be within dash range of your minions" or "dont ever be within dash + flash range"

tanks are inherently worse because they scale up with hp and so become increasingly hard to kill as they snowball. Renekton, shyvana and mundo all get incredible survivability at level 6. Ryze gets the ability to catch or run away a little better, oh nice. ryze at the very least is gankable until his tear+RoA+defensive item.

he effectively nullifies the value of almost all of the skill of the opposing player as well.
thats some hyperbole
mids these days are so bursty (LB who also has a god damn silence) or so long ranged (ziggz) that if you die against ryze, youre probably bad.
how is letting ryze walk up to you and rune prison you "nullifying the value of almost all the skill of the opposing player"? you were bad enough to even let him get to you

and seriously, if ryze ever becomes big in mid, more powerful early game mages will come back - e.g. cassio n syndra n co just shit on him, and itll be good to have them back.


Ok, so I'm probably late to the party on this, but I noticed something doing jungle clears with Xin Zhao that I never noticed before, probably because I've only recently been playing junglers who have physical AoE and I only played one actual game with SotEL on Xin Zhao...

Any rate, I landed an Audacious charge + AAs on the big wolf and a second later, the small wolves were on fire. I checked the tool tip and sure enough, Audacious Charge deals magic damage, so I was confused as to what happened for me to proc SotEL's true damage burn on the small wolves, because I was positive that I had only AA'ed the big wolf. Try to repeat the effect on the big wraiths and it didn't work. Tried on the double golems and it didn't work...at first. I landed Audacious charge on the big golem, landed an AA and pressed S to stop all actions. Small golem was fine, so I just moved away. When the golems started to chase me, the small golem was set on fire and the true damage was ticking. So, the true damage burn will transfer from monster to monster when in proximity of each other.

I looked on the wiki, the main website, and tried a few search queries to see if this is intended and I found nothing. The effect doesn't work on minions and presumably by extension champions.


Ok, so I'm probably late to the party on this, but I noticed something doing jungle clears with Xin Zhao that I never noticed before, probably because I've only recently been playing junglers who have physical AoE and I only played one actual game with SotEL on Xin Zhao...

Any rate, I landed an Audacious charge + AAs on the big wolf and a second later, the small wolves were on fire. I checked the tool tip and sure enough, Audacious Charge deals magic damage, so I was confused as to what happened for me to proc SotEL's true damage burn on the small wolves, because I was positive that I had only AA'ed the big wolf. Try to repeat the effect on the big wraiths and it didn't work. Tried on the double golems and it didn't work...at first. I landed Audacious charge on the big golem, landed an AA and pressed S to stop all actions. Small golem was fine, so I just moved away. When the golems started to chase me, the small golem was set on fire and the true damage was ticking. So, the true damage burn will transfer from monster to monster when in proximity of each other.

I looked on the wiki, the main website, and tried a few search queries to see if this is intended and I found nothing. The effect doesn't work on minions and presumably by extension champions.

i swear you dont even remember what top ryze is like anymore

Like I said, I'm not that worried about top Ryze because - in addition to playing top the least of all roles - I don't find top interesting, anyway. I'm not saying top lane isn't awful without Ryze, though he sure as hell isn't going to make it any better.

He wasn't nerfed because he was a top laner, though. He was a mid laner, he only started showing up in top because he was just so generally broken that people realized you could throw him anywhere you wanted and make it work. The mid lane was always his real stomping ground and was still the reason he had to be nerfed.

No, he doesn't super hardcore win lane and solo out other midlaners. Yes, he falls behind in CS and will probably lose his tower due to inferior wave clear. The problem is he loses lane and comes back to be an unstoppable force anywhere, completely ruining teamfights with "so pro" Homeguard Teleport sprint-in initiations. He's basically Kassadin, except for people with even lower mechanical aspirations.

