Granted, Kha'zix not going in earlier (though I assume he backs off due to the initial missed Morg Q) is what lets this really work but it's worth noting that I'd say they played it worse than they could have. Could have just taken the fight off the first binding, for instance.
Sure, you don't want to take a 3v2 if you can help it but it's also in the position to make it a 2v2 since one can be removed before the fight even starts.
The only reason more isn't gotten from this is because Gamma eats the Caitlyn ult. Not sure why Ziggs gave zero fucks on blocking that lol
pankak hat?
It was point blank, so there wasn't a whole lot of time to react tbh. that coupled with my not 100% dedication to the fight.
If you keep moving, you'll BOTH try to line it up, overshoot, and you'll die feeling stupid.
no i understand wanting to let gamma die
The goal of these inhouses should be to help eachother improve and have fun. I wouldn't mind practicing certain less favorable matchups in lane just for the experience.also shout outz to ppl on the receiving end of me being a little complainey today im not usually like that, b my friend, i should concentrate on my own shit than what other ppl do
they were right next to the double choc tim tams so i dun think sowhat. Zumbo tim tams?!
Are they like 30 bucks a pack
sounds good i guessApparently the initial channel time for Grand Skyfall was reduced from 2 to 0.5 seconds.
n ne1 think its just a coincidenc that every1 becam more t0xic now dat scy is bak?
no i understand wanting to let gamma die
gamma pls
fuck u gamma
neko didnt block the ulti because he had faith in my ability to win that engagement and live to tell the tale
right neko
I tried to carry that counter strike match so hard, so hard. but closer failed me. fucking awp noobs errywhere
The goal of these inhouses should be to help eachother improve and have fun. I wouldn't mind practicing certain less favorable matchups in lane just for the experience.
I should honestly use the opportunity to get wrecked in a solo lane a few times and improve .
iunno i was talking to ufo
or do u mean the match after the hostage one where i rekked u
r u erragalinhouses have definitely been good for me but they also kind of wrecked my confidence a bit
like in soloq if you're walking around doing nothing its like okay whatever nobody on your team even really notices
but in 5v5 everyone is very acutely aware of what is happening and I have these moments where im like "i have no idea what i should be doing rn im just gonna follow someone around or stand near wolves and maybe put a ward down so nobody notices i have no idea what im doing"
i've spent the last few days playing against people much better than i am so i feel bad at the game so i dont want to play ranked
although earlier today i played ADC thresh in an ARAM and i was channeling madlife
This is not erragal. I 100% agree with your second point though. He's blanks3y (I think that's how you spell it).r u erragal
erragal does this
This is not erragal. I 100% agree with your second point though.
Have you unlocked barrier yet? That may be a smarter option. Also, do you perhaps share an account?
Why would people complain about KSing when you are the adc. Also why do you have a gold item and why does blitz have so much cs.
Inhouses are fun when everyone is sort of on key and focused. Like today I had a 1hr long game as Fiora going 24/13 while Gamma went 18/11 but it was really stupid because so little progress was being made.
This is not erragal. I 100% agree with your second point though. He's blanks3y (I think that's how you spell it).
just ask them to politely push
if ur against good wave clear like gragas - then u dive them n take towr
n ur support isnt a dive capable support - den u shud ask them to go push bot or somefin. or take dragun. or attack the enemy jungla
if they're doing something like that i'll just waveclear so it pushes and either try to take the turret and move on with the game or go get empty lane farm/jungle creepsOk, I am not trying to complain but I kinda have a weird(?) question since it's happened quite a few times to me this week, especially now that I am finally starting up ranked again (lag doesn't seem so bad anymore).
Does anyone in soloQ have a problem where you're mid and your bot team takes the enemy tower, then hangs out in your lane for an annoyingly long time? I try to sneak in some farm in empty lanes if the enemy pushes back enough/farm jungle minions but it really messes up my creep score and also seems to suppress my level gains, especially if I was dead even before. I only had about 200 CS as Fizz this last game to the enemy Gragas 300 which is terrible, terrible, terrible and I know I can't totally blame them (I was behind 20-30 by the time they came) but I swear I lost 50-60 CS to this.
I fully admit to not being a very good mid and usually focus on CS/freezing unless I get some ganks/easy overextended targets so i can snowball but it's do I best deal with situations like that? I don't want to be mean and tell them to gtfo if they are trying to help (especially if I really don't have a good suggestion for what they *should* be doing) but I'm kind of at a loss.
What do you mean by account sharing? I'll give barrier a try, Flash has been helping me out OKish so far.
I can be the ADC and they'd STILL complain =P
Funnily enough the Gold item helped me somewhat in my past matches, it may be 2 gold, but every little gold counts =P
The high CS has to do with how each one went to kill a group of crits
if they're doing something like that i'll just waveclear so it pushes and either try to take the turret and move on with the game or go get empty lane farm/jungle creeps
like if you have a proactive bot lane use them to your benefit, get turrets or tower dive fools or rotate dragon and get $$$ that way
I sorry I was responding to Kenai's solo queue woesNah, it wasn't that simple that match. If it was either team would have ended.
well with the amount of handicaps you were getting sounds like you did okYea I do think I'm getting better (still not good) at doing *something* (Gragas was 1st with ~300, our top Quinn had ~280 and I was in 3rd on CS with ~210, beating our ADC, the enemy top and ADC all).
Since I was Fizz I roamed a lot and ganked bot as soon as I could, but I was kinda getting picked on by their Panth (died to 2 ganks, escaped 3 more) and our Naut jungler never let me have blue (not getting blue is another recurring problem but I know that's more my fault). I solo'd dragon twice and stole both their buffs twice, farmed both wraiths camps, farmed empty lanes as often as I could, was like 1/2 by end of laning phase but 13/5 by end, and still was level 17 when the game ended (by comparison Gragas was 18 when I was 15) Drove me nuts, I know I can do better but it's hard to figure this one out for me.
its a custom skin so if u like it u can just apply it^wtf that's beautiful
I mean like... Are you and another person using the same account? Generally you only want teleport on someone who splitpushes well (shen, nasus) and you can teleport back to your team.
Awww, that's cute. We all love you too Brian.also shout outz to ppl on the receiving end of me being a little complainey today im not usually like that, b my friend, i should concentrate on my own shit than what other ppl do
So the jump will basically be instant? Cool
that's actually pretty neat, i like this change
So the jump will basically be instant? Cool