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League of Legends |OT7| She Ezreal To Me, Dammit!

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im the only person in the eu west chatroom

in one of the games it seemed as if two ppl were communicating with each other tho one spoke spanish and one spoke french


Base health increased to 420 from 390
Base movement speed increased to 335 from 330
Base damage increased to 49 from 46
Piercing Light ( Q ) no longer reads "Deals 75% damage to minions"
Relentless Pursuit ( E ) cooldown to 14/13/12/11/10 from 16/15/14/13/12
[ Context: In addition to the new E passive ( which reduces Lucian's E cooldown when his passive hits ) they have been tinkering a lot with his CD numbers. The live value for his E cooldown is 18/16/14/12/10 ]

lucian slowly turning into adc yasuu

free dashes everywhere!
nobody posted these already rite?



i'm all like

So, the Yordles are the most advanced race ever in that world?

EDIT: So malphite is 06 and Aatrox is 13 mecha units builds.



someone said something like hija de puta and i got pretty excited that i knew what that meant
like maybe eu west can enrich me rosetta stone style
nothing will make up for his crappy range unless they rework him completely.

He wasn't designed to function well at 500 range and all the bullshit compensatory buffs in the world couldn't fix that. But hey, maybe when the patch comes out and people see how worthless he is and stop playing him they'll realise.

In fact all the shitty buffs they have to keep doing on PBE to try and make him decent should probably tell them something.

If you smash a glass, no matter how much you try to glue it back together it'll never work right again. Might as well get a new one.
How much does it help to buy XP boosts? I feel like I'm moving like a slug with my level. I'm level 18. Of my last 9 games, my team has won 6. Of those 9 games, I've been number 1, 5 times. However, they're all Dominion. Do I just need to stop playing that game type?


riot costy so angry about lucy

i was a bit concerned at first but we'll have to see, sivir does fine at that range and lucy has tons of tools to make up for lower range

maybe it'll work


How much does it help to buy XP boosts? I feel like I'm moving like a slug with my level. I'm level 18. Of my last 9 games, my team has won 6. Of those 9 games, I've been number 1, 5 times. However, they're all Dominion. Do I just need to stop playing that game type?

I wouldn't buy XP boosts. The level 1 to 30 grind is pretty important to getting a feel for the game and learning the ins and outs.

I greatly prefer summoners rift to dominion. I think its the games strongest mode. Definitely more popular.

Dominion isn't a bad way to go though.


sivir has her superpowered ult to make up for it.
well lucy now has like 8s cd free dash and all the other crap that made him op before

he'll get buffed if he needs it and now he's got a big ass weakness for people to exploit

sounds at least potentially good
They dumpstered Riven so that you can't faceroll your keyboard at Lv2 and get first blood. Her health regen is pathetic. I'm often tempted to start double beads + pots with her.
How much does it help to buy XP boosts? I feel like I'm moving like a slug with my level. I'm level 18. Of my last 9 games, my team has won 6. Of those 9 games, I've been number 1, 5 times. However, they're all Dominion. Do I just need to stop playing that game type?

Dont aim to level faster but to learn the game and lines because when you reach 30 everyone will shit on you if you are new playing that lane., unless you are using an alt account.


What do you guys think about current Gangplank state? I played quite a few games on him and he seems to be really strong if you build Shiv+Triforce and tanky after that.
I really hate Gangplank so I wanted to respond to this. I would rate GP as a tier 6 top. The 4 or 5 times I've seen him in ranked I immediately declared the game won for my team. As someone else said, he's a fun normal mode champion, but you probably shouldn't put too much effort into learning him for ranked. I'm really surprised that Dinger isn't a more popular pick top. I feel like he's actually a really strong champ that I am scared of going all-in on at most points of the game unless I know his ults down. Once he gets his Zhonya's forget about it, I'm waiting for some assistance.

GP scales terribly and will get wrecked by most tops by level 9 or you'll be outscaled and lose anyway. Even if you can survive the lane and maybe even win it, he's about as weak as Garen and Shen when it comes to value in a teamp comp. If you ever win a game as Gangplank, just know that you were better than your opponent and you would've won twice as hard if you didn't put a severe handicap on yourself.
So are you gonna actually give me some reasons or just sit there with your holier-than-thou attitude that you normally flaunt?
u seem to think that ranged top laners are "OP" despite there being clear counters to all of them and seem to similarly believe that as such there is no way to actually beat ranged tops as a melee and automatically write it off as a loss.

like yeah lane bullies are annoying but that's what they're supposed to do, otherwise they just end up being like yorick and being useless past the 10 minute mark. u dont actually have to take every cs in lane and can easily counter aggro plays by sitting in a top bush and just gaining xp.


u seem to think that ranged top laners are "OP" despite there being clear counters to all of them and seem to similarly believe that as such there is no way to actually beat ranged tops as a melee and automatically write it off as a loss.

like yeah lane bullies are annoying but that's what they're supposed to do, otherwise they just end up being like yorick and being useless past the 10 minute mark. u dont actually have to take every cs in lane and can easily counter aggro plays by sitting in a top bush and just gaining xp.

