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League of Legends |OT6| My AP Mid Can't Be This Cute

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Zenon already said he made the numbers extreme on purpose so he can test it out. It's not shipping that low to Live, if at all - he's probably fucked on the W end though.


Speaking of reworks, I was watching OnlyRengar play Rengar on the PBE a little bit at the gym last night. I love the new bola. It actually seems like a pretty good rework. Might be a little too strong if anything.
Ok, I am not trying to complain but I kinda have a weird(?) question since it's happened quite a few times to me this week, especially now that I am finally starting up ranked again (lag doesn't seem so bad anymore).

Does anyone in soloQ have a problem where you're mid and your bot team takes the enemy tower, then hangs out in your lane for an annoyingly long time? I try to sneak in some farm in empty lanes if the enemy pushes back enough/farm jungle minions but it really messes up my creep score and also seems to suppress my level gains, especially if I was dead even before. I only had about 200 CS as Fizz this last game to the enemy Gragas 300 which is terrible, terrible, terrible and I know I can't totally blame them (I was behind 20-30 by the time they came) but I swear I lost 50-60 CS to this.

I fully admit to not being a very good mid and usually focus on CS/freezing unless I get some ganks/easy overextended targets so i can snowball but it's like...how do I best deal with situations like that? I don't want to be mean and tell them to gtfo if they are trying to help (especially if I really don't have a good suggestion for what they *should* be doing) but I'm kind of at a loss.

To be honest, at the strategic level, your teammates had the right idea.

Fizz has a mediocre laning phase at best, especially against champions with good wave clear and harass like Gragas. You just want to get out of lane as early as possible on him. They took a tower - giving you global gold - and came up to handle the lane, freeing you to start roaming without having to worry about Gragas getting super fed and taking your tower.

The only gig would be if they didn't pull you and the jungler in to take dragon on the way up. As long as they did, you should have gotten enough global gold from that to finish a major item and become a legitimate roam threat, at which point you could have started making plays on the map: ganking top, ambushing whatever enemy champion went to the (now long) bottom lane to clean up the farm and overextended, trying to catch people on rotations through the jungle during blue buff respawn, etc.

You don't really want to stay in lane very long as Fizz. He's not good at it, he's good at assassinating people. Accelerating the game to the point where he can do that (both in terms of items and opportunities) is the best thing.


It still won't make up for the range nerf. Not really. They have to extend it a LITTLE. At least nocturne levels of range.

This saddens me more than I thought. I love Pantheon. I was playing him in the jungle before he got super popular. I saw this coming when Dominate pulled him out in the LCS. Sigh.

Riot does not like the carry jungler. :(

Not to mention this pretty much kills him in lane. He can't even have TF levels of presence anymore.

i dobut this range will stick

but seriously, i think a LOT of people are underestimating a fast "long range" point targeted jump

its a pretty big game changer

sure its a less obnoxious global for ganking, but for engaging and counter ganking, its fucking huge


i dobut this range is stick

but seriously, i think a LOT of people are underestimating a fast "long range" point targeted jump

its a pretty big game changer

Even reducing the channel time to .5 seconds, there's still 2 seconds of "fall" time so it'll still have 2.5 seconds before landing. So it's still not quite fast but it's better.

The range is super small though. It's going to be difficult to do anything but land near the end of a lane in a gank early game.

I'm guessing the end result will be Nocturne range across the board. Maybe a touch bigger if they are sensible. I see the stun nerf staying though.


Suprised they nerfed Panth and not Wukong. Wukong is just stupid.

Yeah this is what I was saying to some friends earlier, I can't imagine he'll get away with another patch without a nerf, it must be coming. Wonder what they'll do though, just lowered damage on abilities or something more complicated.


Suprised they nerfed Panth and not Wukong. Wukong is just stupid.

If I had to guess, they'll nerf the passive resistances monkey gets and probably lower the damage/duration of his ult. The rest of his kit is reasonable.

What's the fastest way to grind to 30?