I mean, whatever he does in top lane, I'm sure that's awful and I'll hate it, too. I hate everything that happens in top lane right now, though, I'm more worried about him fucking up the rest of the game the way he did before he was nerfed.
Gragas - Press R and win teamfights
He's strong, but not OP.
Orianna - Shield tank, press R and win teamfights
You can see this coming a mile off. How is it any different to Lulu?
Strong champ, not an un-winnable lane by any means or un-killable.
Or Renekton?
Bad champ. Falls off late and becomes useless once my support carry
gets going.
No, it was just when people started playing him top lane in addition to mid lane Riot finally had to give up the ghost and admit he was a huge, stupid problem. That's usually the breaking point for them: when a champion starts dominating more than one lane. Like, if Renekton suddenly became the top mid pick he'd get the nerfs people have been wanting in no time flat.

Ryze was still being played in mid lane in Korean pro games up to the day he was nerfed. He would sometimes end up in top, but that was more to do with a crazy amount 2v1 lane-swapping that was all the rage in the Korean meta at that time.


yea dats why im talking about his last round of nerfs

its not fair to say ryse "domindated and warped mid" since he was the "ahri solution". back then, mid was ruled by ahri, zed and ryze. ahri > zed > ryze > ahri with orianna being decent to ok against dem all n TF as a wildcard

it was an incredibly different environment to da gragas, ziggs, leblonk, lulu

all of whom wud shit on ryze anyway. especialy lulu. ryzes strengths lies in his incredible strength in catching short ranged ppl (assassins) n theyre not a huge factor right now. infact, if he can help in kerbing da assasin fest in the jungle, it would be much appreciated
Well, Syndra sure as hell wasn't someone I expected actually getting a good new skin any time soon. Void Fizz still pretty creepy though (no thanks to his shark).
yea dats why im talking about his last round of nerfs

its not fair to say ryse "domindated and warped mid" since he was the "ahri solution". back then, mid was ruled by ahri, zed and ryze. ahri > zed > ryze > ahri with orianna being decent to ok against dem all n TF as a wildcard

Ryze was a problem before basically all those champions existed, though.

Maybe it's to do with when most of my games have been played. I played probably 75% of my ranked games in Season 2, and much fewer in Season 3 and 4. You know the way a lot of you guys feel about Lee Sin? How he's been around forever, you're sick of seeing him, sick of playing him, sick of what he does to the game, and most of all sick about how nothing ever seems to get done about him even though everyone knew he was a problem?

That was Ryze for me. The day he was nerfed was the single best change I've ever seen made to League for the health of the game. Hopefully the Lee Sin nerf will be as good! I doubt it, though, because at least Lee is fun to play and fun to watch; Ryze really is just a huge blue pile of shit on every possible count.

I mean, there was a time when players like Scarra and dade were known as "Ryze players". You're supposed to pronounce that like an ethnic slur, by the way. Ryze players. We all just sort of had a polite understanding that we weren't playing Ryze not because there were better options, but because it was worth something to retain a modicum of self-respect as a player.


The Ryze "counterplay" is "don't ever be within range of Flash + Rune Prison". It's beyond idiotic, it's a reduction of the game to a level that's not worth playing.

Do you realise this applies to like more than half the roster? It's no secret that a good amount of this game champions revolve around toxic gameplay mechanics with little to no counterplay. Please do tell me what kind of counterplay exists for Kassadin or Leblanc, for instance. "Be ready to deal with it", basically.
I don't feel like expanding on this but in my opinion the solution is to drive towards skillshots. I would go as far as making autoattack skillshots, but that's more unrealistic. Most of the abilities as skillshots is realistic though and would only be good for the game. Look at Smite, even a 1v1 is more demanding than anything related to fights (not strategy stuff like farming, decision making and such, I'm talking about straight combat) in Lol/Dota2, which are a complete joke in this regard next to that game.

Ryze is one of the worst offenders, but he's certainly not the only one. Annie, Kassadin, Leblanc, Jax... these are as buttonmashy and retarded as Ryze. Special mention for the absolute scum that is Veigar, whose "funny" counterplay can be reduced to "stay away from his stun range". Dodging Nidalee's spears or Karthus Qs are a good example of good -and fun to an extent- counterplay, staying away when Annie/Leblanc/whoever have their burst-on-demand ready is not.

