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League of Legends |OT7| She Ezreal To Me, Dammit!

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Wouldn't be the first time *coughUDYRcough*



That's as maybe, I'm just announcing how salty I am that it costs £20 to make one of my favourite champs not look like an extra from a pantomime.
I expect the Ultimate skin to be a mage (probably Lux) since they already did a jungler-bruiser and an AD carry. I think they would want to appeal to a different part of the playerbase with it.


Cool matchmaking, Riot. Give me an unranked and a Bronze IV on my team. Thanks, we got annihilated because the idiot took Teemo as support and fed Tristana from the get go.

I need to start dodging. This is madness.

Edit: Nobody better even dare to tell me that a good player could have carried that one.

There are some games that it's just worth dodging and not risking the MMR. I'd rather lose 3 LP than MMR.


How can u check if a player on ur team is silver or bronze?

Rank isn't as important to me in champ select as attitude is. If the team is already infighting or someone is blatantly trolling, it's worth the time penalty and LP to dodge. The MMR matchmaking for ranked is pretty good.
You can also have an MMR that's significantly higher (or lower) than your rank. When I was in high Silver I was frequently being placed with mid Golds and would occasionally get "that guy" who raged in champ select at me for being lower ranked. The queue is based on MMR, not your divisions.


You can also have an MMR that's significantly higher (or lower) than your rank. When I was in high Silver I was frequently being placed with mid Golds and would occasionally get "that guy" who raged in champ select at me for being lower ranked. The queue is based on MMR, not your divisions.

Yes, that is true, the one exception being duos (low bronze + mid silver for example). Personally, I never look up leagues/divisions in champ select anymore.


Do you get less IP if either side surrenders or is it purely time based? I feel like whenever one team surrenders I get almost no IP, but it also seems to randomly get huge boosts independent of the daily first win bonus. Like sometimes I get 50, others more like 200/300, and I can't figure out why.

Also has anyone tried Strife? It sounds like its somewhere between league and dota (I don't enjoy dots but not sure why...) which could be cool, and i dig the art style.


Do you get less IP if either side surrenders or is it purely time based? I feel like whenever one team surrenders I get almost no IP, but it also seems to randomly get huge boosts independent of the daily first win bonus. Like sometimes I get 50, others more like 200/300, and I can't figure out why.

Also has anyone tried Strife? It sounds like its somewhere between league and dota (I don't enjoy dots but not sure why...) which could be cool, and i dig the art style.

Strife is probably my favorite of the alt-MOBAs. I want to give Dawngate a try as well. I have it installed but no gaming time.


Just lost a game where I was Top Quinn.
Our Twitch Built Statik Shiv and apparently was building towards R. Hurricane, by then we lost our Nexus.

I played a prior game as Quinn which I won thanks to our Jungler Vi helping me out, plus our Zed helped me carry when our Draven was...trashy.


I think AD nidalee is broken right now. Played her last night for the first time since her rework and she puts out so much damage if you mark a target and go full cougar form combo. How is this champion not banned every game?


I think AD nidalee is broken right now. Played her last night for the first time since her rework and she puts out so much damage if you mark a target and go full cougar form combo. How is this champion not banned every game?

Lots of people are struggling with her right now. It's tough to deal with the damage output in lane. Luckily she's not picked too often in games I play, but yeah, she's sort of a handful.
I just started playing LoL this past week or so. I'm at level 7 and really enjoying it. I dabbled a little in DOTA2, but found it too overwealming. LoL seems to be a better fit for me. I bought Garen, Ashe and Soraka to have a variety in types of Champions and am starting to get a good feel for things. I think I have most of the beginner tips under control: stay behind minions, ward, spend gold, etc. I'm usually not sure what lane or role I should play when a game starts. I assume this will come with experience with knowing all the champions and playing to those strengths and weaknesses. Any post-beginner tips and/or Champion recommendations?


I just started playing LoL this past week or so. I'm at level 7 and really enjoying it. I dabbled a little in DOTA2, but found it too overwealming. LoL seems to be a better fit for me. I bought Garen, Ashe and Soraka to have a variety in types of Champions and am starting to get a good feel for things. I think I have most of the beginner tips under control: stay behind minions, ward, spend gold, etc. I'm usually not sure what lane or role I should play when a game starts. I assume this will come with experience with knowing all the champions and playing to those strengths and weaknesses. Any post-beginner tips and/or Champion recommendations?

Just keep at it. Sounds like you are on the right track and well on your way. The lanes and roles will come over time as you level up. Work on your last hitting to get the most gold possible.

Don't buy tier 2 runes. Only buy tier 1 runes if you want but start saving your IP around level 10-15 so when you hit 20 you can start getting Tier 3 runes. It'll give you quite the leg up.
Don't buy tier 2 runes. Only buy tier 1 runes if you want but start saving your IP around level 10-15 so when you hit 20 you can start getting Tier 3 runes. It'll give you quite the leg up.

Awesome, thx! Should I not buy anymore Champions with IP then and save it all for runes? I reckon I can fit in any team between Garen, Ashe and Soraka?


Awesome, thx! Should I not buy anymore Champions with IP then and save it all for runes? I reckon I can fit in any team between Garen, Ashe and Soraka?