I've always read it's playing 3s against bots. Wait 7 min or something then push to win. Most xp per time spent.
The gains are kind of terrible. You probably get more out of 3s or Dominion.

Yeah, I mean there's a bonus for winning and you're just not going to win much more than half the time in ARAM because it's so, well, random.

Probably the most fun way to 30, though.


I've been saying this for a long time now but if Wukong does get nerfed it'll be the free stats he gets off his passive. I wouldn't mind them smoothing out his ult damage a little bit either. I believe it's 20,100,200 with each rank respectively.

My first khaz game yesterday was really fun. Riot will be hitting his ult a bit for sure. Maybe adding some time between restealths.



i played a shit ton of CS back in the day. started in beta 7, played through 1.5 somewhere in between there I was in the #3 clan of OGL west back when that was a thing. (quick sidenote, that same clan started myg0t as a means of trolling back then. it was me as khyron/g0d/xpl0it back in teh day)

would I be able to pick up CS GO and not be terrible at it? Is it similar to those? Pretty sure I still have all the mechanics and environmental awareness of 1.5 still memorized.

With the mechanics and environmental awareness of 1.5, you'll do fine. The maps are the same (mostly) plus some additions. Shooting is similar, but not the same. A couple of rounds would fix this. Btw, we used to kid you were OGL if you were pretty bad at the game. :p
I'd imagine Wukong nerfs will be more along the lines of numerical tweaking (CD and ratio adjustments) than things intended to radically change the way his abilities are used, as we're seeing in their experiments with Pantheon. They'll probably just chop a minor percentage off his ratios and put an extra 10-20 seconds onto his ultimate cooldown.

There's nothing terribly wrong about what he does or how he does it, after all, it's just a question of whether he's doing it too well.
Minor Wukong nerfs... heh, good one. Apart from gutted numbers (particularly his ult), I'm guessing they'll remove the armor shred from Q and maybe hit his MS a bit. His ult's ratio has always been insane and it's not difficult to get all hits on a particular target.
Those rune changes are not as extensive as I thought they would be.
Life Steal
PER QUINTESSENCE 2% life steal ⇒ 1.5% life steal
PER 3 QUINTESSENCES 6% life steal ⇒ 4.5% life steal
SUPPLEMENTARY The offensive mastery, Feast, will now restore 3 health on minion kill (up from 2)
Yay, let's fuck ADC sustain even further to make sure only the absolute safest ADCs can hang. Buffing that shit mastery that no ADC should take instead of Dangerous Game surely will help.
Those rune changes are not as extensive as I thought they would be.
Yeah, I was waiting for something more drastic like what they hinted before.

But maybe this is just the initial stuff, since it did say "but in the meantime we'll be implementing some basic changes in the next patch."


Those rune changes are not as extensive as I thought they would be.

Yay, let's fuck ADC sustain even further to make sure only the absolute safest ADCs can hang. Buffing that shit mastery that no ADC should take instead of Dangerous Game surely will help.
Most of the strong adcs rush bt now so I could see other rune setups being beneficial.
Some euro adcs run atk quints and atspd marks.

Health both flat and scaling and maybe even health regeneration look stronger. Return of the doge/vlad?
when are they getting rid of runes or making them free

Yeah, I was waiting for something more drastic like what they hinted before.

But maybe this is just the initial stuff, since it did say "but in the meantime we'll be implementing some basic changes in the next patch."
We'll be keeping an eye on runes and may need to make additional tweaks for game health reasons, but we're not currently planning any further significant changes in the 2014 season. We hope you enjoy the upcoming rune sale and take this opportunity to get geared up for the season!


Upcoming rune sale. Nice. I'm glad I've been saving my IP. Going to buy whatever I can. Maybe even grab an IP boost while I'm at it. Bad timing with the D3 expansion though :(

As far as what to get, they did nothing but buff CDR runes so it's time to invest in those next. I'll grab some health seals as well if I can afford it. With the addition of 4 base armor to every champ, I can see swapping my support page to health seals and armor quints or something and get some benefit from it. Truth is though, most people will still probably use armor seals and just have a couple more net armor for it.