Thankfully Riot seems to be going in the right direction with things like Vel'Koz, Xerath, Lucian and Jinx (though these two still have the inherent toxicity of the autoattack-based champion). Let's just hope they keep going this route and never look back.


i dunno why we're even discussing

"The Ryze "counterplay" is "don't ever be within range of Flash + Rune Prison". It's beyond idiotic, it's a reduction of the game to a level that's not worth playing."

this doesnt even make sense. its like, the fact that nev supports and agrees with it shows you thats its stupidly hyperbolic.

ryze doesnt one shot you once he flash prisons you. at worse you lose your own flash. if you got ganked, well congratulations, you have your own jungler too and ryze doesnt have flash anymore

if its a late game scenario and ryze managed to flash prison you, you got caught out of position. "no counterplay" dont make me laugh, as an adc or w/e squishy role you are, if youre getting caught by flash prisons, you probably just didnt expect him to do it.and was caught farming or in your jungle. start timing his flashes yourself if its such a big deal.

in team fights, the prevailence of mikaels crucible makes flash prisons really not a big deal.
Do you realise this applies to like more than half the roster? It's no secret that a good amount of this game champions revolve around toxic gameplay mechanics with little to no counterplay. Please do tell me what kind of counterplay exists for Kassadin or Leblanc, for instance. "Be ready to deal with it", basically.

You can move when Kassadin riftwalks in on you. At best he can get "free" poke with an orb-and-run, but that's it: poke. You can move even while hit by LeBlanc's chain, much less the fact she actually has to hit it to begin with.

Ryze literally just Rune Prison's you and kisses the keyboard. He just unloads, and even if you survive the initial explosion he's moving faster than you and has idiotically short cooldowns.

Not to mention that Kassadin and LeBlanc have to exercise some tiny degree of caution; if they can't burst someone they have to GTFO. Ryze doesn't; it's not like once he blows his combo you have an opening to counter-attack, he's just going to keep machine-gun spamming you if you try to stand tall. There's no punishment for him "wasting" his abilities - not that he can, anyway, short of spamming into a windwall like a complete moron.

I'm not saying Kassadin or LeBlanc are fair and balanced champions, but they're a completely different sort of animal when compared to Old School Ryze. I'm not even talking about the Ryze/Ahri/Zed meta, here. I'm talking the Ryze/Karthus meta, the true gold star of half-assed players trying to find the best way to win without having to actually be any good at the game. It was not a fun time to play.
brian has some explainin' to do because of that last match. how come gragas had better sustain than shen and spammed so much qs. it also felt like my auto attacks did nothing to him, even q felt pretty weak at some point even tho gragas went full ap.
What's wrong with karthus? IMO, he's one of the hardest champs with an actual skill ceiling.

He's "hard" because he got royally nerfed. You used to be able to just Flash into the middle of the enemy team, Exhaust the carry, and then Requiem after they killed you and win the fight. As long as you weren't getting punted out by a Lee Sin prior to death it was the most brain-dead team fighting you could ask for.

Requiem used to also have a stupidly short cooldown that blunted all aggression on the map after Lv6 for basically the entire game.

Karthus is fine-ish right now. He'd be a problem if he were still as good as he used to be, but he's weak enough that you actually have to accomplish something with him before dying for him to be worthwhile, now, whereas you used to get so much done as a zombie that the enemy team was better off trying to run you out of mana and leaving you alive.


Classic Syndra's costume look out of a tier C Chinese browser MMO that falsely and shamelessly advertises a subpar 2D game with hot yet aesthetically poorly designed female young animeish women.
Atlantean has a simple but effective classy design. No need to put overcomplicated and -frequently- pointless stuff on top of her. Sometimes less is more, especially in videogame characters design (for me at least).

If it's plain then Fizz skin is the Zapadno-sibirskaya Ravnina.
syndra's default look isn't good either, but this one's atrocious

nothing about it is exciting or cool or fun in the slightest

I rather they make pool party syndra, i guess her pool party skin is going to use beach ball instead

I don't remember Ryze ever being a problem mid lane. He counter mobile assasins, but gets outranged by pretty much any mage.

