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League of Legends |OT7| She Ezreal To Me, Dammit!

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What's the order of shields to be damaged?

Like if I had BT shield and Janna shield. Will BT shield go down first?

After a little bit of searching, most forum posts suggest that the last shield to be applied is the first to take damage. So in your case, Janna's shield would go down first. It makes sense in theory, but there's no reputable source for the answer, just random League players. It should make for a fun experiment.
Yeah, I can't imagine that it's much more complicated than the last shield to be applied goes down first.

I think it gets interesting if a shield is sandwiched between two shields. Like, say you get a little bit of your BT shield, then get janna shield, then fill up the rest of BT.


Cool matchmaking, Riot. Give me an unranked and a Bronze IV on my team. Thanks, we got annihilated because the idiot took Teemo as support and fed Tristana from the get go.

I need to start dodging. This is madness.

Edit: Nobody better even dare to tell me that a good player could have carried that one.




~Win lane. Lose game. Get a little mad.
~Tie lane. Lose game. Get a little more mad.
~Dominate lane and feed your mid. Lose game. Get pissed.
~Absolutely get destroyed in lane. Win game. Realize that maybe I shouldn't get so mad over people having a bad game.
~Win lane. Lose game. Know you've learned nothing and get pissed all over again.

Dis game.
Cool matchmaking, Riot. Give me an unranked and a Bronze IV on my team. Thanks, we got annihilated because the idiot took Teemo as support and fed Tristana from the get go.

I need to start dodging. This is madness.

Edit: Nobody better even dare to tell me that a good player could have carried that one.
i could have carried obiwon.


Yeah...screw this. I'm dodging any time the other team gets a Tristana. Didn't help that our Jinx was admittedly trolling and trying to solo Baron and crap like that.


Maybe somewhere there is the department of evil overlords at Riot, and each time Jeff-DSA or Deadnames or Nev or whoever makes a post about bad games, they hammer a giant red button, and a counter goes up, and another bad player gets queued up to sabotage an otherwise perfectly balanced match.

The evil overlord then sits back and laughs madly.


The game ends and your ADC says, "the troll is real, lol" after they failed to solo Baron about five times during the late game, including during the other team's final push into the base. I imagine that the other 4 people on my team reported them for griefing, but does that just count as a report in one game, or 4 reports? I never understood how it worked, because Riot always talks about reports in percentages of games, not number of reports.

Whatever. Ignore list grows by one.

Maybe somewhere there is the department of evil overlords at Riot, and each time Jeff-DSA or Deadnames or Nev or whoever makes a post about bad games, they hammer a giant red button, and a counter goes up, and another bad player gets queued up to sabotage an otherwise perfectly balanced match.

The evil overlord then sits back and laughs madly.

To be fair, I've played twice today and one had a support Teemo that kept saying "I quit" and then would sit on the fountain for 30 seconds before coming out to die again. The second game had a troll that just intentionally threw the game. I think it's fair to be frustrated when I was so close to promos again.


It also sucks that they don't take post game chat logs afaik. Some of the most toxic shit gets said post game.


I picked into Yasuo with Katarina, trusting that I could outplay him. Aside from a hard time with the CS fight, I bullied him around really well. Our Soraka quit for about 5 minutes and then came back. It was just a big stall fest until she reconnected. Apologized for not believing in the team. Haha.

Katarina > all, even in my scrub hands.



Man Sona is so much fun. Although I got 3 shot by Draven because "skillcap", I still had a lot of fun.

yea i like new sona a lot

i love how it feels like you're running around giving love hugs to people

I picked into Yasuo with Katarina, trusting that I could outplay him. Aside from a hard time with the CS fight, I bullied him around really well. Our Soraka quit for about 5 minutes and then came back. It was just a big stall fest until she reconnected. Apologized for not believing in the team. Haha.

Katarina > all, even in my scrub hands.
i think the rule is the scrubbier the hands the stronger the kat :3
Man Sona is so much fun. Although I got 3 shot by Draven because "skillcap", I still had a lot of fun.

I had a game yesterday where I was Trist against Draven.

Two early all-in and I won both so I was 3-0-1 (as Trist) he was 0-2. He buys.... a cloak... I have B.F.

So I'm saying to myself this guy is desperate... lmao. Get to lane.. dude flash on me.. bam bam crit, crit, catch axe... and we traded kills.

SMH.... fuck Draven.

Still won the game, but man that made me salty.


I feel kind of bad for the Yasuo I just sent 0/5 in 12 minutes. The lesson for him, I guess, is that Swain is a bad matchup for him, and also maybe don't stand in the glowing sigil.


Swain seems to be really strong right now.

Swain is a lot of fun and great solo Q, because he's a mid laner with huge sustain that scales with the number of enemies coming after him (so post-6 he's nearly ungankable). This fits my playstyle well because I'm bad and so I need to play characters who have built-in survivability. Fortunately, Swain will never be meta because pro players won't ever want to play a mid laner who spends a ton of their budget on survivability, so he'll never get nerfed*!

But also he just sucks really hard for Yasuo because Swain's biggest weakness is that he has lousy (625-700) range on his main spells and so lots of champs outrange him. You know who doesn't outrange him? A guy with a sword.

* He will eventually get nerfed. Everybody gets nerfed eventually.
~Win lane. Lose game. Get a little mad.
~Tie lane. Lose game. Get a little more mad.
~Dominate lane and feed your mid. Lose game. Get pissed.
~Absolutely get destroyed in lane. Win game. Realize that maybe I shouldn't get so mad over people having a bad game.
~Win lane. Lose game. Know you've learned nothing and get pissed all over again.

Dis game.

Absolutely destroy lane and lose.... = Why I stop playing top.


pobres bronces indeed

yasuo was all like "i won lane and it's my first time playing yasuo" lol

yasuo got a quadra so i had to one up him and get two <3

i think they were trolling us thru /all chat but i just disabled it to make games more quiet and pleasurable

also just played varus and we had yasuo mid and lee jungle so i kept getting blue buff and it's like infinite ults now. it's great
Made it from plat III to plat II in 1 day.

...I have a problem.

Is it called winning? Because I would love to have that problem.

Cool matchmaking, Riot. Give me an unranked and a Bronze IV on my team. Thanks, we got annihilated because the idiot took Teemo as support and fed Tristana from the get go.

I need to start dodging. This is madness.

Edit: Nobody better even dare to tell me that a good player could have carried that one.

LMAO it happens. I smurf on one of my friend's account *who's in bronze* and there are games where I just flat out can't do anything, because they are so bad to the point that it be better off if they were AFK.
I'd love the ult skin to be hecarim but I really doubt it'd be him, he has a fairly recent pseudo-legendary skin. The obvious pick is Xerath though, way too much evidence to not lean towards him.
I'd snatch up a Xerath ultimate skin immediatedly.

So in other words, it's going to be a boring ol' Battlecast skin for Skarner because he's still stuck with his default launch skins and has been on the table for a while.
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