You will someday want a mid laner and a more focused jungler, but in normals you can play free champions. I'd recommend taking a few games every week to play champs out of the free rotation and see which ones you enjoy/are good with. Then you can pick those up over time and build up a stable.

I saved up about 15k IP for when I hit 20 and spent basically all of it immediately to get two full rune pages. Neither is perfect for every situation, but they are good enough to cover me for basically any character I want to play.


The Starter Pack is a good value, even though you already have Garen and Ashe. It's still an awesome deal and will cover all the roles for you and give you a few champs to experiment with. It's $5, and it's well worth it. You can buy it on the online store or you can get the cards to redeem codes at Walmart.


I don't get how Gragas is so low unless it's from a bunch of people still trying to play him in the mid or jungle. He's a monster in top right now.


Still doesn't make him any less annoying to go against.

Leblanc was annoying to go against and also had a low winrate, look what happened to her.
I've asked this before and I think only one or two people ever responded -- what champions ARE fun to play against if you're losing? I realize you may not have been losing, but a lot of times people are unhappy when they're losing.

I like winning, and when I'm locked into something for 40 minutes, I'm probably not going to have much fun if I'm getting stomped, no matter who the champion is.

Blitzcrank is one of the few champions that I think is kind of funny (he's a robot that goes BEEP BEEP in his car mode and grabs people) such that even if he grabs you and you lose, you're entertained.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I don't get how Gragas is so low unless it's from a bunch of people still trying to play him in the mid or jungle. He's a monster in top right now.
The nerfs hurt him a lot. Without free sustain he can't build AP as freely, and if he goes for mana regen or tankiness he doesn't do very much. If you look at emerging top laners the ones that go all as heavy duelists (like Nidalee) will crush him, and the ones looking to scale late like Ryze will just easily farm out the lane and do more than Gragas late. Then you have heavy sustain champs like Irelia and Maokai who also outscale Gragas and sustain better than him in lane.


I've asked this before and I think only one or two people ever responded -- what champions ARE fun to play against if you're losing? I realize you may not have been losing, but a lot of times people are unhappy when they're losing.

I like winning, and when I'm locked into something for 40 minutes, I'm probably not going to have much fun if I'm getting stomped, no matter who the champion is.

Blitzcrank is one of the few champions that I think is kind of funny (he's a robot that goes BEEP BEEP in his car mode and grabs people) such that even if he grabs you and you lose, you're entertained.

It's never fun to be getting stomped in lane, but some champs just feel cheesy when it happens. If you lose to a Cho'Gath, it's pretty easy to feel like you just got outplayed because nothing in his kit is hugely table turning. Compare that with someone like Yasuo, where you can be significantly ahead, but he can run you right out of lane with a stupid dash, slash, tornado, and ult combo or you can stomp him in lane, but because he gets lucky and catches 2-3 people with his ult in a team fight he gets fed hard immediately and is a problem.

Other champs feel like if you get behind, just a bit, that the door to comeback is slammed shut. If Leblanc gets ahead of you, you're in big trouble. Tristana too. Going back to Yasuo, he's a lot like this. If he gets too much ahead, forget it, you're done. Now imagine if you're ahead, but he gets a lucky combo off on you or some teammates and crosses that "oh crap, he's ahead" line and snowballs. It's maddening. I hate easily winning a lane against a Tristana and then she starts catching some people out and next thing you know you can't fight her with any hope of winning.

Now, I'm not calling any of that exactly problematic, but it's annoying. You feel like at some point a flaw in the balance shuts you down. Yeah, all those things are avoidable, but at these lower ELOs, so much gets taken out of your hands because you have one or two guys that just love to face check bushes or wander off alone.

The nerfs hurt him a lot. Without free sustain he can't built AP as freely, and if he goes for mana regen or tankiness he doesn't do very much. If you look at emerging top laners the ones that go all as heavy duelists (like Nidalee) will crush him, and the ones looking to scale late like Ryze will just easily farm out the lane and do more than Gragas late. Then you have heavy sustain champs like Irelia and Maokai who also outscale Gragas and sustain better than him in lane.

Ah yeah, I forgot about the Drunken Rage nerf. Pretty hard slap they gave him.


well i tried to kept it na friendly with my witful comments
No te preocupes. Yo lo entiendo.

His Q only doing 70% damage to minions is pretty shitty, probably just as or even more harsh than putting a mana cost on his W. Getting another Doran's Ring and a Mana Crystal (Catalyst if you waited or did really well in early game) on your first back should make the rest of the laning phase a little more manageable. Obviously, you won't be spamming Q's but using them to harass here or there or get a couple caster minions. Because of the Q nerf, pushing out a lane is a lot harder and just a waste of mana.

I don't see his 'normal' build changing at all. RoA, Lich, Deathcap/Void (if needed) will still be his build.


It's tough though, because when he could easily clear, he was essentially a tankier, more mobile, more versatile Ziggs. Maybe the nerf went too far and they need to bring him back up a bit, but he was definitely problematic where he was.


