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League of Legends |OT7| She Ezreal To Me, Dammit!

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first new lizzy experience. i really like lizzy as a counter to high mobility champions since i don't have to worry about skillshots or anything, i just point and click and yea, keep jumping ******!

anywho athenes rush is still a no go, i was rushing cdr cap cos 2.4s q is insane but i think imma now gonna do morellos into dfg or maybe zhonyas to not cap cdr so fast. her burst feels noticeably weaker but q spam is pretty ridiculous. didn't notice ult slow being stronger but tbh i still played her mostly lane-stomper assassin-like so, u know

kinda scared she'll take over as support/top

i don't want that :/

Eh, I typically play top or mid. With Garen and Syndra. Sometimes I branch out with Jungle Xin and that goes okay... There is other mid's I can play, but not sure they're typically considered good in those roles anymore (Annie, Diana, to name two.)

I've recently tried expanding out with Aatrox after having played a fair number of normals but I have yet to win a ranked game with him.
uh well, can't say much about garen but syndra's kind of tough to do consistently well with. she's really strong in lane but starts having trouble as the game goes on and people get tankier

she also has a lot of trouble against specific champions like fizz or kayle that give no fucks about her ult

i think annie's actually pretty good both mid and support and pretty easy to play and consistent. specially on like silver you can rush dfg, get 2 wards, red trinket, camp bushes and blow up fools non stop. syndra's pretty similar but harder to play so u know, if you're having trouble with her you can just fall back on annie for a bit while you get your confidence back

diana i don't really like right now and think she's kinda shit unless megafed so eh...

ed: general tips for mid tho:
  • ward both sides of the lane or at least one and always stay by that side.
  • if you have blue buff and a couple potions and jungler's ganking a lane do the camp opposite to the lane they're ganking (if you're blue side and jungler's ganking bot then do wolves, or wraiths for top, same for purple side)
  • try not to trade flashes with other mid, unless you really need it. getting a kill is worth it sometimes but you really need flash specially if you're not winning yet
  • if you see other mid roaming always follow. players won't pay attention to your pings and feed him. try to shove the wave before following if there's time
  • never bait for jungle ganks. like seriously, that shit never ends well
  • if you can't kill other mid but they stil had to b, it's fine. don't make mistakes for 300g, it's not worth it. just force them out of lane and watch as jungler comes to defend. you just helped your whole team tremendously
  • almost always get zhonyas. you're not gonna get much peel so you need to be able to keep yourself safe from bruisers jumping at you. forget about deathcap, athenes (or whatever your champion builds) into zhonyas, almost every game.
  • whenever you're at base and are thinking about items always have void staff in mind. if you see people starting to build mr (locket's a pretty decent sign) go for it.
  • always try to come back from base in a better situation than you got there. so like always try to get combat stats (don't get two faerie charms, get 400g cloak thingie and mana pots) if possible. get lots of potions and wards, always
  • buy red trinket when you feel like it, specially on bursty champions (better on syndra, ahri than like ori but still good on ori). use it whenever it's up.
  • get ga/banshees early if you're carrying and ahead in levels. it's basically instawin since no one can kill you
  • buy blue elixirs if big fights are coming up.

tried to keep it as midlane focused as possible but usual things still apply (don't talk with teammates, turn off all chat, let your jungler know when flash is down for enemy mid, objectives > kills, never do baron, etc.)


Oh man. It's so fun to play a fed Irelia.

Killing carries with 3 sheen autos or using Q to take off half their life.


edit: korten my advice is just stop playing

real talk, just take a break. play your favorite champ in team builder or something and just focus on having fun. Dive back into ranked when you feel like it. I bounced around in Silver 3 and 4 for most of my ranked career. Then I took a break and started playing normals. When I went back to ranked I climbed to gold. i'm not saying normals make you better or anything but getting a refreshed mindset by just having some fun is important.

edit 2: I also don't know how super into league you are but I spend most of my free time watching a twitch stream in the background if I have nothing else to do and I probably subconsciously pick up on things to do that way. i mostly watch qt though and he's not very educational.

I don't pay too often, so it's not hard. It's just... Like I feel completely useless and I have no idea what to do. Ranked or not. It's
like if I don't play either Garen or Syndra, I mind as well just quit and save my team the shame of losing. Worse since I love playing
Garen but i'm told he's not very good so that it would be best to play other champs.

