hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
only scrubz duo
But, how else am I going to hit plat?
only scrubz duo
Honestly, if they just mess with Wukong's free tank stats the 6 ban dream can come true.I finally played against someone who decided to pick Kassadin in a ranked match
This champion is comically bad
I should really stop playing solo q bot lane. It's a nightmare.But, how else am I going to hit plat?
What, don't you like the Thresh players that don't play support but played Sona this one time and so just sit behind you missing hooks every 20 seconds while you get harassed?I should really stop playing solo q bot lane. It's a nightmare.
Usually where I'm at supports know what they're doing. It's just hard to be at the same wavelength.What, don't you like the Thresh players that don't play support but played Sona this one time and so just sit behind you missing hooks every 20 seconds while you get harassed?
But, how else am I going to hit plat?
I should really stop playing solo q bot lane. It's a nightmare.
grats erragal ! GOLD![]()
i like to think that I was a small part in you achieving gold
Ty! I owe it all to the laser eye.
Ty! I owe it all to the laser eye.
Jeez. Lol.
Don't forget you lost a 4v5 as I will never forget I got carried hard.![]()
im the captain of the team that runs away from their responsibility
I guess it could be pretty risque if you're into girls dying.
i really wish they did the vu for caitlyn already. she's not awful or anything but i think the whole cait - vi - jinx thing is pretty cool and she could be given some pretty cool interactions, plus the whole cheerleader skirt and mad hatter thing are kind of silly
also just thought it was a cool scene, didn't even think it like that :/
i don't mind the hat so much as the cog on top of it. it's like it's trying too hard to be steampunk without really knowing what steampunk is. the skirt is the worst offender for me, tho. i don't randomly hate skirts like some weirdos but that one is just bad taste, man. like the vu in my head probably just has pants and like a vest or something because imo it suits a cop/sheriff better than a the dress thingie she's wearing right now. i'd probably still keep her with a hat because that's like part of her identity, but would probably go a more reasonable onei feel like once team builder comes out i will almost never play ranked
edit: yeah i've never really liked cait's aesthetic at all. as soon as i started playing her i bought a skin just because i thought her hat was so stupid
now riot's gonna give all my favorite champs stupid hats
nah i mean i just didn't think it as suggestiveAh, er... sorry. I tend to go all artsy on these things.
The implication of that particular composition is that Cait's comforting Vi as she dies.
lolVi can prevent herself from bleeding to death by punching cait, since she get a shield every time her skill hit someone.
Congratz on that gold man, dat Vel'Koz.
Ty for that laugh kiunch. So good.Vi can prevent herself from bleeding to death by punching cait, since she get a shield every time her skill hit someone.
Vi can prevent herself from bleeding to death by punching cait, since she get a shield every time her skill hit someone.
Oh man lots of Champs I want to try out this week X3
EDIT: What's Yasuo's build like? Static then Attack speed+critical?
statik + infinity edgeOh man lots of Champs I want to try out this week X3
EDIT: What's Yasuo's build like? Static then Attack speed+critical?
Statikk and then IE
OK so can someone help with how I should go about making my build for these characters please?
Xin Zhao (Focus on AD or AD+AP? Or forgo all that and build him as a tank)
Miss Fortune
Try using this site...
OK so can someone help with how I should go about making my build for these characters please?
Xin Zhao (Focus on AD or AD+AP? Or forgo all that and build him as a tank)
Miss Fortune
Try using this site...
Too many builds....
If I lose my first two games, I just stop playing for the day. No use continuing racking up losses now that you're on tilt.
the problem with this site is the times when you get 9/7/14 support xerath with AD/lifesteal runes.
Try using this site...
If I lose my first two games, I just stop playing for the day. No use continuing racking up losses now that you're on tilt.
so playing the game in na now when i'm back on las is making me redownload it on spanish again
which is a big no
argie lux is disgusting
the problem with this site is the times when you get 9/7/14 support xerath with AD/lifesteal runes.
hmm, I'm always wondering how much sense it makes to use builds from pros. Most people's playstyle are much different, especially at lower ELO.
Oh shit, Yasuo free this week. Time to carry.