To be fair, both me and Pielad(who was right next to you) were heading toward soda after hearing he say "going bot", you were the only one staying under tower. I even keep saying "I am coming, I am coming", and Pielad were actively commenting he is heading to the ambush. What else do you need? A letter invitation?
I literally do not remember hearing you say that at all.

I don't know what to tell you, so I can only assume I totally blanked out.
When Soda call you out, you redirect the whole argument from "why didn't you follow us" to "the true meaning of 'going bot'".
This is because Soda both started and immediately followed up with insults/obscenities. I already explained in detail why I didn't follow, and I'm surprised Pielad even started to.
I think the biggest problem I had with you is when the a call is being made, and you disagree with the decision, you would leave the team and do your own stuff. Then whole plan got fucked because either you came in late, or never show up, you would start commenting why "the plan is a bad idea". It is either you agree with the call, or all of us going to "learn a valuable lesson" by wiping a 4v5. May be when you feel merciful you would dive in to 1v5 afterward for an ace to let us know "you tried". Well fuck I am sorry all 4 of us are stupid as shit and can't think at your level.
I honestly probably should try to follow calls even if I think it's certain doom and someone else didn't see something, like the times recently when I've danger pinged to warn about blitzcrank or thresh, and someone would literally get grabbed within like 3 seconds by walking where I just pinged.
I'm personally fine even if we do wipe, and if I know I'm playing with people who want this to happen (people in solo queue games can be this way for example) -- I'm happy to follow the plan even if we all die.
BUT, if you're going to ask for that, we have to clarify who gets to make the calls and who doesn't. Do I? Probably not, I'm very obviously not at the level of you, Newt, and most other players, I'm low silver. (NOT AN EXCUSE, a direct observation from our current borders / ranked positions) Do you? Maybe, though you're aware that we all give you crap about bad baron calls. Does Soda Cop? Does whoever is the jungler? Maybe, all of those are things that could be decided on.
But then, what do you do when (as happened I think yesterday) you literally have two people who AREN'T me making conflicting calls? I can kind of wander around near the group like sea monkeys, as Boken calls us, but that's super difficult, so I either have to wander, or make a decision myself. Making team calls by committee is difficult in such a reactive game.
There are nothing more frustrating than ganking your lane, went all in, then saw you back off and said "yeah I am not going there, jungle's mia, mid is no where to be see, bot is gone, jesus not resurrected yet". Well thanks I guess I will take the free trip back to the nexus, i hope you got a lot of cs.
Are you talking about a different game here? If you came bot and went all in I certainly don't remember it that game, and it wouldn't have made sense for you to do it since I fell behind so early.
That is why kayos never want you to be ad carry, the whole team will tank and peel for you, just to found out you ran half way back across the map. "Yeah that fight was a bad idea because bah bah bah bah bah", and if we ever won the argument that it was your fault, you would pull the victim card "yeah sorry I am a bad player". Or the best, "I can't hear you with mumble", "I can't understand kiunch", "I didn't hear that", I mean you didn't see all the pings in the map? Our whole team clashed with the enemy team?
I do not mean this to be offensive in any way, but you are honestly probably the most difficult person out of all LoLGAF to understand on the mic. It could just be a personal problem for me.
If you ping, especially if it's the assist ping or the "on my way" ping then that would be awesome. I already posted earlier saying can we please use smart pings, since that would really clarify in some situations.
Yes I do make bad calls sometimes, and call myself out for that. I'm not trying to say I'm a victim if I make mistakes, I make mistakes because of a sequence of thought processes (so if someone keeps badgering me afterwards about why I did that, I explain the reasoning behind the decision). If the decision was BAD, yes, I think it is honest and fair to admit it. It's not an excuse, it is an acknowledgement that if the situation comes up again, I need to react differently.
I feel I am bad at learning longterm and applying these things over time, both in life and league of legends -- I forget really simple lessons I learned already, and 10 games later I may make a mistake again. I am not saying I am a victim in this sense, I am trying to be self-analytical and say that that's the assessment I feel is true. Maybe there are tricks I can do to change that.
I think as a very high-level observation about why I sometimes annoy you and others, my instinct is to explain my reasoning if someone is yelling at me. It's because I feel I am being asked to explain or accused of having no motivation for an action. The problem with this is, people may take this as giving an excuse, instead of stating the honest reason why I did something. Is there any way around this besides just remaining silent? I'm not sure, depending on the person.