Just sucks that if I try and at all change champs, I just shit on. Like I LOVE Aatrox, I really like his kit. Yet every
game I begin and instantly, I'm already behind the top laner. I can't get any cs, and they just push and this happens again and again.

I know I should just get better but it doesn't seem to happen. If anything, I think I'm getting worse.

Edit: If it seems like I'm whining, tell me and I'll stop posting. Don't want to annoy anyone.
I don't pay too often, so it's not hard. It's just... Like I feel completely useless and I have no idea what to do. Ranked or not. It's
like if I don't play either Garen or Syndra, I mind as well just quit and save my team the shame of losing. Worse since I love playing
Garen but i'm told he's not very good so that it would be best to play other champs.

Just sucks that if I try and at all change champs, I just shit on. Like I LOVE Aatrox, I really like his kit. Yet every
game I begin and instantly, I'm already behind the top laner. I can't get any cs, and they just push and this happens again and again.

I know I should just get better but it doesn't seem to happen. If anything, I think I'm getting worse.

People have climbed to at least diamond 1 with every champion in the game. The excuse of "I don't win, because my champion sucks" or "I don't play meta champions" is the stupidest thing ever.

There's always room to out play your opponent, and people especially in bronze/silver are always looking to put the blame on someone other than themselves.


I don't pay too often, so it's not hard. It's just... Like I feel completely useless and I have no idea what to do. Ranked or not. It's
like if I don't play either Garen or Syndra, I mind as well just quit and save my team the shame of losing. Worse since I love playing
Garen but i'm told he's not very good so that it would be best to play other champs.

Just sucks that if I try and at all change champs, I just shit on. Like I LOVE Aatrox, I really like his kit. Yet every
game I begin and instantly, I'm already behind the top laner. I can't get any cs, and they just push and this happens again and again.

I know I should just get better but it doesn't seem to happen. If anything, I think I'm getting worse.

Edit: If it seems like I'm whining, tell me and I'll stop posting. Don't want to annoy anyone.
post ahead yo

this thread is like 73% whining anyways. just like, use proper paragraphs, reading that post was an awful awful experience

about what you say, always play champions that you find fun. you can climb with any champion as long as you're using your time to learn and not waste time blaming your team for everything
so barrier is better than heal now again right

ughhh but heal was so much easier to use right
Number wise Barrier is superior at all points in the game, but Heal is still a heal (duh) plus affects two targets and there's the mini ghost and yadda yadda.

Still not sure if Barrier is better again.


it's ridiculous to think that a heal that had higher numbers than barrier, was a flat out heal instead of a shield, had a speed up, healed two people instead of one and cleansed grievous wounds was considered balanced when compared to barrier



so barrier is better than heal now again right

ughhh but heal was so much easier to use right

Heal still hits two people and has the movement speed boost. I'd still take it as a carry.

Damn. Morgana ghost bride skin. I like the skin a lot but I always found the spell effects a little weird/hard to track. I like my tree Morgana. Need to resist buying this one.

Morgana's usually banned in gold anyways. It's like a Season 2 flashback.


I don't get it. This doesn't sound like it would fix anything at all.

I think they should just remove summoner spells.

Also maybe like 30 champions.

And at least half the items.

But then everyone would get mad.

If anything there should be more items in this game


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
More items people never use.

Riot could remove 30 champions and half the items and the game wouldn't change in the slightest, kappa.
There's not much that can be done with items unless Riot starts making more ranged/melee restricted items. And by restricted I mean actually restriced, not being able to buy the item at all unless you're ranged/melee.
New Ignite : Deals X damage and increases all source of damage on targets by 20% for 2 seconds.
Oh sure, let's give every champion in the game a potential DFG, that item is so good for balance. Did the bowl cut make Loco insane?

His Cleanse change makes sense though. I still don't get why heal got the MS buff and not Cleanse.


Ahhh.. I think it's bioforge that I have already. Cool. I'm set on Darius skins then. Only want Foxfire ahri this month. And maybe Arcade MF.
Lol, I wouldn't want to be any part of that fight.

I didn't expect he'd beat me. I had Sorc, Zhonya, Deathcap, Morello, Void Staff and Banshee. Mundo had Merc, Visage, Sunfire, Liandry and Orb of Winter. I picked Banshee since our Malph had Abyssal and I didn't want to get melted by Viktor. I usually pegged Fidd as one of the strongest at 1v1 barring kites and CCs.

We ended up losing because Nasus, Mundo and Ryze were too much.
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