I like how the pick/ban phase is for solo queue. I'd rather let team builder be for normals only.
I don't mean picking a team, but we could have role queues for example.
as an aside, I await the eventual Evelynn new remake. I know she's been redone already, but she consistently proves to be a nightmare to balance, especially with the change to vision items this season. I have no doubt that the last round of nerfs was Riot's attempt to gut her, but then people just said "fuck it, AD Eve!" and she continues to be a complete terror.
I just dunno how Eve can exist as a practically perma-stealth champion and still be healthy for the game. I'm intrigued to see what they come up with for her next round of nerfs.
I'm definitely biased, but as I see it, current Eve is actually pretty damn healthy if you ask me.
She has clear weaknesses: she's squishy by herself, not much of a duelist without items, vulnerable to counterganks - you will die 2v2 -, no silly base damages to make her an early game monster, since AP is dead no invisible burst to murder you before you can react - unless she's ridiculously ahead that is - , her ultimate gives her a nice power spike but it's in no form or shape a death sentence and it's very easy to just pin her down and kill her, she has no special form of objective control nor is she a particularly incredible split pusher nor does she scale beyond control. She's not immune to wards, she's immune to wards that would affect other junglers. You don't ward your lane, you ward her jungle, and once you understand that she's far more manageable. Hell, most strong junglers have ways to circumvent wards anyways, I don't see how Eve is any different.
She's the quintessensial assassin, she punishes mistakes with almost nothing but basic game knowledge, because everything else was stripped of her aside from being good at tower diving at 6 - which is very high risk in her case. She's not an ultra contested competitive pick/ban nor is she a solo Q terror beyond Silver - relatively low ban rates, stable slightly lower than 50% win rates accross all ELOs - her skills are dodgeable, she has no hard CC and you can run away from her, I don't see how she's still a problem after her last set of nerfs - hell, they even went too far and gave her a buff the immediate patch after the Q and E changes.