Also, yeah I'd rather Ryze shook up the top lane meta a little bit. Either ban him or just stop picking 3 champions, that shit needs to stop.
i remember quite a few zkylon rants on the topic of ryze being the worst shit ever


you guys gonna stream more inhouses today? crackbabier wants to watch
I'm not home until 9pm pst today but maybe neko will stream.
brian has some explainin' to do because of that last match. how come gragas had better sustain than shen and spammed so much qs. it also felt like my auto attacks did nothing to him, even q felt pretty weak at some point even tho gragas went full ap.
With w up gragas is Tanky and has sustain. If he watches shens passive he should be taking anything in trades. E and q also deal great damage.


brian has some explainin' to do because of that last match. how come gragas had better sustain than shen and spammed so much qs. it also felt like my auto attacks did nothing to him, even q felt pretty weak at some point even tho gragas went full ap.

my drinky reduces damage, but i shoulda went tunk graggy or not played him at all since once he gets to the point where he doesn't do meaningful dmg to u he loses or has to commit to a sustained fight that he prob wont win

i could q cause i got mana regen
i got chalice after my b, and getting cs w/ dolan helps me along with the purple drank

i dont think i had better sustain than you, i was just hitting you a lot while you weren't hitting me
I rather they make pool party syndra, i guess her pool party skin is going to use beach ball instead
Stripper cop outfits (Cait and to a lesser extent Vi), K- or J-pop (trash much like regular pop music) references or skimpy bathing suits aren't my idea of a good skin, so no thanks. That kind of shit should stick to fanart if one wants to ogle their waifu of choice.

Could do without Syndra's exposed aquatic chest though, but at least the new one is still better than her default "lingerie with a spiffy helmet!" skin.


I think some k-pop or j-pop music is kind of cool and I some other pop music is also kind of catchy, and I am willing to tolerate if some people like that sort of thing.

Live and let live, and all that.


glasses and drills

good job rito

i dunno why we're even discussing

"The Ryze "counterplay" is "don't ever be within range of Flash + Rune Prison". It's beyond idiotic, it's a reduction of the game to a level that's not worth playing."

this doesnt even make sense. its like, the fact that nev supports and agrees with it shows you thats its stupidly hyperbolic.

ryze doesnt one shot you once he flash prisons you. at worse you lose your own flash. if you got ganked, well congratulations, you have your own jungler too and ryze doesnt have flash anymore

if its a late game scenario and ryze managed to flash prison you, you got caught out of position. "no counterplay" dont make me laugh, as an adc or w/e squishy role you are, if youre getting caught by flash prisons, you probably just didnt expect him to do it.and was caught farming or in your jungle. start timing his flashes yourself if its such a big deal.

in team fights, the prevailence of mikaels crucible makes flash prisons really not a big deal.
i dunno dude on that clg game where nien played him he got shit in lane super hard and then just went sonic the hedgehog with his ult+sivir ult, tanked a turret, flash snare ziggs and takes like 2/3rds of his life with one spell rotation before a nida spear takes the remaining third

like it's pretty lategame but you tell me how scarra was mispositioning there :/

but like i really don't like the idea of these super late game champions that are allowed to be overpowered because they were underpowered early game. like ryze was like kassadin before kassadin got this feared, the dude will run tp and just half-ass the lane and get like a double kill bot off a tp countergank and suddenly your lane is hell. or your jungler sleeps off ganking duty and lets him slip past early game and suddenly the whole game is going down.

Stripper cop outfits (Cait and to a lesser extent Vi), K- or J-pop (trash much like regular pop music) references or skimpy bathing suits aren't my idea of a good skin, so no thanks. That kind of shit should stick to fanart if one wants to ogle their waifu of choice.

Could do without Syndra's exposed aquatic chest though, but at least the new one is still better than her default "lingerie with a spiffy helmet!" skin.
pool party leona is less exposed than shitty bubble syndra and a lot cooler at the same time
I was getting something like that on both NA and LAN (btw my LAN account is Ocho 2) . I think it's related to the server failure ddos etc.

i played a bit yesterday and yea, it was looking like that

dunno about hte other days, wasn't paying attention/playing much

Uhg, I fixed it by changing back the language. Then changed it again, I really don't miss the home page that much anyways.

i remember quite a few zkylon rants on the topic of ryze being the worst shit ever

Yep, something along the lines of him building super-tanky, doing tons of damage, smash-all-buttons or something like that.