Do you get less IP if either side surrenders or is it purely time based? I feel like whenever one team surrenders I get almost no IP, but it also seems to randomly get huge boosts independent of the daily first win bonus. Like sometimes I get 50, others more like 200/300, and I can't figure out why.

Also has anyone tried Strife? It sounds like its somewhere between league and dota (I don't enjoy dots but not sure why...) which could be cool, and i dig the art style.

Here's a wiki excerpt on IP gains

Since patch V1.0.0.111, the amount of Influence Points awarded for a given match depends on these rules:

It increases linearly with the duration of the game.[1]
For each Field of Justice there is a floor and cap for IP gained per match.
Games longer than the cap or shorter than the floor grant the same IP as a game with length corresponding to the length of the cap.
The floor does not apply to Co-op vs. AI games, the cap is not tested.
On Summoner's Rift these lower and upper limits are at 25 minutes (76 IP for a win) and 55 minutes (145 IP for a win).[1]
On Twisted Treeline the floor is at 20 minutes (64 IP for a win) and the cap is at 55 minutes (145 IP for a win).
The precise limits for the Crystal Scar are not known, the floor seems to be 7 minutes, additional testing is needed. It was previously believed to be 20 minutes as surrender is available at 15 minutes similar to the Twisted Treeline.
The cap is different on ranked games. IP boost grants 168 IP on ranked games on Summoner's Rift, so it appears the cap is 65 minutes for ranked games on Summoner's Rift.
For a win, the reward is approximately: 18 IP + 2.312 per minute IP.[1]
For a loss, the reward is approximately: 16 IP + 1.405 per minute IP.[1]
An active Wins IP Boost gives you a flat amount of IP equivalent to the minimum IP you could get from a game matching the duration of the cap (for whichever game mode you are playing).
A custom game has a penalty of 25%.
Custom games only grant IP when teams are balanced. (example: 2vs2, NOT 2vs3)
Co-op vs. AI and custom games have separate limit timers which reset daily, after 180 minutes for Co-op vs. AI and 120 minutes for custom games no IP is earned.
Twisted Treeline in Co-op vs. AI does not have a limit timer.
A win, in any game type except custom, will award the "First Win of the Day" bonus if available. This bonus is a fixed 150 IP which is not affected by boosts or penalties. When awarded, this bonus becomes unavailable for 22 hours.

Edit: on the topic of champs who are fun when you're against them, I feel like Ahri is fun to play against. She's dependent on her Charm landing to burst you which can easily be dodged. Other champs like Lux who are dependent on their skillshot CC to burst you are pretty fun too.


I've asked this before and I think only one or two people ever responded -- what champions ARE fun to play against if you're losing? I realize you may not have been losing, but a lot of times people are unhappy when they're losing.

I like winning, and when I'm locked into something for 40 minutes, I'm probably not going to have much fun if I'm getting stomped, no matter who the champion is.

Blitzcrank is one of the few champions that I think is kind of funny (he's a robot that goes BEEP BEEP in his car mode and grabs people) such that even if he grabs you and you lose, you're entertained.

I dunno. Ahri, brand, irelia, trundle, jax, etc.

I kind of want to learn Ryze. Melee top laners aren't very interesting to me. How are people building him now?

Row/archangels/FH/sorcs/void staff/situational.



i played this game yesterday

it's like a chimera of all dem awful champions together

and yea easy-to-outplay skillshot champions like lux you can deal with pretty ok even when losing. i wouldn't really say ahri since she'll just spirit rush into point blank range and get charms every time and 100-0 you with dfg. dfg nerf helped tho


It's tough though, because when he could easily clear, he was essentially a tankier, more mobile, more versatile Ziggs. Maybe the nerf went too far and they need to bring him back up a bit, but he was definitely problematic where he was.
As harsh as it is, I think it's fine. Riot wants him to be an AP bruiser, and him getting to safely farm with his Q kinda counters that. That's why they also put a mana cost on his W. There was nothing from preventing Gragas to W and Q from safety.

I kind of want to learn Ryze. Melee top laners aren't very interesting to me. How are people building him now?

If you're going against a bully champ (ranged/Renekton/someone with a lot of poke), I would start with a Doran's Shield (MAYBE cloth armor and pots). If it's a relatively safer lane, someone you can kite back with your snare, I would get mana crystal and pots. On your first back, you want to get a Tear and start building towards your RoA (Catalyst first). From there, get Visage if you're up against a lot of AP champs, Frozen Heart against AD champs, just depends on who's doing most of the damage on the enemy team. If you need to carry for your team, get a Void Staff third item.

You want to stack your Tear as quickly as possible and if you get the chance to get free harass on your opponent, do it. Just try not to lose any CS in the process.

Also, getting the Biscuit mastery is pretty much a must for an easier time in lane. I think it's like 0/16/14 or 17/13 but get your biscuits, and put the rest in Defense.

For runes, you can go pretty defensive if you're against a lane bully, or else maybe get a couple mana quints, a movement speed quint, scaling health yellows, mana blues (MR blues if against ap bullies), and magic pen reds.
Wow, I had no idea how low Shyv's win rate was.

I'm disappointed NLB finals won't have any English commentary. I'd love to watch that match in English.
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