I can also see grabbing scaling mana regen glyphs. I use a page with half scaling MR and half mana regen glyphs for most supports and some of the more mana hungry ad carries (I'm looking at you Varus and Lucian).

The lifesteal nerf though.. ouch.


Once upon a time flat HP was run on seals, then they were nerfed, which led to the armor seals becoming standard. I can see HP seals being viable now.

well like 9 armor for 72 health sounds like a pretty fair trade, at least mid. not sure against ad. might be useful to keep an armor page if they have like a khazix mid+elise jungle and you don't want to feed them % health


CDR and health scaling rune looks so good now, but I am too scare to sacrifice early game just for a bit of CDR and health late game.
CDR and health scaling rune looks so good now, but I am too scare to sacrifice early game just for a bit of CDR and health late game.
It's a tough choice for laners, but junglers could take those without too much worry, I think.

I could see myself switching my AP/lvl glyphs for CDR on Eve. Same for my MR glyphs on Vi.


I run 10% starting CDR on all my junglers between runes and masteries. For the most part I use 5 flat CDR glyphs, but I definitely have to rethink things with those changes.


scaling cdr is tempting but seems kind of pointless on mana champions since you'll be getting athene's/morellos+blue+elixir.

it's pretty godly on like riven and kat. attack speed quints might be cool on like yasuo maybe

pokey supports might like 'em too, maybe like morgana or zyra or something. sona prolly won't be able to get away with it without being punished tho since her range is so low


To be honest, at the strategic level, your teammates had the right idea.

Fizz has a mediocre laning phase at best, especially against champions with good wave clear and harass like Gragas. You just want to get out of lane as early as possible on him. They took a tower - giving you global gold - and came up to handle the lane, freeing you to start roaming without having to worry about Gragas getting super fed and taking your tower.

The only gig would be if they didn't pull you and the jungler in to take dragon on the way up. As long as they did, you should have gotten enough global gold from that to finish a major item and become a legitimate roam threat, at which point you could have started making plays on the map: ganking top, ambushing whatever enemy champion went to the (now long) bottom lane to clean up the farm and overextended, trying to catch people on rotations through the jungle during blue buff respawn, etc.

You don't really want to stay in lane very long as Fizz. He's not good at it, he's good at assassinating people. Accelerating the game to the point where he can do that (both in terms of items and opportunities) is the best thing.

Just to provide some more context, this isn't just a Fizz problem. I use Ziggs and recently Syndra nearly as much (Fizz is my "safe" pick since I carry easier with him vs stuff that doesn't super hardcounter him) and obviously those I mentioned don't have near the mediocre laning phase he does. I didn't know about the proximity to tower exp thing though...that probably would have made a big difference in my level, which was my biggest concern since I have a hard time realistically doing much vs someone with a level or two on me.

I also would not have minded *if* I could have trusted them to stay in my lane to push/guard tower if there wasn't anything in particular going on so I could focus on other stuff, but that wasn't the case (this was a Karma/Ez team so they had plenty of poke/mobility ect). I actually got my first kill ganking their Velkoz support bot lane when they heavily overextended and just kept going around from there (he ended up being my favorite target by the end because the enemy Jinx learned her lesson about staying away from me and he never did).

I just really don't want to get so far behind in levels again when I'm not doing "bad" scorewise, because I just feel like there's no real excuse for that even if my team isn't performing ideally.


3 games in a row where I disconnected because everyone \was insta-locking their adc and mids

when is the teambuilder going to be released


scaling cdr is tempting but seems kind of pointless on mana champions since you'll be getting athene's/morellos+blue+elixir.

it's pretty godly on like riven and kat. attack speed quints might be cool on like yasuo maybe

pokey supports might like 'em too, maybe like morgana or zyra or something. sona prolly won't be able to get away with it without being punished tho since her range is so low

The scaling CDR are so good. 15% at level 18? That's a blue buff. Not as useful for AP mids as you've pointed out but any manaless champ or jungler could absolutely use that. Late game the jungle item + masteries and runes will practically max you. Elise will love it.
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