Stil processing but fuck it it's like 3AM.
Full NeoGAF inhouse VOD of the close game:
I don't really want to bother posting the others since they were all stomps.
Miss Fortune seems good from what I played. On the plus side she doesn't really need Boots, but that cooldown =P Focusing on AD and Critical with her, then tyr some of the other characters.
Xerath seemed good too but man does he fall down quick...
What's wrong with liandrys? I always get it when I play zac.
I dont get how you can play khazix jungle and not gank
It's just pretty stupid
we should have EUW inhouses and show NA how it's done.
and by how it's done, I mean show how bad we can really be with dobkeratops on a team.
Should I sure(shore?) up my support roster with Karma?
Time to get those Nev lessons.And.PIX
Should I sure(shore?) up my support roster with Karma?
Never forget.
360p? What is this, an internet for ants?
He's not wrong. Some people are really adamant about not playing certain @ Pankaks' VOD:
Closer: who play what
Soda: they can play whatever they want
may include paraphrasing
I'm not going to like watching this... I played like shit. I should probably just play riven from now on instead of jumping around like mad, might be able to play worth a damn then.
Silly question but could black cleaver work with Twitch+R. Hurricane equipped?
Yes, it works but the bolts don't pierce. Black cleaver procs.Silly question but could black cleaver work with Twitch+R. Hurricane equipped?
Just never buy Hurricane. Ever. Twitch's ultimate already pierces through multiple targets as it is.Silly question but could black cleaver work with Twitch+R. Hurricane equipped?
Just never buy Hurricane. Ever. Twitch's ultimate already pierces through multiple targets as it is.
why isnt nashors a good buy on teemo
i read that McCashDolla dude's AMA and he said it's really only good if you wanna split push
i may be biased though because i just love having attack speed
I dont get how you can play khazix jungle and not gank
It's just pretty stupid
Maybe they were taking your farm more than gank philosophy to its logical extreme.And I like to farm more than gank. I only really gank when I know I can burn a flash or get my lane a small lead by making the enemy b.
I'm more attracted to getting a experience lead over the enemy jungler through farming and stealing for easier dragon fights and counter ganks rather than straight up ganking and snowballing.
Maybe they were taking your farm more than gank philosophy to its logical extreme.
I want to practice against a Yasuo but he always gets banned in inhouses. He just wants to be free!
Wasn't banned last night unfortunately.
Wasn't banned last night unfortunately.
Your team still won
Yasuo only did 30k damage in the second game, lol.Not the first game I was in, and we shouldn't of won that second one.
Just never buy Hurricane. Ever. Twitch's ultimate already pierces through multiple targets as it is.
But hurricane hits 3 enemies and can poison them.
But hurricane hits 3 enemies and can poison them.
i liked how everyone kept trying to call mothman's deaths but he always got away because lulu.Newt: "We can hold this. I have no doubt in my mind we can hold this"
*Tower dies*
Newt: "BAIL OUT"
But hurricane hits 3 enemies and can poison them.
don't buy hurricane with anyone ever
You could maybe buy Hurricane on one or two champions in ARAM. Maybe they should make it an ARAM-only item, or if you really want to shove it into the dingiest ghetto, a Dominion-only item.
They need to lower the attack speed and put some damage on it, then people *might* pick it up.