Everyone is afk atm. ill stream if we do end up playing.
I can't pull myself away from the tv
Everyone is afk atm. ill stream if we do end up playing.
Everyone is afk atm. ill stream if we do end up playing.
Other than the launcher being a little bitch, logging normally.Anyone else having trouble logging into NA?
Other than the launcher being a little bitch, logging normally.
It's too early.gafk never change
Yup, I noticed gaf doesn't usually start inhouse until another hour or 2.It's too early.
I got bills to pay, I got mouths to feed.It's too early.
I should be on later, maybe in the 7-12 EST timeframe.It's too early.
There should be a way to do EU vs NA.
Not fair, EU wins.
Lol, merch stuff? Fans wish, although I think riot found a company to do their merch stuff, so you know what the answer is.![]()
rito needs to start making these asap
That's Cromartie High SchoolOk.. where did that comic come from in OP? The bot Taric and top Poppy panel, I pee'd a little laughing so hard
Well we can all make EU/NA accounts.
oh yeah, i heard if you are super pro shen you go stattik. i still want to try it.
Now THIS was a good game.
[IM G]http://i.imgur.com/xjK6fjJ.jpg[/IMG]
Me and Blitz did OK at bot, but we didn't push much lanes and take down many turrets, but we all focused on the minions. I ended up doing some killsteals but no one complained thankfully.
If the opposing team just hung around a little longer, I would've made the ultimate build! 2.5 Attack speed! 50% critical! 3 CHAMPS WITH POISON STACKS!
Now THIS was a good game.
Me and Blitz did OK at bot, but we didn't push much lanes and take down many turrets, but we all focused on the minions. I ended up doing some killsteals but no one complained thankfully.
If the opposing team just hung around a little longer, I would've made the ultimate build! 2.5 Attack speed! 50% critical! 3 CHAMPS WITH POISON STACKS!
I'm gonna say it first. Dat blue team stack.
My life would probably have been way better if I hadn't played the last 2000 games of LoL or so, so kudos for quitting something that you're not enjoying. I hope you find something better suited to you!I just uninstalled. I've been playing for 3+ years and I lose more often than win, which means I'm not getting better... When you're not winning and you're against people who are blatantly better than you, it's like getting pissed on by upset team mates and not to mention, I feel bad for letting down my team mates. Time and time again, I fail and I'm done failing, so I'm quitting. Enjoy the time guys, I didn't.
I don't play unless I play with friends. Otherwise it's just not fun. Letting down friends is whatever, they have fun.I just uninstalled. I've been playing for 3+ years and I lose more often than win, which means I'm not getting better... When you're not winning and you're against people who are blatantly better than you, it's like getting pissed on by upset team mates and not to mention, I feel bad for letting down my team mates. Time and time again, I fail and I'm done failing, so I'm quitting. Enjoy the time guys, I didn't.
I just uninstalled. I've been playing for 3+ years and I lose more often than win, which means I'm not getting better... When you're not winning and you're against people who are blatantly better than you, it's like getting pissed on by upset team mates and not to mention, I feel bad for letting down my team mates. Time and time again, I fail and I'm done failing, so I'm quitting. Enjoy the time guys, I didn't.
I don't play unless I play with friends. Otherwise it's just not fun. Letting down friends is whatever, they have fun.
Good luck, though.
I just uninstalled. I've been playing for 3+ years and I lose more often than win, which means I'm not getting better... When you're not winning and you're against people who are blatantly better than you, it's like getting pissed on by upset team mates and not to mention, I feel bad for letting down my team mates. Time and time again, I fail and I'm done failing, so I'm quitting. Enjoy the time guys, I didn't.
Someone who can stream should sit out and spectate and cast the game for us all.
Haha. I would totally do that. If GAF does an in house tomorrow and I'm not playing in it I'll cast it. It will be terrible.
nerfed to the ground. =(
I played him when he was first a glass cannon that would burst people down with a zhonya's ring. Those were pretty fun times. Suffered the rework and warmed up to it. Enjoyed the time when he was at his most OP which was the start of season 3 with the muramana and archangel staff combo.
I honestly had fun, but I've honestly been getting my ass kicked time and time again. My biggest goal for the last 2 years was to break even on wins and losses for normal. I'm now at a staggering -16 which I doubt I'd ever come back from, because I simply lack skill. heh.
Seriously. I'm like, -60 to -70 in normals last I checked. I used to be positive in ranked and ARAM, but even those are probably negative now.'staggering -16'
ur going to make some people cry in here