Nah they're not OP per se I just hate getting poked with almost no counterplay and then when I try to engage they can usually just disengage with ease. I don't mind Vlad because he actually has to think about when to say FU to melees as opposed to Jayce, Quinn, Nidalee, Lulu etc.

also what the fuck does your post have to do with Renekton? lol. He shits on a lot of melees. Are you gonna try to deny that? I just feel like you wanted to insult me just for shits and giggles.


vlad is a pretty braindead champion for poking

manaless with targeted poke into infinite sustain, running double defensive summoners with a moving zhonyas thingie

there's not much outplaying vlad. he's either below level 9 or not :p



Official new smelly waifuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu~

Apparently Morgana was playing on his mom's computer, so he was having issues and serious lag. He dies twice, I steal a kill by QE'ing Vayne, we lose a 2v2, and Morg DC's. I'm about to call this game when Noc finally comes over and helps me get a 2 piece. Around 20 minutes, their Yi DC's we ace a teamfight, and proceed to roflstomp from there. I'm really getting the hang of him, that's 3 in a row with my smelly rat friend.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
I'm really surprised that Dinger isn't a more popular pick top. I feel like he's actually a really strong champ that I am scared of going all-in on at most points of the game unless I know his ults down..

No one ever trusts my heimer top.



vlad is a pretty braindead champion for poking

manaless with targeted poke into infinite sustain, running double defensive summoners with a moving zhonyas thingie

there's not much outplaying vlad. he's either below level 9 or not :p

Well of course. Vlad has a downside.

Can't really say the same for Ryze/Nid/Lulu


Well of course. Vlad has a downside.

Can't really say the same for Ryze/Nid/Lulu
can't speak for ryze as i think ryze is awful and new nidalee i haven't played but solo lane lulu has clear weaknesses

poking with lulu pushes the lane so you're very easy to gank

mana issues if you eq constantly

she's a low damage utility mage that leaves your team without a tank compared to like shyvanna/jax/whatever, but also relies very heavily on other damage sources as two of her spells don't actually deal any damage (while a third is mostly used as a shield)

doesn't have strong cc to deal with people jumping on her (tho she can just run away from renek with w)

she doesn't hyperscale or anything, she's as strong as her team's not dumb, that's about it

you focus way too much about laning, just learn to deal with someone harassing you. you don't have to get every damned caster minion, that's a noob's mistake and exactly what a ranged champion will want. just stay in levels, watch for cooldowns and stay relevant in the game. don't buy the same items every game, get potions, base early, tp back with a second dorans blade or something and use that, ask for a gank and then flash aggressively to secure the kill

but you can't be whining cos that's the state of the game, in lane if someone's ranged and you aren't, you're gonna get fucked. i only play ranged champions in top lane and i make people miserable cos they don't have a plan to dealing with me. they just think it's good 'ol trading hugs and kisses with shyvanna while i'm charging you a fifth of your health for every greedy caster minion you're trying to get. don't be dumb and don't be greedy, wait for the jungle gank, it's easy.


i don't like ryze as a champion for many reasons, generally cos i don't like hyperscaling in general, but i didn't mean he wasn't really storng cos he is

lulu brings utility but does that in exchange for tankiness and damage. there's a clear tradeoff there when compared to other champions.

too bad we're not on the same region or we could to a couple lizzy vs. whoever you want sparrs and i'd teach you how to destroy me :3


i don't like ryze as a champion for many reasons, generally cos i don't like hyperscaling in general, but i didn't mean he wasn't really storng cos he is

lulu brings utility but does that in exchange for tankiness and damage. there's a clear tradeoff there when compared to other champions.

too bad we're not on the same region or we could to a couple lizzy vs. whoever you want sparrs and i'd teach you how to destroy me :3

I actually don't think I've ever played vs a lissandra in lane.

Sucks because she's such a cool champ.
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