I actually do that with my irl friends in a joking matter. It's funny because the enemy goes along with it sometimes lol.my favorite players are the ones who bitch about their own team in the /all chat in a sad attempt to earn sympathy
I actually do that with my irl friends in a joking matter. It's funny because the enemy goes along with it sometimes lol.my favorite players are the ones who bitch about their own team in the /all chat in a sad attempt to earn sympathy
I think it's mixed. If the other team has a griefer who's spamming racial slurs in allchat, and you don't feel bad for their teammates, that seems kind of sociopathic to react in that way. And maybe being sociopathic is normal in videogames, especially MOBAs.Ya it's funny because they actually think the other team gives a shit about them.
not all champions like one more than the other, lebonk and ahri usually rush dfg, syndra can go dfg or deathcap depending on the game, etc.Why is Rabadon's Deathcap favoured over Deathfire Grasp?
yup...and I am to assume that BoRK 'stacks' with Jarvan's passive?
Why is Rabadon's Deathcap favoured over Deathfire Grasp?
You take Deathcap if you do more aoe/sustained damage.
I actually do that with my irl friends in a joking matter. It's funny because the enemy goes along with it sometimes lol.
I think it's mixed. If the other team has a griefer who's spamming racial slurs in allchat, and you don't feel bad for their teammates, that seems kind of sociopathic to react in that way. And maybe being sociopathic is normal in videogames, especially MOBAs.
I figure if someone is complaining "report this person for being bad omg" then that's bad and they shouldn't say that. But if they say "please report this person for racial slurs in the chat log" or "please report this person who has been afk 20 minutes", ESPECIALLY if I can see evidence in allchat or the game that the person is afk/griefing/harassing? Then I think it's fair for me to sympathize and report them. In theory it has the selfish side effect that there's a very slight chance the person might get banned for a couple of days, and for those days I won't get them on my team.
The whole treat others how you'd want to be treated thing, etc.
i turned off eu lcs for a kr diamond stream. big improvement.
When people complain to the other to me when I'm on the other team, I take their side. Usually they tend to react in an egomaniac way to the rest of their team, destroy their teams structure, and I get a free win out of it.
i turned off eu lcs for a kr diamond stream. big improvement.
Maybe. EU is more unbearable than NA though. Like...I checked the game on right now and both top laners are in the 40-60 CS area at the twelve minute mark, and one of them is 0/0/0. The casters on EU just hurt the experience a lot too.You should try to switch to kr plat stream tomorrow then when na lcs runs.
Yeah...EU is definitely horrid to watch. Not going to spoil anything because this isn't the LCS thread, but in this Roccat vs Wolves game...one of the botlanes is making me face palm so hard. In NA people play bad, but they don't randomly go from great to trash in terms of gameplay.Maybe. EU is more unbearable than NA though. Like...I checked the game on right now and both top laners are in the 40-60 CS area at the twelve minute mark, and one of them is 0/0/0. The casters on EU just hurt the experience a lot too.
Yeah...EU is definitely horrid to watch. Not going to spoil anything because this isn't the LCS thread, but in this Roccat vs Wolves game...one of the botlanes is making me face palm so hard. In NA people play bad, but they don't randomly go from great to trash in terms of gameplay.
Maybe. EU is more unbearable than NA though. Like...I checked the game on right now and both top laners are in the 40-60 CS area at the twelve minute mark, and one of them is 0/0/0. The casters on EU just hurt the experience a lot too.
Meh, it's true NA is kinda a throw fest. A throw fest is more appealing than hiding in base when down in gold and slowly losing though.Shyvana had 120 cs at 17 minutes, so, eh, maybe. Rough lane for Gragas with 90 cs at 17 minutes, though it's possible to question Roccat picking Gragas. Every other lane was better.
I dunno, I guess it depends on what you like to watch better. The quality of the average eu game is still better than the average na game considering the throwfest that those games evolve into whenever it's not C9/TSM getting a lead early.
EU might be a bit hit or miss for some games, but it's still more interesting than the constant misses of NA.
Meh, it's true NA is kinda a throw fest. A throw fest is more appealing than hiding in base when down in gold and slowly losing though.
Not sure how you can make a point of NA being hit or miss though. There's a huge difference between the top and bottom teams.
Yeah, I agree with you here.Yeah, I guess it depends on what kind of game you prefer to see. C9 is always boring though. :/
I did not want to imply that NA teams are hit or miss, the "consistent misses" was referring to the 6 low-tier teams. I agree that there is a huge difference between the top and bottom teams.
c9 is pretty fun to watch when they play internationally
like usually i skip fnatic games but i think those games are nice
No OGN?but yeah if i wanted to see good play id just watch azn games
i dont watch the azn games tho
Bu what about all the bmI mean...I guess I just don't know what to associate with the EU LCS. It's lacking in personality, the mechanical level of play isn't very high, and honestly their understanding of the meta seems pretty low. Like...Elise got first picked in the CW vs. Roccat game, and you have a Xerath vs. Nid lane. The success of teams in the scene seems more like bursts of luck than actual solid play when they wildly shift from heavy win streaks to ruts of losses.
My first match as Soraka
I started off with mana regen and AP, then nearing the endgame made a Randuin to counter their heavy hitters.
By then I thought I'd just troll with sunfire cape, I dunno should've gone with Warmog now that I think about it not that it matters.
Closer vs world pt 2
Fuck Nidalee. So much. Most anti fun champ ever. Not sure why she's allowed to be so stupid.
Anyone play support Thresh can recommend a guide?
I got my masteries from a guide, don't remember which one. But it's 9/21. Offense is 4 cooldown, 3 brute force, expose weakness and martial mastery. The 21 in defense is pretty standard.
OmgWe need a new map mode.
10 nidalees in a square arena.... spheres have 3x the range and richochet off walls.
My first match as Soraka
I started off with mana regen and AP, then nearing the endgame made a Randuin to counter their heavy hitters.
By then I thought I'd just troll with sunfire cape, I dunno should've gone with Warmog now that I think about it not that it matters.
I got my masteries from a guide, don't remember which one. But it's 9/21. Offense is 4 cooldown, 3 brute force, expose weakness and martial mastery. The 21 in defense is pretty standard.Anyone play support Thresh can recommend a guide?
I feel there's absolutely no need for mana regen with Soraka.
looks like it is nearly impossible to find a jungler in team builder
Yes.Is Amumu still good?