Morello is like Ghostcrawler
He's the public face of the game, the mouth piece through which many Riot voices are heard. And he's a GD martyr that makes it easier for the rest of Riot to do their work.
Community facing roles r tough, but somebody has to do it. Let it be the strong people that take the blows
yea you're right but he just looks like thrown to the mob and the mob ain't listening
like everyone will find things to disagree with how rito does things but for the most part i find myself really aligned with a lot of their ideals, even if they never end up quite pulling them off.
it makes me think rito could probably use a lot of better communication tools with the playerbase. like having champion-specific forums, polling on what the community views as toxic, overpowered or balanced, a lot more dev blogs and all that crap. like the lee sin thing is pretty interesting in how it created so much outrage that rito is falling back on some of the nerfs if only to shut people up.
i dunno, i'm insomniac so i think dumb stuff lol
GP10/heavy utility tree masteries Thresh went as well as expected.
yea i usually prefer going coin+tanky runes/masteries than other way around if i want a chill laning phase.
gp10 is pretty useless right now imo, supports don't even know what to do with the extra gold anyways