To be honest Banshee's Veil used to be ridiculous in him imo, I'm glad it no longer gives mana.
With w up gragas is Tanky and has sustain. If he watches shens passive he should be taking anything in trades. E and q also deal great damage.

my drinky reduces damage, but i shoulda went tunk graggy or not played him at all since once he gets to the point where he doesn't do meaningful dmg to u he loses or has to commit to a sustained fight that he prob wont win

i could q cause i got mana regen
i got chalice after my b, and getting cs w/ dolan helps me along with the purple drank

i dont think i had better sustain than you, i was just hitting you a lot while you weren't hitting me

oh okay, i know graggy had the drinky reducing damage skill but i guess i underestimated how gud it is. i still won tho, and people didnt gif me and my major failures that time.


glasses and drills

good job rito

i dunno dude on that clg game where nien played him he got shit in lane super hard and then just went sonic the hedgehog with his ult+sivir ult, tanked a turret, flash snare ziggs and takes like 2/3rds of his life with one spell rotation before a nida spear takes the remaining third

like it's pretty lategame but you tell me how scarra was mispositioning there :/

but like i really don't like the idea of these super late game champions that are allowed to be overpowered because they were underpowered early game. like ryze was like kassadin before kassadin got this feared, the dude will run tp and just half-ass the lane and get like a double kill bot off a tp countergank and suddenly your lane is hell. or your jungler sleeps off ganking duty and lets him slip past early game and suddenly the whole game is going down.
idk but nien had 60 more cs than a teleport mundo

his whole team mispositioned tho

there was no1 to stop them just running straight at scarra. no lane ward against a sivir team, wukong casually killing wraiths as they rush past him

n so they just ran right at him
mundo didnt even tp until after da flash W. he couldve just tped to prevent the dive

they knew ryze flash was up n dey were like ladida mundo u can tp later


idk but nien had 60 more cs than a teleport mundo

his whole team mispositioned tho

there was no1 to stop them just running straight at scarra. no lane ward against a sivir team, wukong casually killing wraiths as they rush past him

n so they just ran right at him
mundo didnt even tp until after da flash W. he couldve just tped to prevent the dive

they knew ryze flash was up n dey were like ladida mundo u can tp later
well but that's kind of my point

i hate these champions that force an entire team to deal with them

like not talking about competitive because everything at competitive level is pretty awful, but on a personal level i hate that say i'm on the ziggs situation and my team's just yoloing and i can't do anything about it because there's this blue dude running around like crazy, two shotting everybody while being pretty darned unkillable just because someone else didn't do their job.

be it karthus, tryndamere, ryze, even yasuo or katarina or something, i don't like champions that require more effort to beat than to play as, specially when it's so unbalanced towards one side.

like mundo couldn't just run towards ziggs and kill him like that. which is kind of why i'd rather have world of tanks top than ryze. tanks you can kite :/

Meh, novelty factor and that's about it. Worst in-game model out of all her skins and no different particle effects, so all you end up paying for is a recall animation.
i disagree, it's not novelty factor, it's a cool skin thru and thru. with issues, but still pretty good. the concept makes sense (sunbathing - leona worshiping the sun), the umbrella+surfboard+sunflowers are silly in a fun way, it actually has more than one color (even tho it maybe has a bit too much of this) and actually the recall is really good. it's also not exploitative as you mentioned with all them skins. what else do you want!

this syndra skin is unrelated to syndra in any way and it looks uninspired as hell and all it has going for it are some cool particle effects on her q which is nice and all but when the actual character looks like a muddy blob it doesn't really matter. it's not like they added scales or fins or anything. it's just good ol' syndra but kind of purple with blue hair

i mean i'll admit i really wanted something better and it's probably alright in the grand scheme of things but when it's a champion not many people play that you know is not gonna get a new skin for a long long time and you receive something as uninteresting it's just a huge letdown.

dodgeball syndra was there all along, everyone wanted it, instead we get something 100% random
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